So torn as to what to do now my head is spinning - I have the same brand of GH as frawnz from the same source so unless there has been a massive blunder on his IGF test it would seem his GH is fake and therefore the chances of mine being real are pretty slim!
I normally mix a vial in the evening for my 5iu bedtime shot and my 5iu am shot but last night I didn't bother. Part of me thinks that it might just be GH so don't break the run after being on for 6 months and part of me thinks "How can it be real GH?" after hearing about frawnz's IGF results considering we bought from the same guy and if it isn't real GH then fuck injecting it and putting up with this ridiculous lethargy.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror this morning and my abs were looking very nice and lean and again I'm conflicted thinking "Well what if it is real GH thats been helping me get so lean and now I stop?" and then part of me thinks I look nice and lean this morning because I've been injecting an anti-diuretic and so by missing my bedtime shot some of the water has dropped off and actually if it isn't real GH then putting the financial implications to one side (FUUUUUUCK!!!) then that means that I have acheived this leanness WITHOUT GH so if and when I get some real GH my results will be so much better....
^^See what I mean about my head spinning! lol
frawnz & fossilfuel - Do the caps on your riptropin have the "double helix"-looking spiral riptropin logo on them?
A lot of people wont acknowledge that their Chinese Growth is fake, everyone thinks their supplier is the best but in reality all these people are doing is sticking their head in the sand and not looking at the facts, who would want to admit they have wasted $$$$'s on fake GH!
We all know that China is the capital of counterfeit and I know plenty of guys who have been sold fake, ive been sold complete crap from one of the most reputable dealers there is and the latest batch of Chinese GH what mimic the sides of gh is very clever and can be produced at a fraction of the price of gh and you would never know because your getting the CT sides and water retention, and what about the other fake gh's what are AI's, IGF and the old school one HCG.You shouldn't be getting water retention after months of using GH you should be tight,ripped and conditioned but all because we still having the CT sides we think its GH, well I ask anyone to pay the price of some Pharm grade gh and watch the difference, you will be shocked.
No one can be sure their chinese gh is 100% unless they get themselves tested or better still the Gh lab tested. Ive recently heard of someone having their gh lab tested and it came back bunk, this is local to me and I am in the process of finding out which Lab it was sent to so we all can get it tested. If your buying cheap GH I would really suspect it could be fake especially if its coming out of the counterfeit capital of the world and that's no matter who your source is, cheap = cheerful.
Yep, they sure do. We all got it from the same guy. He and one other guy are the only ones selling Riptropin and it all comes from the same place.
If you look in his threads, somewhere he even talks about how the Hyge tropin he sells comes from the same place as the Riptropin and how the Hyge tropin websites except his are all fake.
What a f***ing joke and a scammer he is.
Last edited by fossilfuel7; 07-07-2010 at 06:47 AM. Reason: forgot
Well I will try but first I will get my own blood test done, I don't doubt the word of frawnz or fossilfuel7 for a second but it sounds a bit weak if I demand a refund based on a blood test that someone else who I have never met had done - I called my Dr's office today and he is going to call me tomorrow - should I just come straight out and tell him why I want a test for GH & IGF?
There is also another fake riptropin site which, as silly as it sounds, kinda made me think the other one was legit - you don't expect there to be a fake of a fake!
Heres an article on GH testing from webmd that talks about testing for GH. It does say the test is directly for GH and not IGF so it should tell if your willing to inject. Also the lab I linked above that does GH testing has a 24hr urine GH test that will give you a reading for every hour over the course of a day. Im sure one could tell how good there GH is with this test but it is kinda high $200.
Another thing I thought about is if someone could find out how they test for GH in blood or urine they could test the GH directly if they had the skill and access to the proper equipment. Surely someone has an awesome science lab at there university they have access to play in![]()
Heres an idea and im seeing my doctor in the morning over my trt...
If i was rushed to the hospital because i had swallowed something the doctors would automatically asked what it was i took. If i didnt know they'd ask if i had more so they could test it to see exactly what it was... Now i m not suggesting doing this although i am tempted.. But when i go in the morning im going to take a gh vial and ask her if its possible to have it tested as im injecting it..
She may just tell me to fvck off but at least she might tell me where i can have it tested....
This lab will test yout hgh
jing jai
awwww man..... i'm all depressed now...... i'll fly to china and hang the fvckers......
All I can say about mine..... is it's cheap (-1) - I was initially a little bloated but that disappeared fast..... I had tingly hands and fingers for over a month..... I had carpal tunnel for about 2 months..... and now it doesn't feel like anything is wrong. My HGH is a little powder cake..... the vial has a good vacuum..... and it doesn't all dissolve right away - it's gotta be gently swirled.
I have an order comming in too damnit..... I guess i'll keep running what I have and once we find a lab that we can send our vials too.... i'll get it tested.....
My father had another blood test done last week..... his IGF results should be in today or tomorrow.....
Home testing kits
Good, well I guess that means we know for sure it works detecting fake GH. If I had the cash I'd order a kit from every supplier I know of and go get tested after trying every vial but even then we wouldn't know if all vials are good or if they send good and bad sometimes.
I wonder if they would give a group rate if it comes back pricey? I have to believe there is at least 20 of us who would jump on right away. We could have many suppliers pegged for legit or shyt product in a matter of weeks. At least keep these cvnts somewhat honest.
Guys remember two things before writing off all the sources. U can test to see if it is hcg and at least from my source igf is more expensive than hgh so I don't see why they would make that switch.
Just food for thought
Awesome all the time and passion that has been invested in this thread. Im not sure if I should laugh or cry, I feel like the kid who loved cheerios until someone pissed in them. I'm going to try my sympathetic doctor again. There is nothing he can say or do to me that is worse than me not knowing if my hgh is the real deal. One thing I will say though is if it isn't then I got my shit going on for a 48year old. Last thought, what could the chinese be putting in my hgh that would make my nails grow 1/8" or more per week?
Well my doc is supposed to be calling me today and I'm going to ask him for a bloodtest - trouble is I've stopped shooting the riptropin as I am not overly keen to keep injecting myself with this chinese unknown substance - if I book a blood test for one day next week how many days before do I need to be injecting in order to affect the test in a noticeable way?
Just spoke to my GP on the phone and he says he hasn't got access to tests for IGF-1 or somatropin - in fact he didn't even know what they were!
Same here, i asked my doctor this morning and she had no idea what i was talking about..
Even worse i should have started trt on Monday, my doctor wouldnt start me on it until she had spoken to the senior doctor as she had no clue as to how one would be prescribe testosterone.. The senior doctor who had been at the clinic for 25 years said that he had never known anyone run trt so they've made me an appointment with an endo..
I appreciate your persistence Marcus300. And you've thrown a good point in regarding IGF-1 Testing at the lab. "They can use IGF-1 in place of HGH". Now what?! Thought I had the conclusive test locally. They have "Lab Express" all over my area and test for IGF-1 for cheap. My circles have always tested their IGF-1 for their proof of efficacy. I will say that the tests with the yellow tops out of china (IGF-1) as of lately have been high with as little as 2iu/day (near 400 from one friend). But NOW that you've brought the point up about these guys putting IGF-1 in the bottles. Shite! Back to the drawing board.
I have called 13 of the 16 labs across the U.S. I've googled and asked about directly testing my HGH (the bottle). None so far do this and couldn't even point me to a lab that does. It had nothing to do with the legalities of testing, they just didn't do this or know someone that did.
So... (this thread is one of the best I've read) - I'm late for work, but will start on a new endeavor when I return. I will start by calling "Lab Express" and seeing if they offer an actual HGH test (not IGF-1) and can shed light on testing for Somatotropin levels. They test so many of us out here and even have started advertising about their Testosterone and IGF-1 tests. They obviously know what we're up to and have enough people coming in for this.
I will try to post my findings here in this thread this eve or tomorrow morn. There are enough here that I am sure someone's going to come up with a good definitive method for testing for efficacy/authenticity. "Not Small" - I have gone through EXACTLY what you've done, ie; getting up in the A.M. looking at the abs, going back n forth and back n forth regarding "is it the HGH?!" or...?? However - I just started my 40's, and have gone from 260ish to 235-240 in the past several months on yellow tops with the diet staying the same. Gear isn't a factor, I know what I get from anything I take steroidwise. I'm looking like about "10-12 weeks out" at 235-240. What other substance would do this?!
(Sides were immediate water in the first month - gone after about 6 weeks. Right hand knuckles hurting badly every morning and complete loss of limbs ((numbness)) almost every morn since about 6 weeks. Much deeper sleep now. I've always had a sleep problem and now I sleep like a baby. THEN - big weight drop after about 2 1/2 months from 260 down to 235-240 which has leveled off now. I fluctuate between 235ish and close to 240 each week now and have been on the Chinese yellow tops for, damn - should have took more notice, but I'd have to say 5 1/2 months closest guess. 4 iu m-f.
Hope this helps a little
Again - I will call the lab or 2 here that test and post what they say about testing DIRECTLY for hgh levels and mention Somototropin testing to them.
Thanks guys for being so diligent on this topic. We may find the answer conclusively, who knows.
I will also google the hell out of labs that may test actual substances. This will be a longer process I'm sure. I should post which I've called/emailed as to eliminate any duplicate efforts others may be embarking on themselves. I haven't had any sort of luck finding U.S. lab(s) that test.
Marcus300 - I thought it may be easier for you to find cooperative labs since geographically you live where the laws seem to be much less strict.?? (I am speaking about testing actual substances not bloodwork). I imagine that when/if I DO find a lab that does this, they may not do this due to the laws here)
This lab is based in the Uk but to my understanding they will ship worldwide.
They will do HGH tests, IgF-1 tests etc.
jing jai
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