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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #521
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    no marcus, you lie yet once again, i was banned at OLM because one specific DRUNK CORRUPT MOD decided i was not tellin the truth about being a PRO based on ip reading : ) thinking i would be dumb enough to have my real name on ip...thinking he knows the ppl behind ips...and wanted pics of me, THAT IS THE REASON, i have the highest reputation among all board members along the years since 1997, you again fail at proving your point.
    BTW, i was already asked couple times to get back on that board and REFUSED. that board is dead for me because it was corrupt, anabolicreview on the other hand, was not known for corruption, until i heard your BS, then again as i said before and this goes to the next post under yours, do what you want, i never once tried to push china gh, i just stated MY EXPERIENCE.

    you are now risking this board from going same way OLM went, notice what happened when i left OLM, it started ....falling apart, few mods and vets left after me, in more than one way and more than one reason, the only reason it holds is because nordic wants it to and i like nordic so im fine with it, thats why i keep my mouth shut because i respect him. i could easily get back there by talking to nordic, i wont do it, i dont need that board, have plenty of others.

    get your facts straight genious.

    mighty, mighty, mighty....That drunk Mod at OLM you refer to is really not a bad guy. Is he is a drunk? Yes, but he's a funny one and a good friend. The fact of the matter is MANY people called you out to produce pics, or something verifying your BBing claims, not just the drunk Mod in question. You have made some rather outrageous claims about yourself, many times, even going so far as to say you competed on stage with Jay and Ronnie and that you are or were one of the top 3 BBers in the world. That's a fairly bold statement. Was your ban justified? Who knows? People get banned from OLM for all sorts of nonsense. I would know since I "was" a Mod there and witnessed firsthand the source protection and BS (one of my many reasons for stepping down).

    When did you become such good friends with Pep aka Nordic who claims his ND Blues are superior to all other Blue Tops yet they're produced in the same factory where countless others get their blue tops? Is it the "ND" sticker that makes Nordic's Blue Tops so special? Also, didn't Nordic once ban you as a customer? You do seem to go out of way to bump and praise Nordic every chance you get so I can certainly see why people would think you have an agenda. Is this your way of getting back in his good gracious? btw, Nordic really doesn't care. The guy has an ego the size of China so kissing his ass won't really benefit you that much.

    I personally have no problem with you. I do however have a very hard time believing your claims, especially since you've NEVER backed up any of them up. That said I think you're an alright guy. Marcus makes some valid points. If I had the option between Serostim or Chinese generics I'll go with Serostim all day long but I'm unwilling to "pay up" for them. I personally use generics because I think HGH in general is over-rated AND waaaay overpriced but jmho, so the cheaper the better. I've used pharma grade HGH and generics and didn't really notice that big of a difference between the two but again, I think GH is over-rated for the recreational user unless you're taking it with slin and IGF-1.
    Last edited by Juice Authority; 12-29-2010 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #522
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Mighty is banned for lying and pushing fake Chinese gh, everything about him is false and is only some keyboard warrior in a fantasy world, we can all make outrageous claims but thats what the Internet is good for, you can claim to be anyone you want but in reality you have to back it up when asked and he never did, the guy is a another punk trying to make a few $$'s of the back of members selling them fake gh.

  3. #523
    zabster151's Avatar
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    ok so i have personly bought and used hgh from china. it only hurt me with major sides for 3.5 weeks after stopping use. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TRY HGH FROM CHINA DON'T. ITS FAKE FAKE.. filled with garbage

    Fu@k China for this. so anyone who is considering taking hgh save your money and get american brand.

  4. #524
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    I want to give my opinion on the Chinese GH debate.

    We can all agree that pharm grade GH or any other medicine is most of the time superior to their generic counterpart.

    However it would be also foolish and self-content to think that any and every-thing coming out of western countries is top notch and all of the other products coming from other countries are pure garbage.

    Yes the regulations in western countries are top notch but what really is topnotch in most of the time is the marketing sourrounding many western products.

    This view of 'western is always better' is at the base of protecting western markets (and consumptionism on which our markets and lives are based) and has in most cases nothing to do with the truth.

    If for instance Apple can make their precious products in Asia then it is logical to understand that there are many other countries that have insitutions like western and in many cases better then western.

    A smal detour but look at schools in Soviet Union. They blow any same-level average western school out of the water. Look at Asian software market out of Singapore, Korea and Taiwan. Many examples are to be found of superior products coming from non-western countries and this should come to no one as any surprise.

    It is good to be vigilant and have our eyes open but it would be foolish to presume that all non-western operations are sub-standard. This has hurt the west many times before and will not benefit us, ordinary people, when choosing our GH (or anything else).

    For example a year or so ago China wanted to export one of their vehicles out to europe. With obvious advantages in lower price, good if not better quality and steady production, Europe wanted to protect their market from the Chinese push.

    The car was not allowed to be sold on basis of safety issues. To any clear thinking person it is obvious what EU. was doing but the average folks sitting at home thought and knew nothing about this and proudly spent their top-euro cash on cars that are just not worth it.

    Back to the point at hand. I have personally seen many people use GH from China under many names. 90% with great respond and results.

    I have also seen many people use pharm grade western GH and also be very content with the results.

    Perhaps, and I repeat perhaps, the western GH laboratories are more on the cutting edge of standard but so is also their way overblown price.

    We should all not be impressed by anyone talking absolute conclusions on anything based purely on their own experience(and some others). As we all know, experience and point of view are products of our surroundings and not our own objective versions of the world.

  5. #525
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH consumer View Post
    This view of 'western is always better' is at the base of protecting western markets (and consumptionism on which our markets and lives are based) and has in most cases nothing to do with the truth.
    The Chinese are the biggest counterfeiters in the world. Do they produce decent product? Yes, but they also run sweat shops and steal technology for mass production. Copyright laws don't exist in China or if they do they are certainly not enforced. Back to your point...manufacturing HGH is not rocket science if you have the right laboratory equipment. Sure, you need an IQ above 80 but a skilled trained monkey could probably put it off. Does that mean it's 100% pure? Hell no, but you get what you pay for. The Chinese cut corners and are all about mass production with little quality control or oversight. Their GMP standards aren't even remotely close to what the FDA requires of GMP facilities here in the US. At the end of the day, GH, whether it's 100% or 95% pure produces the same relative effect. The problem is there's an overall lack of consistency, but for a fraction of the cost of American GH, I can deal with that. GH is NOT the wonder drug people make it out to be. By itself, or in combination with AAS, the results are OK. Only when used with slin (the growth factor in GH) do you get the results that justify the cost.
    Last edited by Juice Authority; 12-30-2010 at 10:59 AM.

  6. #526
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    By itself, or in combination with AAS, the results are OK. Only when used with slin (the growth factor in GH) do you get the results that justify the cost.[/QUOTE]

    Well this is exactly the point. Defining results as OK or awesome or crap are purely subjective. If someone wants to be the biggest and driest they possibly humanly can, then thats the road that they will have to follow (a lot of AAS, GH, Slin and all the extras that need to be done). Sacrifice of a lot of time, thought, concentration and purpose to get to their goal.

    On the other hand people who want to look like Frank Zane or some ripped but not grotesque looking guy wil be more then pleased with the effects of GH without Slin.

    More muscle does not for everyone equal better results and a step closer to their goals.

    Some, if not most people, want to be able to live a normal life with their girlfriends, children and friends without having to think about slin timings, fast carbs, or xxxl shirts. Enjoy the fruits of their labour and knowledge without putting all of life's 'credit' on 1 or 2 things.

    So to conclude, not everybody sees more muscle as great or even wanted results. Other criteria are usually more, rightly so, important
    Last edited by GH consumer; 12-30-2010 at 11:12 AM.

  7. #527
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I can get more "ripped" with ECA, T3, a disciplined diet and cardio. GH has its place. I personally use it for collagen synthesis and connective tissue strength (the jury is still out on this benefit). I have realistic expectations of GH. People using it solely for fat loss or to pack on muscle mass are better served with cheaper and more effective compounds. I don't personally use slin and I'm not looking to get on stage and compete but for 37 I look pretty good.

  8. #528
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Let me put it this way. If I had only $500 to spend that money would go towards AAS, T3, ECA and supplements.

  9. #529
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    I believe we all can get more ripped on t-3, good cardio, excellent diet and some (or good amount) of AAS.

    But there is an unmistakable quality we can not reproduce without GH and all who know a lot of people on GH can testify to this.

    Ripped without GH and ripped with GH (considering all other factors are the same) will be a significant if not major difference in look.

    Some call it the 3d look, some know why its been called that (more muscle cells etc) but most people can see the difference when GH has been properly used.

    Also the fact that GH (in proper doses) allows to have an so-so diet and sometimes even plain bad diet and still make good progress or atleast not go backwards, is a big plus in itself in this hectic society full of unhealthy foods.

  10. #530
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH consumer View Post
    I believe we all can get more ripped on t-3, good cardio, excellent diet and some (or good amount) of AAS.

    But there is an unmistakable quality we can not reproduce without GH and all who know a lot of people on GH can testify to this.

    Ripped without GH and ripped with GH (considering all other factors are the same) will be a significant if not major difference in look.

    Some call it the 3d look, some know why its been called that (more muscle cells etc) but most people can see the difference when GH has been properly used.

    Also the fact that GH (in proper doses) allows to have an so-so diet and sometimes even plain bad diet and still make good progress or atleast not go backwards, is a big plus in itself in this hectic society full of unhealthy foods.
    I'll agree with the part in the bolds. I feel much tighter and can eat sloppier on GH. Is that a reason to fork out hundreds of dollars/month? No.

  11. #531
    38jumper38's Avatar
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    I friend bought some with " yellow tops " I never heard about, its anyone can comment on that? its a good or bad, I only hear from blue tops, thanks.

  12. #532
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 38jumper38 View Post
    I friend bought some with " yellow tops " I never heard about, its anyone can comment on that? its a good or bad, I only hear from blue tops, thanks.
    As we all know there are many theories about what colour tops are the best.

    Unfortunately also knowing that any top can be placed on any vial with white powder in it, we come to the conclusion that it is impossible to know the quality of the GH based purely on the colour of the top.

    There are 2 solutions for this dilemma: get pharm grade or trust your source and take a well-thought out gamble.

  13. #533
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you buy enough GH you can have them come with whatever color top you choose. Contrary to popular belief, there are only so many factories in China manufacturing GH for export. The color of the top means shit.

  14. #534
    Fit N Fun is offline Associate Member
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    Have sorted out a reasonable cost method of identifying whether HGH is 191 amino acid molecular weight, the relative purity and also how much HGH is in the vial.

    To complete the picture, I need to find a company to test for the biological activity of HGH, can anyone help with the name of the procedure / test that will provide this information

  15. #535
    BigOldNorm is offline New Member
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    I have read this entire thread and would like to objectively describe my own experiences and observations while taking HGH. First, I want to say that I
    am 62 years old and have been passionate about bodybuilding for over 30 years. I was hesitant to use GH because of the cost and I had always read not to do it
    unless I could afford to do it for at least 6 months.
    1.) First GH was Humatrope by Eli Lilly, cost was $16/iu. I bought it from a farmacia in TJ, they ordered for me as I bought 5 boxes at a time for 6 months.
    2.) Started with 1iu daily and every two weeks increased the daily dose by 1iu. At 6ius daily, 3 in the AM and 3 post workout about 10PM, I started having
    pain in the joints of my hands and in my wrists. The pain was unbearable in bed and I had to take a Vicodin in order to sleep. This was sharp pain and
    not numbness. I eased the dose down to 4ius and the pain subsided.
    3.) Within 3 months my body dramatically transformed: my bf dropped from about 15-16% to about 9-10% as measured at home with calipers. I also became
    extremely vascular. I have always been vascular, but when on the Humatrope my veins were pronounced and looked like ropes in my arms, legs, and abdomen.
    This sold me on the benefits of GH as I was 51 years old and had never looked or felt so great in my life.
    4.) So this is the next observation, when on Humatrope I felt very good both physically and mentally. There is a "feeling" that I have when I am on GH that
    is difficult to describe. My body was strong, and my workouts were very heavy and intense, I had no aches and pains, my thinking and mood was clear and
    and positive. I guess this would be an overall increased feeling of well being.
    5.) What I did not feel: no numbness in my hands or feet, no vivid dreams, no water retention, no headaches, my nails and hair grow very fast from AAS so
    I would never consider that as an effect from the GH.
    6.) I also took 100mcg of T4 (Synthroid ) as I suffer from hypothyroidism when taking GH. This is one way that I know if I am taking real GH, if I do not
    supplement with Synthroid my thyroid level drops in the first few weeks on GH.
    7.) My next experience with GH - I found out in 2005 that I would need my first back surgery. I wanted to start a low dose of GH a month before the surgery
    and stay on it to help speed up the recovery.
    8.) Ordered from the same farmacia in Mexico, but this time they ordered Saizen and it was only $13/iu. I was off all AAS and I started on 1iu of the Saizen GH,
    25-50mg of Proviron and 100mcg of Synthroid. I experienced a very similar pattern with the Saizen that I had with the Humatrope. I did recover completely
    from my surgery in about 8 weeks I was back in the gym doing light workouts, I looked great , and I also weaned off of all of my pain meds. I don't know if
    the GH helped me wean of of the pain meds or not, but I experienced very little discomfort during the weaning process.
    9.) I wanted to stay on a small dose of GH continuously for anti-aging, but wanted to find a less expensive brand, and in 2006 I hooked up with a guy in
    Shanghai that sent me 10 kits of Jintropins at a time directly from China, and the cost was only $2.5/iu. The kits had a anti-counterfeiting seal on each
    kit, and I experienced the same exact pattern that I had with the Humatrope and Saizen, and I was very happy with the Jintropins. They were very good
    quality GH as I experienced the same profile of effects from the Jintropins as I did with the Mexican GH.
    10.) A couple of months before the Olympics in China, I think it was in the spring of 2007, my contact in China emailed me that he would have to stop shipping
    the Jintropin kits to the US because the government wanted stop all GH from leaving the country. I placed my last order for 10 kits and I have never heard
    from this guy since.
    11.) After I finished all of my Jintropin kits, it seemed as though the Chinese market had closed up, and I took a break because of the high cost of the Mexican GH.
    12.) In 2009 the doctors told me I needed a triple fusion in my lower back, and I was scheduled for surgery in May. I knew it was time to start back on GH, and
    I started shopping around, and found out that everyone was taking "Blue Tops" and "Red Tops" the the reviews on the forums were outstanding. I was
    ecstatic because the cost was only $1.50/iu unless you wanted to splurge and get the higher quality red tops for $1.75/iu. I bought them from a popular
    source on one of the biggest forums and they sucked big time. I thought something was wrong with me because there was never one negative comment
    about any of the Blue Tops, and the guys reviewing the Red Tops acted like they were the best GH ever produced. So I bought a few more generics
    from another source, and they were also crap. I felt nothing from any of the Blue Tops and Red Tops that I ever bought and I bought quite a few before
    I just gave up. In the last two years I have found the market to be flooded with cheap generics that I would not pay you two cents for, because they
    are all worthless.
    12.) From what I have observed, it seems that when people spend a considerable amount of money on a product they do not want to admit that they have
    been taken. Also, real GH even if you are willing to pay for it is not easy to come by these days. The market is flooded with fakes, counterfeits, and
    worthless generics. It seems as though the global scourn for all body & sports enhancement drugs has created an atmosphere in which shady marketing
    practices have flooded the market with an abundance of worthless products.
    I am just relaying my personal experiences over the last decade with HGH products. Regards, BigOldNorm


  16. #536
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    Thanks for writing it all down and sharing.

    No doubt, the real pharma GH is the real deal and worth the coin if you have it.

    Many people still want GH without departing with their coins, which brings this dilemma.

    The real problem is establishing what brand does good generic GH and on consistent basis.

    There are some that do the part (kigs, thanks and some more) but the doubt will always be there.

    Because there are so many variables in making something work (like loosing fat) and most of the people are not scientifically inclined and cannot distinguish one compound from the other it leads to an array of extra distortion in an allready blury market.

    Knowing your body, your source and the power of placebo are a good place to start.

    Let the product prove itself and not otherway around.

  17. #537
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If your happy with buying Chinese rHGH carry on but in all honesty do you really think these labs what have no licence to produce rhgh are doing it in the right conditions are actually producing in it in the same way its suppose to. The equipment cost millions of dollars and the technical knowledge what is required to carry out the genetic manipulation isnt going to be the first things on their minds. That's why it cost millions of dollars and only a small few have a licence to produce it and only these multimillion dollar labs have the scientific knowledge required to make it in the correct way, to produce this hormone takes very special conditions and to keep this hormone active is even more technical, there is a reason why it costs so much money and if you buy cheap you get cheap.

    I wont be buying Chinese rhgh ever again and i wouldn't use it if it was free, its full of stuff we haven't even heard of and if anyone has used pharm grade for any length of time at a dose what is required to physically change your body you will know what I am talking about, there isnt any good sources in China they are all in it for the same reason to make vast amounts of money selling chemical constructed fakes what are dangerous.

    I know I am pissing against the wind with many guys who wont except they are wasting their money and to be honest I am getting fed up of trying to convince the none believers, so I will leave it there and wish you the best of luck,

  18. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If your happy with buying Chinese rHGH carry on but in all honesty do you really think these labs what have no licence to produce rhgh are doing it in the right conditions are actually producing in it in the same way its suppose to. The equipment cost millions of dollars and the technical knowledge what is required to carry out the genetic manipulation isnt going to be the first things on their minds. That's why it cost millions of dollars and only a small few have a licence to produce it and only these multimillion dollar labs have the scientific knowledge required to make it in the correct way, to produce this hormone takes very special conditions and to keep this hormone active is even more technical, there is a reason why it costs so much money and if you buy cheap you get cheap.

    I wont be buying Chinese rhgh ever again and i wouldn't use it if it was free, its full of stuff we haven't even heard of and if anyone has used pharm grade for any length of time at a dose what is required to physically change your body you will know what I am talking about, there isnt any good sources in China they are all in it for the same reason to make vast amounts of money selling chemical constructed fakes what are dangerous.

    I know I am pissing against the wind with many guys who wont except they are wasting their money and to be honest I am getting fed up of trying to convince the none believers, so I will leave it there and wish you the best of luck,
    im seriously thinking of quiting hgh until i can afford to buy pharma grade, the greek genetropin im on is def doing something but as you point out, how can anyone else except the big companies with the investment and know how produce proper potent hgh?

  19. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    how can anyone else except the big companies with the investment and know how produce proper potent hgh?
    That is like saying how can anything good come out of a company that is not western.

    There are some bigger and better companies present in Asia then in the west. Example: China just bought 600 airplanes worth of 32 bilion dollars. Something EU or the USA can not do in 7-10 years.

    The knowledge and economical power are present outside of western countries.

    Knowledge is not in hands of only big powerfull western companies.

    Their marketing tells you that it is (to keep you misinformed and their customer) but logically it is obvious it is not. Not all knowledge is in our hands.

    We cannot deny there are people and companies able to make good GH outside of the western world.

    Indian, Chinese and other Asian scientists with just as good degrees and knowledge that are not working for western company.

    As to the question why these facilities have no approval, well, it is not hard to see competition in any field and also in this Gh arena. ANy new company presents a danger to the market and must be kept out to protect own market. For reference see many many quality products coming out of non-western countries and being denied acces to our markets.

    If they are so bad then why deny them acces...?

    Therefore we must at least assume and leave it open to testing that a generic can be worth out money.

    If all generics are a bust how can we account for some peoples results that have tested their IGF-1 while using generics and it has been elevated much more than naturally possible?

    And the countless people that have said they have excellent results and all the typical good and bad effects of good GH?

    Yes pharm grade is good and yes some generics are good.

    No point in arguing one way or another.

    The case is clear just like in every open market: original=good but pricey, copy=can be bad and can be good.

    Last edited by GH consumer; 01-26-2011 at 01:28 PM.

  20. #540
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  21. #541
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH consumer View Post
    That is like saying how can anything good come out of a company that is not western.

    There are some bigger and better companies present in Asia then in the west. Example: China just bought 600 airplanes worth of 32 bilion dollars. Something EU or the USA can not do in 7-10 years.

    The knowledge and economical power are present outside of western countries.

    Knowledge is not in hands of only big powerfull western companies.

    Their marketing tells you that it is (to keep you misinformed and their customer) but logically it is obvious it is not. Not all knowledge is in our hands.

    We cannot deny there are people and companies able to make good GH outside of the western world.

    Indian, Chinese and other Asian scientists with just as good degrees and knowledge that are not working for western company.

    As to the question why these facilities have no approval, well, it is not hard to see competition in any field and also in this Gh arena. ANy new company presents a danger to the market and must be kept out to protect own market. For reference see many many quality products coming out of non-western countries and being denied acces to our markets.

    If they are so bad then why deny them acces...?

    Therefore we must at least assume and leave it open to testing that a generic can be worth out money.

    If all generics are a bust how can we account for some peoples results that have tested their IGF-1 while using generics and it has been elevated much more than naturally possible?

    And the countless people that have said they have excellent results and all the typical good and bad effects of good GH?

    Yes pharm grade is good and yes some generics are good.

    No point in arguing one way or another.

    The case is clear just like in every open market: original=good but pricey, copy=can be bad and can be good.

    i never mentioned western countries?

    still backing the dodgy chinese, eh mighty1. hehehehe

  22. #542
    GH consumer is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i never mentioned western countries?

    still backing the dodgy chinese, eh mighty1. hehehehe
    So you are open to the possibility that a generic might be as good or close to a pharm grade GH?

    And no, I am still not Mighty1 despite your baseless and humorless accusations.

    and the 'hehehe' points out that you are saying it not because you think I am him or that it is important (which is not) but just to be pissing in the other direction.

    Says a lot.
    Last edited by GH consumer; 01-26-2011 at 03:55 PM.

  23. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH consumer View Post
    So you are open to the possibility that a generic might be as good or close to a pharm grade GH?

    And no, I am still not Mighty1 despite your baseless and humorless accusations.

    and the 'hehehe' points out that you are saying it not because you think I am him or that it is important (which is not) but just to be pissing in the other direction.

    Says a lot.
    no, that points to the fact tht you just cant help it with the 'not all chinese is bad' routine.

    i trust few on here and marcus is one of them, if he says no to generics and chinese, thts good enough for me. and if im going to spend money on anymore hgh, i'm going to make damn sure its the best i can get.

  24. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    no, that points to the fact tht you just cant help it with the 'not all chinese is bad' routine.

    i trust few on here and marcus is one of them, if he says no to generics and chinese, thts good enough for me. and if im going to spend money on anymore hgh, i'm going to make damn sure its the best i can get.
    If you read the thread you will see it's not just me, far from it. Many people say generics are ok.

    The point of a thread is not what all of us individually would or would not do. that's not important.

    It's to discuss how and if generic GH is good or not.

    We all agree that pharm grade is the best. No arguing there.

    The dilemma is whether generic more accesible GH is ok-good-great or completely fake and not to be taken as in poison.

  25. #545
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    Is there any American or European brand generics, or is it just pharm grade? Because correct me if I am wrong all the generics discussed on this board comes from China and I am not sure if there are any American generic gh suppliers.

  26. #546
    BigOldNorm is offline New Member
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    Concerns about Chinese generic GH

    No, there is not enough of a market for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture
    generic brands of human growth hormone . In America and now in most
    countries that have pharmaceutical companies that produce human growth hormone, GH is only approved to treat a small number of conditions. This limits the number of patients that are legally allowed to consume this product. It is a business, and a generic manufacturer is not going to spend
    the money to produce this expensive compound if they cannot sell it.
    In China, the government severely limited the production of GH from 2008 to 2009 because of the Olympics. Pressure was put on China from the rest of
    the world to hold a "clean" Olympics, and the Chinese government took the
    license away from Gen-Sci completely in late 2007. So if anybody has Jintropin made byGen-Sci in the years 2008 to the present it has to be a counterfeit, because the company was not even producing GH. At the present time Gen-Sci has applied to the government to reinstate their license.
    All Hyge****** is also counterfeit if it was made after mid 2007 because of the same restrictions. This is all public information that I got from news reports on the internet.
    Since the world's supply of human growth hormone became restricted by government regulations in 2007 the demand by athletes, life extension enthusiasts, and the black market as a whole has grown tremendously. To fill this demand illegal labs in China started to produce cheap generics. Since the authentic products are protected by strict government regulations all over the world, these inexpensive Chinese generics became popular very quickly. The rest is history........... Every drug smuggler and convict started printing their own very professional looking labels, anti-counterfeiting stickers, and boxes to package cheap generics from China. They have also been clever enough to create their own websites to represent biopharm companies where you can go to check the authenticity of your product. When the price to the consumer is very low and the demand is extremely high it is the perfect environment to make a huge amount of money by playing on the wants and needs of people who desire something that they otherwise cannot afford.
    It is tough economic times right now, and I live on disability and my retirement. I personally will never waste my money on a product that does not work, and could possibly be harmful to me. Respect to all, BigOldNorm
    Last edited by BigOldNorm; 01-27-2011 at 08:21 AM.

  27. #547
    Matt's Avatar
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    ^^^ Good post...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  28. #548
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigOldNorm View Post
    No, there is not enough of a market for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture
    generic brands of human growth hormone . In America and now in most
    countries that have pharmaceutical companies that produce human growth hormone, GH is only approved to treat a small number of conditions. This limits the number of patients that are legally allowed to consume this product. It is a business, and a generic manufacturer is not going to spend
    the money to produce this expensive compound if they cannot sell it.
    In China, the government severely limited the production of GH from 2008 to 2009 because of the Olympics. Pressure was put on China from the rest of
    the world to hold a "clean" Olympics, and the Chinese government took the
    license away from Gen-Sci completely in late 2007. So if anybody has Jintropin made byGen-Sci in the years 2008 to the present it has to be a counterfeit, because the company was not even producing GH. At the present time Gen-Sci has applied to the government to reinstate their license.
    All Hyge****** is also counterfeit if it was made after mid 2007 because of the same restrictions. This is all public information that I got from news reports on the internet.
    Since the world's supply of human growth hormone became restricted by government regulations in 2007 the demand by athletes, life extension enthusiasts, and the black market as a whole has grown tremendously. To fill this demand illegal labs in China started to produce cheap generics. Since the authentic products are protected by strict government regulations all over the world, these inexpensive Chinese generics became popular very quickly. The rest is history........... Every drug smuggler and convict started printing their own very professional looking labels, anti-counterfeiting stickers, and boxes to package cheap generics from China. They have also been clever enough to create their own websites to represent biopharm companies where you can go to check the authenticity of your product. When the price to the consumer is very low and the demand is extremely high it is the perfect environment to make a huge amount of money by playing on the wants and needs of people who desire something that they otherwise cannot afford.
    It is tough economic times right now, and I live on disability and my retirement. I personally will never waste my money on a product that does not work, and could possibly be harmful to me. Respect to all, BigOldNorm
    nicely put

  29. #549
    stickfigure71 is offline New Member
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    i have used some jintropin, so this last message saying gen sci is banned got me i got on the internet and found a chinese tech conference that is going on in 2011....chpi china...definitely looks like a legit conference, anyway genscience has a booth there, they are on the list of exhibitors....(E2A20 GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. ) I have no dog in this fight, but just trying to do my own research....

  30. #550
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    I am no longer going to be taking rips and I am hoping on the band wagon. I would rather spend my money on gear and maybe some sweet white water rafting trips lol.

  31. #551
    BigOldNorm is offline New Member
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    The last off brand of GH that I bought that was authentic Growth Hormone was Syntropin (not Sytropin) and it was made by Synthrop Labs a partner with Ax** Labs
    that was distributed by a well known website that was suddenly shut down. I kick my self for not stocking up, because it was authentic GH and you will probably
    never find real GH for that price ever again!! It will be my goal to find the best price for genuine GH no matter how long it takes, and when I do I will promise to
    share it with anyone who is interested! If anyone else also comes across this I would be very grateful if you would share your find with me also. Thanks to everyone
    for a great thread and hopefully one that will produce the information that everyone who participated is looking for. Respect, BigOldNorm
    No emails, edit
    Last edited by BigOldNorm; 01-28-2011 at 11:43 AM.

  32. #552
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ^^^^hey BigOldNorm.....might want to remove your email....asking for a iot of trouble .....

  33. #553
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Fixr; 01-30-2011 at 07:04 AM. Reason: mistake

  34. #554
    The Hyena is offline Junior Member
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    ok so the questions i have from reading this thread are:

    1. are there NO real blue tops from China ?
    2. is there a lab where i could take a bottle to get it tested ?
    3. HGH is only good if you run it with slin (and IGF-1) ?

  35. #555
    supe3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hyena View Post
    ok so the questions i have from reading this thread are:

    1. are there NO real blue tops from China ? I could sell you something with a blue top on it and I live next to a someone from China. Does that count? The point im making you the color of the top dont mean SHIZNIT.
    2. is there a lab where i could take a bottle to get it tested ? NOPE, unless you want to call your body a lab? a lot of guys do!
    3. HGH is only good if you run it with slin (and IGF-1) ? No, not at all, HGH is only good if you are really running HGHedit,
    use the search function and READ brother

  36. #556
    The Hyena is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hyena View Post
    ok so the questions i have from reading this thread are:

    1. are there NO real blue tops from China ?
    2. is there a lab where i could take a bottle to get it tested ?
    3. HGH is only good if you run it with slin (and IGF-1) ?
    oops sorry...

  37. #557
    sinogesic is offline New Member
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    GH and IGF-1 Blood test results

    Hi, I've just joined this site today, but have been following this thread closely. I'm 32 and currently on Riptropins 5 iu daily and due to this thread, I decided I should get my blood checked to see if the Riptropins were indeed HGH or not. I have used IP yellow tops in the past, but could not get them shipped to my location (last two orders were seized), but managed to get Riptropins in.

    For the tests that I am posting, I fasted for 15 hours and injected 5 iu approximately 90 minutes before blood was drawn. As the hospital I use does not do lab testing for GH and IGF-1 on site, it was sent to a third party testing facility (they do test and cholesterol on site in about an hour). If any mod would like the name of the hospital I use I will be happy to give that by PM.

    As you can see, my GH levels are significantly higher than the reference range, but my IGF-1 levels are still normal. The results are exactly as I received minus some of my personal info. I have no dog in this fight, but am just sharing my test results with everybody.

  38. #558
    Fit N Fun is offline Associate Member
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    Seems to me that you are going about this the wrong way, looking for anecdotal evidence of whether you have HGH

    There are many people on here spending lots of money on HGH without a clue whether they have anything worthwhile injecting.

    I sent a vial of HGH to a lab to have it tested for purity and whether it was 191 Amino Acids, this tells you most of what you need to know. I still need to find a way to test for the biological activity of the HGH

    Here is part of the information provided from the test results.

    · The protein concentration was very close to the concentration given by the manufacturer (experimental: 1.7 mg/ml, on the label: 1.6 mg/ml).

    · SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that the proteins is very pure


    · MALDI-TOF analysis confirms the purity assessment by SDS-PAGE. All three peaks show a shoulder with a mass difference of 206 Da – this is not due to an impurity, it is the result of the formation of an adduct with sinapinic acid, the matrix that was used for the MALDI-MS experiment.


    · The observed molecular weight of 22125 ± 8 Da corresponds well with the expected molecular weight of 22130 for the 22 kDa form of human growth hormone (see This is the processed somatotropin with 191 amino acids.

    To complete the picture, I need to find someone to test the biological activity of HGH, please if anyone knows if this test has a special name, can they let me know.

    The cost for the above analysis was less than $250 and is IMHO a good investment to know that I am not injecting rubbish.

    Before doing the above test, I contacted some of the board moderators to discuss what was being done.

    I also feel it may also be possible for the mods to sort out a way where a number of us contribute to the cost of HGH sample analysis and pay a small fee to verify that their chosen supplier is selling quality gear.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Chinese HGH concerns-hgh-maldi-toff-results2.jpg   Chinese HGH concerns-hgh-maldi-toff-results.jpg  
    Last edited by Fit N Fun; 02-04-2011 at 04:07 PM.

  39. #559
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    please start a new thread for your question to get personal input....
    might help you get more responses


  40. #560
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by sinogesic View Post
    Hi, I've just joined this site today, but have been following this thread closely. I'm 32 and currently on Riptropins 5 iu daily and due to this thread, I decided I should get my blood checked to see if the Riptropins were indeed HGH or not. I have used IP yellow tops in the past, but could not get them shipped to my location (last two orders were seized), but managed to get Riptropins in.

    For the tests that I am posting, I fasted for 15 hours and injected 5 iu approximately 90 minutes before blood was drawn. As the hospital I use does not do lab testing for GH and IGF-1 on site, it was sent to a third party testing facility (they do test and cholesterol on site in about an hour). If any mod would like the name of the hospital I use I will be happy to give that by PM.

    As you can see, my GH levels are significantly higher than the reference range, but my IGF-1 levels are still normal. The results are exactly as I received minus some of my personal info. I have no dog in this fight, but am just sharing my test results with everybody.

    Great info but just playing devils advocate for a second - we have no way of knowing that you actually injected Riptropin, for all we know you own or distribute Riptropin and purchased some Pharma GH to produce some good test results to post here in order to boost Riptropin sales - I am not for one second suggesting that this is the case, just pointing out that what you have posted could not be considered as evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post

    please start a new thread for your question to get personal input....
    might help you get more responses

    I didn't see a question

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