Do you know exactly what they will be testing for?
jing jai
I don't know I really like my red tops. They've worked great. My BP has gone down, I've dropped a waist size, I've healed up nicely, my vision is better, my skin is better, I feel great, etc..
When I first started 9 months ago I went to 3iu too fast. I had all of the sides most notably swollen feet and hands and mild hedaches. During the afternoon I wanted to sleep. I installed a new garage door opener in 70 degree weather and I have never sweated like that in my life. It was very strange the amount I was sweating. Come to find out sweating is a side as well.
Turns out that even working my way up slowly over 4 months I couldn't get past 3.5iu. It was crippling me. Now I just use 2iu. I still get mild stiffness in my hands and feet.
Since now I know that hardcore growth is good I'm going to get a kit and compare the feeling to my red tops. I don't think all Chinese are fake, mine seem to work too well.
thats how i felt about mine..... i'm not saying mine are fake but i need to be 100% sure for my piece of mind.
I get cts sides every now and then when i manipulate my dosage yet I don't retain water. I'm fairly lean right now and probably look the best I ever have.... I too am sweating like crazy..... and even my fathers IGF levels came back in the 600's after a week on 4ius compared to high 300's from his last blood work.
I still can't say for sure that it's real and i'm not going to continue taking something that may well end up harming me. I wanna be sure......
Yeah thats a good point, there could always be something in addition to HGH in the vials. But I mean why would a legit HGH manufacturer risk their reputation by putting something in the vials that would harm someone? They've already invested a ton of cash to make a good product and doing that doesn't make good business sense. Once the word got out they'd probably go out of business and lose investment capitol.
One would think..... but look at how many of us are sitll buying the generics even though we have reason not to trust many of them LOL
Why put 10iu's of HGH in the vial when you can put 2iu's and fillers. Now you can get 5 vials compared to one. The best part is..... the guy you sell the HGH to wont be able to tell because the fillers you use actually mimic HGH's side effects.
Idunno..... I would like to think mine are real by the way I feel and look. I'm not guessing anymore tho.... i'll be the 1st to test my shit out and see what happens.
gentlemen, i found the answers to all our problems...
Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 08-04-2010 at 03:34 PM.
PM sent..... please enlighten me
SOB..... this is what they send me back.....
Mr. X,
Thank you for the follow up. I will provide you with a quote today.
Please provide your full contact information so that I can include this
on the quote. Due to the nature of the compound HGH, the testing may be
a bit more expensive than you expect, however, it may be worth it to
know the product you are taking is exactly what you need.
Thank you,
What the hell..... Idunno if I want to provide them with my information.....
Is there a price change?
jing jai
Haz- I would be a little cautious with this U.S. Companies licenscing with the FDA and the DEA. Both would really not be happy if they new it was a controlled substance comming in from china. I'm not sure what ethical reporting responsibilities this company may have at risk of losing licensing. Tread lightly here IMHO.
I can get some sero to get tested if need be.......
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
here a post someone responded to me about my hgh protocal from another me thinking and it makes total sense...
--- rips in 6 months should yield some noticeable improvements but for everyone it's different. There is one problem in your protocol I will address later in this post.
5/2 protocol doesn't make any sense to me at all. If you are trying to save money, it makes less sense because you are leaving out 28% of the days you should be taking it to get results. Why not just go 4/3?
Personally I would go 7 days a week and I wouldn't start hgh 1 day before I was ready to run it 7 days a week for a year+.
What results were you expecting from hgh in 3.5 months? If you use the 5/2 protocol you can deduct around 50+ days right?
6mo. - 2.5mo. = 3.5 months of hgh use.
minimum of 4iu's a day of quality hgh is as low as I would go. ----
basically ive technically been on rips for only 3.5 months, no wonder im not impressed, tho i have seen some changes... i might just stick this out after all and do 5iu ED
Ive seen the exact same sides on one of my friends, blow up like a water ballon and his BP was at a dangerous level, now do you believe me the guy you got this crap of is a scammer? ive given you loads of proof mate and if I was you stop using and injecting that crap its going to kill you.
Since the Olympics the quality of hgh coming out of China has gone atrocious, its amazing what lengths the Chinese are going to minic some of the side effects, one of the best ways to find out how you truely respond is to buy some pharm grade and compare the results, ive been buying Chinese for some years now and I can honestly say more or less every coloured top or boxed hgh out of China is either fake,underdosed or complete crap.
I actually dont want to buy Chinese hgh anymore ive had enough of these second rate labs knocking out alsorts of crap, when I buy 10ius i want 10ius of pure hgh and nothing more nothing less. When you look at what this Country does to its own people with counterfeit foods and medication it really does make me think what the hell i've been injecting.
Everyone wants to believe their soruce is 100% because they dont want to admit they have wasted all their money on crap. Many people do report results from Chinese hgh and of course your going to see results because of the enhanced diet,training and the anabolic support your been doing while taking the white powder but is it the true results you would have if you had pharm grade! only one way to find out,try it.
Another mine field is the lab testing, its clear from this thread alone it isnt has easy as we first thought, there are test's what you need to have done to see if its actually hgh, then there are tests to see what else is in the powder and if the actual powder is biologically active, the price of a proper test is absolute fortunes of money and who is going to pay that kind of money when you might aswell buy Pharm grade with the money, Even the Olympics Drug testing Officials find it hard to test for hgh so how the hell are we going to do it.
If people want to carry on risking buying this cheap medication that's your decision, but for me I am done with Chinese products.
Has anyone contacted this lab?
If you look at there locations page they have labs in almost every country. So some of you guys that live in a country where HGH is legal to have may have no issue getting them to test a batch.
So, I have received my kefei's this morning. Like I previously said I am going to get another IGF 1 blood test soon to see if this time I have real HGH, Unlike the Kefei's I got previously these DONT say Kefei biotech on the tops, just "FLIP OFF" is written...... And the powder actually looked a bit different from the kefei's from last year.
I am starting today and will be at 5iu until the test unless I feel some serious sides like last time I had the real thing. If I don't feel much I ll probably up the dose to 8iu before the test. How long should I wait until I get my blood test??
I wait 7 days and the go.
no one has any comment on what i wrote a few posts above?
wtf is 4/3 ?
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