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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #1361
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    losing the plot,remember?
    fake bl3diot...sorry.

  2. #1362
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    JINTROPIN)GENESCIENCE PHARMACY CO. ) IS THE MOST PROFITABLE CO PRODUCING biopharmacuticals IN CHINA (fact) lOOK IT UP! I found several more websites in Russia, Latvia, Mexico, Ukraine, Etc that sell Jintropin produced by Gensci. If you can not certify this by LINKS(DAN B) then you are like your avatar (an ass). The blood tests performed by USA labs(LABCORE) are fooled by the chinese! What a F***ing joke lol. If HGH can only be ligetamate by having a brand name(which gixxerboy1 says even they can be faked). Who the F*** do you think you are talking to. The world is waiting for your credentials!!! YEH I had to spend more money to check my HGH by BW (HG blood serum and IGF-1) through I'm going to blast you assholes severaly when the tests come back elevated. I can only hear you say some rediculus chinese conspricy caused the results. I even heard some asshole say BLOOD WORK IS NOT RELIABLE DUE TO CONTAMINATION OR OTHER unprofessional technets. Blow me ! CHINA produces 70% of HGH in the world (FACT)! I WILL POST MY RESULTS WHEN THEY RETURN unlike gixxerboy1 who said he would.

  3. #1363
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    what is your problem and attitude.
    For the 10th time there is real jin's They are just hard to get. So i dont recommend people buy them because odds are you will get fakes.
    Just like the one distributor you listed is a known scammer
    yes people fake (counterfeit) pharm brands, just like people fake AAS. And i dont know why you denie that
    2nd the info about gen-sci is posted by the same websites you are buying it from. So im sorry if you take their sales pitch as fact.
    I never said i was going for blood work. Why would i waste my time going. My gh comes from CVS. I don't need blood work to confirm its real.

    You also need to stop breaking the rules. There is no flaming as there is no discussion of sources or distributors.
    You really sound like you have some agenda
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #1364
    Great...Sheven you just "made my day"..j/k. Funny thing is when I confronted this dude about gen-sci having their license revoked & not being able to produce hgh, he didn't know what to reply! Definitely getting my refund back. On a positive note, gixxerboy1 you mentioned that you are getting yours from CVS. Does it come in vials like other generics (powder) or other form (liquid)?

  5. #1365
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    Quote Originally Posted by bl3diot View Post
    Great...Sheven you just "made my day"..j/k. Funny thing is when I confronted this dude about gen-sci having their license revoked & not being able to produce hgh, he didn't know what to reply! Definitely getting my refund back. On a positive note, gixxerboy1 you mentioned that you are getting yours from CVS. Does it come in vials like other generics (powder) or other form (liquid)?
    mine are powder, but some brands do come liquid. They have pens also
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #1366
    Join Date
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post
    JINTROPIN)GENESCIENCE PHARMACY CO. ) IS THE MOST PROFITABLE CO PRODUCING biopharmacuticals IN CHINA (fact) lOOK IT UP! I found several more websites in Russia, Latvia, Mexico, Ukraine, Etc that sell Jintropin produced by Gensci. If you can not certify this by LINKS(DAN B) then you are like your avatar (an ass). The blood tests performed by USA labs(LABCORE) are fooled by the chinese! What a F***ing joke lol. If HGH can only be ligetamate by having a brand name(which gixxerboy1 says even they can be faked). Who the F*** do you think you are talking to. The world is waiting for your credentials!!! YEH I had to spend more money to check my HGH by BW (HG blood serum and IGF-1) through I'm going to blast you assholes severaly when the tests come back elevated. I can only hear you say some rediculus chinese conspricy caused the results. I even heard some asshole say BLOOD WORK IS NOT RELIABLE DUE TO CONTAMINATION OR OTHER unprofessional technets. Blow me ! CHINA produces 70% of HGH in the world (FACT)! I WILL POST MY RESULTS WHEN THEY RETURN unlike gixxerboy1 who said he would.
    you ar a bullshuttr

    you claimed to have gh serum in 60's so where are these results

    havnt asnwered my question if you are a rep

    and post the links where you are getting info on figures and profits, i have done far more research then you on these subjects along with sarge and gix so between the 3 of us we have not seen anything that coincides with it, your the one claiming it so you need to back your claims it is that simple because more experiencd people then yourself dont agree and believe it to be a number you picked from the sky

    the reason you cant post it is because you are a rep and you dreamed up these figures in your had to get some business from newbies who havnt done their research but see your posts of this amazing cheap pharm grade that is easily available, so they pm you asking how and you either sell dirctly or refer them and earn a comission

  7. #1367
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    losing the plot,remember?
    Quote Originally Posted by bl3diot View Post
    Great...Sheven you just "made my day"..j/k. Funny thing is when I confronted this dude about gen-sci having their license revoked & not being able to produce hgh, he didn't know what to reply! Definitely getting my refund back. On a positive note, gixxerboy1 you mentioned that you are getting yours from CVS. Does it come in vials like other generics (powder) or other form (liquid)?
    bro the giveaway is the seal, it should contain security fiber threads on the numbers. yours has nothing. the gen-sci license being revoked is false information, they still manufacture but mostly just for the legit market.

    I meet with some of GenSci management this summer and their sales are really strictly controlled (by them). Finding GenSci labeled as Jintropin and sold on the black market is a rarity and something almost impossible to find, they do make it for the registered brands in Mexico, Russia, Hong Kong and Ukraine but the price is much higher than usual generics. All other Jintropin is counterfeited and the seals can prove that as all are without the security fibers.

    PS: ChuckEisenmench has a totally unacceptable attitude IMO.
    Last edited by Sheven; 10-19-2012 at 06:53 AM.

  8. #1368
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    Jul 2012
    Hey DanB no flaming! And Sheven did the management tell you that *********IS a distributor in those countries they sell to. Ukraine, Russian Federation, Mexico etc.? My boxes have all the security fiber threads, numbers and logos that do certify real Gensci HGH.
    Last edited by ChuckEisenmench; 10-19-2012 at 02:34 PM. Reason: forgot

  9. #1369
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    losing the plot,remember?
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post
    Hey DanB no flaming! And Sheven did the management tell you that ********** IS a distributor in those countries they sell to. Ukraine, Russian Federation, Mexico etc.? My boxes have all the security fiber threads, numbers and logos that do certify real Gensci HGH.
    I don't care what you are saying. You just can't walk in here writing like an illiterate and calling people asses especially members that are Vets or valuable members. I know who is what and what is who and your attitude only transpires one thing: REP!

  10. #1370
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post
    Hey DanB no flaming! And Sheven did the management tell you that xxxxxxxx IS a distributor in those countries they sell to. Ukraine, Russian Federation, Mexico etc.? My boxes have all the security fiber threads, numbers and logos that do certify real Gensci HGH.
    this is your last warning. You have been told many times you cant list distributors.
    your constant pushing of them and your insistence makes you look very suspicious
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #1371
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    A final warning has been given and I will suspend if rules are violated again...

    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  12. #1372
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    mine are powder, but some brands do come liquid. They have pens also

    Yea and the pens are awesome def my fav so far

  13. #1373
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    Jul 2012
    Got BW work back again and it is still elevated.

    GH 9.9

    IGF-1 197

    This is with 4iu daily for 5 weeks. I'm 65 and feel these results show real progress.

    No more distributors or websites to be posted by me.

    Thanks for the warning!

    Hope to continue to post any info not against the rules in the future.

  14. #1374
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    post proelia praemia
    where is the printout of these claimed results?

    it has 0 credability without this

  15. #1375
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    I don't know how to post the labcor results.

  16. #1376
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    Its easy look at my thread.
    about 3 or 4 down, I did my tests at labcorp as well

  17. #1377
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post
    I don't know how to post the labcor results.
    ask them to email then copy and paste, it is simple and somthing that you have been asked to do since your last claimed tst appromimately 4-5 months ago

    ask them to email the results, they facilitate this request regularly so no reason why they wont facilitate you in your request

  18. #1378
    Why do you think igf-1 at 197 is elevated?

    Regardless of who's reference ranges you're using I haven't seen the high end below the low 200's even for a 65 yr old.

    I've seen mine 4 times what yours is on 8iu........a simple test cycle will elevate igf-1 as well.

  19. #1379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Why do you think igf-1 at 197 is elevated?

    Regardless of who's reference ranges you're using I haven't seen the high end below the low 200's even for a 65 yr old.

    I've seen mine 4 times what yours is on 8iu........a simple test cycle will elevate igf-1 as well.
    if these are the actual readings (doubtful) and not just numbers he picked out of his head (likely)

    then they are what you would see for 200-300mcg of a ghrp such as ghrp2

    but i dont believe a thing from him until we get the lab report

    he has been caught out on blatent lies so many times i have lost count

    we are still waiting on the sources for ''jin 75% marketshare"

    i swear if this guy told me his name i would still ask to see his i.d, i just dont understand why people join a forum to talk utter rubbish, its a sign of serious psychiatric issues

    i aint flaming the guy, none of what i said is untrue or even exaggeratted is it?
    Last edited by DanB; 10-22-2012 at 12:03 AM.

  20. #1380
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Two friends of mine are using the jins from Russia and they say they are legit and much like the old jins 10 yrs old what you got from China direct. I haven't tried them myself yet but I know 3 other acquaintances who have just ordered them and will give me feedback once they start using them.

    Thats the reason why I haven't said much with the current debate because I wanted to wait till these guys have been on them for some weeks, on first reports these jins do seem to be legit but I much prefer trying them myself but again these guys do know what they talking about been using hgh for 15yrs+.

    Update on Ankie - I can assure you that they are selling fake counterfeit to the underground market, they still produce legit hgh but not to us bodybuilder, the best you will get is a few boxes legit and the rest fake. They also own the fake anasome site, some of the fakes contain dangerous chemicals and other absolutely nothing or some kind of anit-diuretic hormone. Stay clear because they lie and not reputable anymore
    Last edited by marcus300; 10-22-2012 at 10:18 AM.

  21. #1381
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    bro the giveaway is the seal, it should contain security fiber threads on the numbers. yours has nothing. the gen-sci license being revoked is false information, they still manufacture but mostly just for the legit market.

    I meet with some of GenSci management this summer and their sales are really strictly controlled (by them). Finding GenSci labeled as Jintropin and sold on the black market is a rarity and something almost impossible to find, they do make it for the registered brands in Mexico, Russia, Hong Kong and Ukraine but the price is much higher than usual generics. All other Jintropin is counterfeited and the seals can prove that as all are without the security fibers.

    PS: ChuckEisenmench has a totally unacceptable attitude IMO.
    The reason I mentioned that their license was revoked, is because few pages back under this thread somebody I believe said that gen sci got their license revoked around 2007-2008 because of the Olympics in China?
    Either way again thank you for the info.

  22. #1382
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    Quote Originally Posted by bl3diot View Post
    The reason I mentioned that their license was revoked, is because few pages back under this thread somebody I believe said that gen sci got their license revoked around 2007-2008 because of the Olympics in China?
    Either way again thank you for the info.
    it was because of the raw deal bust.
    They didnt loose there license to produce gh. But now they are limited to what countries they can sell to and a watched alot more
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #1383
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    Reguardless of what you say, Labcorp says the range for IGF_1 is 47-191

  24. #1384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    bro the giveaway is the seal, it should contain security fiber threads on the numbers. yours has nothing. the gen-sci license being revoked is false information, they still manufacture but mostly just for the legit market.

    PS: ChuckEisenmench has a totally unacceptable attitude IMO.
    FYI-My jin came with authentication threads, i thought i was good to go, but after using i found it to be junk and put on about 10lbs of water weight. The more i used the worse i got. It was from one of the sites in question.
    Again Seven thanks for the find on the Prednisone research, it makes a lot of sense and very clever, as prednisone does help the joints, but so damaging.

  25. #1385
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Two friends of mine are using the jins from Russia and they say they are legit and much like the old jins 10 yrs old what you got from China direct. I haven't tried them myself yet but I know 3 other acquaintances who have just ordered them and will give me feedback once they start using them.

    Thats the reason why I haven't said much with the current debate because I wanted to wait till these guys have been on them for some weeks, on first reports these jins do seem to be legit but I much prefer trying them myself but again these guys do know what they talking about been using hgh for 15yrs+.

    Update on Ankie - I can assure you that they are selling fake counterfeit to the underground market, they still produce legit hgh but not to us bodybuilder, the best you will get is a few boxes legit and the rest fake. They also own the fake anasome site, some of the fakes contain dangerous chemicals and other absolutely nothing or some kind of anit-diuretic hormone. Stay clear because they lie and not reputable anymore
    thanks for the info
    can i ask what i.u these guys are running daily ?

  26. #1386
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    @ Swithuk, so there is no confusion, mine were not from Russia.

  27. #1387
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    @ Swithuk, so there is no confusion, mine were not from Russia.
    ok mate thanks for that , so yours had the chinese writing ?

  28. #1388
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    It's Russian alphabet.


  29. #1389
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    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    ok mate thanks for that , so yours had the chinese writing ?
    Yes Chinese Writing.

  30. #1390
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post

    It's Russian alphabet.

    there are different ones mate

  31. #1391
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    Yes Chinese Writing.
    ok thanks . good to know .............

  32. #1392
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    losing the plot,remember?
    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    FYI-My jin came with authentication threads, i thought i was good to go, but after using i found it to be junk and put on about 10lbs of water weight. The more i used the worse i got. It was from one of the sites in question.
    Again Seven thanks for the find on the Prednisone research, it makes a lot of sense and very clever, as prednisone does help the joints, but so damaging.
    I didn't say that if it has the threads is 100% original but the absence of them is a 100% fake. However, are you sure you had the threads like they should be (inserted in the label and able to be removed just by pinning them with a needle) or where they just printed on ? i've seen many counterfeits with the threads printed.

  33. #1393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    I didn't say that if it has the threads is 100% original but the absence of them is a 100% fake. However, are you sure you had the threads like they should be (inserted in the label and able to be removed just by pinning them with a needle) or where they just printed on ? i've seen many counterfeits with the threads printed.
    I did not pull them out, but i used my fingernail to find them and they matched up with the label on the website. After thinking about it, i was not really surprised, as i just figured if the company that owns the website is pumping out fakes, it would only seem correct for them to create there own fake counterfeiting label. That really convinced me not to buy Chinese as i figured they have it down pretty well. At that point the generics and another Chinese brand i was using prior were seeming to change in quality. I think at one point 2 or 3 years back i had real hgh from China, but overall once i switched to Pharm grade, the difference was major. That has been my experience and where i live everyone around here is selling generic junk for anywhere from 180.00-250.00 a kit. Most of the people here are pretty uneducated about it.
    Thanks for your reply!

  34. #1394
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    Last edited by ChuckEisenmench; 11-04-2012 at 02:13 PM.

  35. #1395
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    There is no similarity between Chinese and Russian alphabet.

  36. #1396
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    Last edited by ChuckEisenmench; 11-04-2012 at 02:14 PM.

  37. #1397
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    Hope these files can be accessed DanB
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ChuckEisenmench; 11-04-2012 at 08:40 AM. Reason: personal info

  38. #1398
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    [QUOTE=ChuckEisenmench;Address changed to protect the innocent
    Hope these files can be accessed DanB[/QUOTE]

    Chuck, just in case you are not aware you just posted all your personal information. If you did this by accident you can edit the post and remove the attachment.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-03-2012 at 07:23 PM.

  39. #1399
    Join Date
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    Hope these files can be accessed DanB[/QUOTE]

    Hey buddy i would.take that down for.ur safety now it has all ur personal info in it maybe a mod can take down if not
    Last edited by cyounger100; 11-03-2012 at 09:24 PM.

  40. #1400
    Join Date
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    Hey C,

    Chuck can alter his own post to remove his personal information, however he can not alter yours so you may want to do so as I have done with mine.

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