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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #561
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Great info but just playing devils advocate for a second - we have no way of knowing that you actually injected Riptropin, for all we know you own or distribute Riptropin and purchased some Pharma GH to produce some good test results to post here in order to boost Riptropin sales - I am not for one second suggesting that this is the case, just pointing out that what you have posted could not be considered as evidence.

    I didn't see a question
    This is all possible. However, I didn't post this to prove one way or another to anybody but myself, but thought I would share the results with everybody else. Riptropins aren't even my first choice; my first choice is no longer available to be shipped to my location.

    Slimmer me: There is no question in this post, I was just sharing test results like others have done.

  2. #562
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    Someone said a few posts back that theirs tested 95% pure than what is the other 5%?

  3. #563
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    Thanks Marcus and Sheven,

    As many of you know I am old in age but new to AAS and growth. I have never done growth mainly because of the cost, but after being around a half a year and reading and learning on this board as well as med journals etc I now know a little about steroids and growth and have found sources for powder and generic growth, so I now know how to get fairly cheap growth but wanted to read up on the stuff first.

    I knew that a lot of small time operators packaged hcg and other garbage additives to mimic growth hormone, but of course while all of these might produce sides that mimic actual growth they would not produce the expected/desired changes in bloodwork.

    However what I did not know and am very glad to find out ( THANKS SHEVEN! ) is that cortisone is used as a cut to get more milage out of underdosed growth. See if the growth was just weaker and only gave you 70% or even 50% of the increase of Pharma grade as measured by blood tests but only cost 20% as much it would be a great deal....But if they use cortisone or other harmful ingredients in addition to the actual growth to achieve better customer response then I would not use the shit if it were free.

    Thanks for a great thread,


  4. #564
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    ^^^ Thats why I wouldnt use it if it was free and I wouldnt use it if someone paid me to, Chinese hgh is second rate crap, use pharm grade for 12 months and see what real hgh will do for you.

  5. #565
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    Please tell me you are saying if I do pharm grade for 12 months my legs will look like that, if so the checks in the mail.....

    Is that you in the pic? if so very freakin impressive!

  6. #566
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    No its not me, its Paco

  7. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Thanks Marcus and Sheven,

    As many of you know I am old in age but new to AAS and growth. I have never done growth mainly because of the cost, but after being around a half a year and reading and learning on this board as well as med journals etc I now know a little about steroids and growth and have found sources for powder and generic growth, so I now know how to get fairly cheap growth but wanted to read up on the stuff first.

    I knew that a lot of small time operators packaged hcg and other garbage additives to mimic growth hormone, but of course while all of these might produce sides that mimic actual growth they would not produce the expected/desired changes in bloodwork.

    However what I did not know and am very glad to find out ( THANKS SHEVEN! ) is that cortisone is used as a cut to get more milage out of underdosed growth. See if the growth was just weaker and only gave you 70% or even 50% of the increase of Pharma grade as measured by blood tests but only cost 20% as much it would be a great deal....But if they use cortisone or other harmful ingredients in addition to the actual growth to achieve better customer response then I would not use the shit if it were free.

    Thanks for a great thread,

    So it matters not to you that I have had my Chinese HGH tested by a University lab using Maldi Tof and Mass Spectrometer analysis showing there was more HGH in the sample than claimed by the manufacturer and also that it was very pure.

    In case you missed it here are a couple of points from my last post on this thread :-

    · The protein concentration was very close to the concentration given by the manufacturer (experimental: 1.7 mg/ml, on the label: 1.6 mg/ml).

    · SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that the proteins is very pure

    Last edited by Fit N Fun; 02-07-2011 at 11:26 AM.

  8. #568
    marcus300's Avatar
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    No it matters not to me!

    You need to have a full analysis done of the contents many contain fillers, you also need to see if the rhgh is active which is very important, the transportation and the manufacturing is vital for this delicate hormone and from some of my contacts in China I hear they are not producing this hormone in the right conditions only the licenced labs are, thus inactive hormone.

  9. #569
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    The results of the tests were very clear on the subject of fillers, the following statement clearly identifies there were no fillers.

    • SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that the proteins is very pure

    On the subject of whether the hormone is active, I completely agree that this aspect needs testing since the hormone is very delicate.

    I have asked for help in identifying the name of the test that is used to verify this, but so far I have not managed to identify who / how to do this.

    The manufacturer I use is registered and approved in China, but I have no intention of disclosing who the manufacturer is or claiming that it is good gear, only declaring the tests that I have been successful in having carried out.

    Once I have found out how to have the activity of the hormone tested I will share the results good or bad.

    Anecdotal reports of efficacy serve no useful purpose, an opinion has no verifyable result. A quality testing regime is the only way forward.

  10. #570
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    If you have a licenced chinese lab ( like i stated) then you will be ok because they are governed and inspected, the problem occurs when they are not licenced and throw out all types of shit.

  11. #571
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    Good point Marcus and as you also pointed out the transportation and handling of such a delicate hormone is of equal importance, so even if the lab produces a great quality product, there is no guarantee that it will arrive on your door step in an active condition, so it would be great to find a method to test for the level of activity of the hormone.

  12. #572
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    Results from Chinese rhgh are not what you would get from pharm grade. I use to use pharm grade and the results and things what can be achieved from real rhgh are amazing. The Chinese normally feed igf-1 into their rhgh or some water retaining compound which gives you CT. Another thing to consider is we all use steroids along side rhgh so how do you really know whats giiving the gains! pay the money and see what pharm grade rhgh can achieve, its expensive for a reason, my 2 cents

  13. #573
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    Pharm grade is not available to all of us, hence my quest to test the products that are available.

    It's easy to throw mud about what the Chinese normally do, show us some test results that backs up your claim that manufacturers feed igf-1 into their rhgh or some water retaining compound?

  14. #574
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    Read the whole thread, there's loads of prove from the sides many people have had and the blood tests what some have shown. I've used both types for many years a piece and results are not the same or sides, I've also been told from some Chinese sources .

    This is what this whole is about,

  15. #575
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    Hey i hope i aint seen as hijacking ur post or anything like that but im from scotland and ive just started using but whats the differance wi pharma grade hgh and other hgh. Im a novixe and dont wanna inject shit into me, im using lixus 100iu is this one ok or can u tell me what is a good product I cant get help anywhere!!!!!!
    Last edited by papacake; 02-10-2011 at 01:49 PM.

  16. #576
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    ^^^^ please edit your post and take out asking where to buy from since not allowed to ask for sources....before you get into trouble....

    there is help takes time hold tight

  17. #577
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    Just an idea that some of the more educated than me guys might be able to elaborate on. Genuine Rhgh when given to my type1 diabetic body causes a rise in insulin resistance and consequent blood sugar readings for roughly 18 to 24 hrs. Other hormones and peptides do not have this effect. Other than a combo of GHRH and GHRPs which give a rise for 2hrs. In my simple brain, other than to have you're own pet diabetic to test this might not be helpful but with the thinking power there is on this board, someone may come up with some benefit to this situation to differentiate between good fake weak and strong product

  18. #578
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    Just got my blood results and my Chinese its good. My Insulin-Like Growth Factor I is 276 ng/nl when it's ranged 109-284. Prior bw shows at 104.

  19. #579
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    The Chinese put igf into their generic hgh and also anti duretic hormones and AI's ,

  20. #580
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    good to know, thanks.

  21. #581
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    I've been following this thread for a while now and wanted to give my "opinion". I was using parma grade HGH from my AA doc for about 3 months until a friend told me about Chinese Eli's (Elitropin green tops) at 1/10th the price. I made the switch and absolutely could not tell the difference. I love them!!! I am extremely sensitive to the HGH sides, especially a form of CTS called Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, and these sides did not reduce at all after I switched. I have been running the Eli's and AAS for almost a year now (blasting and cruising) and definently seeing results in everything, muscle, hair, skin, nails, etc.

    I finally got convinced when a source (please don't ask) posted the attached test results on another board. The HGH was tested to be 97.3% pure! This is excellent for HGH because some is lost during the testing itself as I understand. This is proof enough for me that some Chinese HGH is excellent quality.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by LeanGreenMachine; 02-23-2011 at 07:38 PM.

  22. #582
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    Glad for you

  23. #583
    I'm not saying your GH is no good or that yours is not working and I'm sure Marcus will chime in on this, but the purity tests on HGH are not a reliable marker as to the potency of the HGH because putting together the 191 amino acid chain is not the hard part. The most important test is what measures whether or not it's biologically active. HGH is a live peptide and even if it tests that it's 100% pure, that says nothing as to whether or not the amino acid chain is biologically active and will be effective. This test is supposedly in the 10's of thousands of dollars to perform.

  24. #584
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    My concern would be "how do you know that the test results are from the make of hgh you have recieved ?" not just a test result from a small sample of pharma grade hgh put in its place.

  25. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    My concern would be "how do you know that the test results are from the make of hgh you have recieved ?" not just a test result from a small sample of pharma grade hgh put in its place.
    The test results below are from HGH I sent to the lab, so there is no question in my case that it is 100% 191AA

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HGH Maldi-Toff results.jpg 
Views:	1172 
Size:	20.8 KB 
ID:	114158

  26. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanGreenMachine View Post
    I've been following this thread for a while now and wanted to give my "opinion". I was using parma grade HGH from my AA doc for about 3 months until a friend told me about Chinese Eli's (Elitropin green tops) at 1/10th the price. I made the switch and absolutely could not tell the difference. I love them!!! I am extremely sensitive to the HGH sides, especially a form of CTS called Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, and these sides did not reduce at all after I switched. I have been running the Eli's and AAS for almost a year now (blasting and cruising) and definently seeing results in everything, muscle, hair, skin, nails, etc.

    I finally got convinced when a source (please don't ask) posted the attached test results on another board. The HGH was tested to be 97.3% pure! This is excellent for HGH because some is lost during the testing itself as I understand. This is proof enough for me that some Chinese HGH is excellent quality.
    The test doesn't mean you have active hgh, it isn't worth anything to be honest. You need to know if the hormone is active, Chinese labs are knocking these tests out in all directions. I've been told many things about Chinese hgh and I've experienced a lot more, I'd never buy any kind of coloured top gh again even if it was free I'd throw it away.

  27. #587
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    what about that band Phil Collins used to be in ? the first chapter of the bible ? there GH any good ?

  28. #588
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    what about that band Phil Collins used to be in ? the first chapter of the bible ? there GH any good ?


  29. #589
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    ^^^^ is it allowed ?

  30. #590
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    LMAO I just posted the pic because it made me laugh - probably not a prob.....


  31. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ^^^ Thats why I wouldnt use it if it was free and I wouldnt use it if someone paid me to, Chinese hgh is second rate crap, use pharm grade for 12 months and see what real hgh will do for you.
    Dont know what i missed but i got to page 9 and skipped to the end.
    hate to burst your bubble but i can produce a lab test with Gh levels off the chart while the client was using pinwheel Hyde.

  32. #592
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    Means nothing ^^^ read the whole thread and read up on gh tests . If you happy you carry on but I wouldnt use them if they were free.

  33. #593
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    how can it mean nothing. It discredits and contradicts what you and some others are saying....but o.k. lol..Lab results dont lie

  34. #594
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    Please do more research on gh lab test and read the whole thread.
    If you happy you carry on.
    Best of luck to you

  35. #595
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    im not getting into a pissing contest here im just stating the facts that i have. Choose to believe what you want. I could care less. I'm just giving you my input.
    I've been around these boards longer than you so i don't need you to tell me to do more research on Gh lab tests. I've done my research and the test i can produce is dated three years before this thread ever started. I was getting blood results tested for clients far before anyone else ever posted about it. I've been around it long enough to form my own opinion, and express that opinion without some "hall of famer" telling me to go do more research. You can have your educated opinion and i will have mine.
    And i have read the rest of the thread. Like some other Vet said. I believe it's all about who your source is.

  36. #596
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    You really need to do more research on gh lab test because your alittle behind the times, i am also not interested in you being here longer than me, what does that prove!

    If you cant be bothered to read the whole thread and take in the comments and experience then you have your head in the sand more than I first thought.

    Youe entitled to your opinion and thanks for giving it, all ive said is do more research on the subject.

    Again, if you happy you carry on but I wouldnt use them if they were free

    best of luck to you

  37. #597
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    a little behind the times? have no idea who i really am or what i do. So keep the belittling to yourself, i certainly don't want to hear it. Im not going to dignify you again with a response. As stated previously, ive done my research and will choose to believe what i know to be fact. Insult me again. It only shows your ignorance and lack of ability to take criticism or input from another educated and experienced member. Carry on boys, carry on!.

  38. #598
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    What kind of gh test was it?
    What were the gh levels before gh use?
    How long after the blood was drawn was it analysed?
    Was the test blood droplets or was it drawn?
    When was the last gh shot before the test?
    What was your baseline levels?

    I dont care who you are and like i keep saying if you happy with your chinese gh stick with it

    ( read the whole thread)

  39. #599
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    I can see good and bad all over this thread, makes interesting reading.

    Boils down to if you want to risk taking something what isn't 100% licenced no matter how cheap it is do we want to inject something what isn't tested and guaranteed

  40. #600
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    Think you are over simplifying things.

    Pharma products are not available to most, therefore most of what we inject is done so on trust.

    For products like Testosterone, Deca etc there is a good track record from many companies that supply products that are reasonably priced and can easily be seen to work or not.

    HGH is an expensive product that has a subtle but quality effect that takes time to achieve and is therefore very hard to get the same instant trust from the suppliers.

    I have every reason to believe that there are a number of scammers out there and the Chinese are expert at it, lets not kid ourselves.

    However, testing is possible to verify the purity of the HGH, there is probably also a test for activity level of HGH as well, but I have yet to find out what this test might be.

    So for now caution is best advised when purchasing HGH.

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