What is the 1 on 1 section?
What is the 1 on 1 section?
Here you can make a thread and no one will see it except staff.....
Edited my post. The mod that scammed me last year I was made aware he was banned. Also my post was an emotional one after being scammed again.
Well they did there job by banning him. We are here on cyberspace and difficult to control what paths people take in their lives. I remember seeing someone of mod level or something of a higher status had banned under his name and was surprised to see it. Sorry that happened.
We all agreed that this British Dragon Humantropin stuff going around is most likely bogus? Only thing that gives me pause is I've used their steroids in the past and have been most impressed. They claim to becoming a legit manufacturer now and all, so just curious.
Some discrepancy between Ukraine and Greece Jins.
Shipment form the Ukraine - suspect fake
This is a shipment from Greece. notice the included printed document included. Notice the direction of the vials
The left side with the documents is from Greece, and the right side is from Ukraine. Notice the opposite direction of the vials
These are the two boxes side by side. The box on the left is from Greece. The box on the right is from Ukraine.
Notice the dark navy blue tone across the box. The blue colour tone on the right is darker. This is the same for all my kits received from Ukraine. Also notice the white box tone. The Ukraine box on the right does not have a bright white tone like the left from Greece. Also notice the blue tone on the left, legit the navy blue tone is lighter across the box. Also the box is a very bright white tone.
The batch codes match both Ukraine and Greece boxes. so if GenShi manufactured all these kits during the same manufacturing process, batch numbers, manufacturing dates, expire dates then why do the boxes not match between the Greece and Ukraine Shipments? A company like Genshi will have consistency with manufacturing box, printed ink, document inserts, direction of vials if they all came from the same plant
The vial on the left is from Greece. The vial on the right is from Ukraine. Notice the ink printing on the top of the label on the right side vial does not match the label on the left from Greece. Also notice the red ink printing on the right side is crappy compared to the left side.
The box on the bottom is from Greece and the top is from Ukraine. They both have the hair fibers on them and are legit stickers. the fibers on both stickers are the same. Both the security code on these stickers did match on the GenShi website and is authentic. How the hell did the scammers get the real stickers or copy them. Even better how can they both match up on the Genshi website as legit? Maybe the scammers stole the stickers or GenShi is involved. Or this counterfeit has a inside source at GenShi to enter the numbers in.
Make your own mind up
Thanks for the information Marcus. As always: You're on it!
Yes....I would agree that most is conterfeit. FYI....PPP-HGH is a source that claims to come out of China bnut is sent form NJ and is bunk. Does not cloud what so ever when reconstituting, does not pass a boil test for protein based peptides and is in a shotty non-vacuumed vial......beware.
Hello everyone,
I am new here and have couple questions, seeking for advices and more info. I keep on reading about HGH and I found this thread. Almost done reading all of these 49 pages of reviews. So I'm on Kintropin for 6 weeks now. Numb fingers once in a while, mood seems to be better, etc, not even sure if I'm supposed to feel any side affects this soon. I am getting this from pretty reliable person that I know, who of course assures that its 100% genuine and he used it on himself for past year. I payed top dollar for this so I am thinking that probably it would be good to test this somewhere in the lab, to make sure I am not throwing my money away. I know this might be dumb question, but you think I won't get in trouble trying to bring this in person to some local lab asking to test this? Or its better to get myself tested couple hours after getting it into myself? Also, as I said I think I am overpaying for for this Kin, even if I am buying real stuff, and maybe its not the right place to ask this question, but can you give me at least some guidance where I should start looking for any reliable sites online where to buy this. I just don't want to start buying and waisting even more money from some random sites. If this is not appropriate question to ask on forum, sorry. Here are couple pictures of what I'm using. Thanks![]()
Last edited by @rt; 11-16-2013 at 10:29 PM.
Further I read about HGH, further I'm being led to the idea that what I'm using is Chinese stuff. And as I understand with this Chinese magic I'm using there are really slim chances that I will get any good results at all.Hard to believe, but I guess thats might be the case. Is it hard to get prescription for Pharm HGH in U.S.? Probably won't get an HGH prescription from a family doctor, right?
^^ - Firstly out of all the Chinese GH, why on earth would you choose the one that's been proved to be utter sh*t? Kigs have been known to be bunk for a while now, even sites promoting Chinese GH no longer sell Kigs. Kigs are defo fake and bunk.
Secondly, I don't think you have read this thread as the idea behind this thread is that you can't test for GH. If you read this thread you would have seen that blood tests don't prove anything, it's not like that fact was only posted once, it was posted in every other post.
Your supplier has pulled your pants down mate. I would try and take it back to him. Kigs are defo bunk and have been for a while. I'd suggest you to actually properly research GH, so that you don't waste more money.
Maybe you should test your Kigs, it might actually be beneficial, as we all know Kigs are bunk, so if they spike your GH and IGF levels then it proves the Chinese are definitely able to spike these levels as well as giving all the GH side effects. So far I haven't seen one brand of Chinese HGH that can spike these levels and produce the effects of GH and is proved as bunk. This would be a great test as you're getting all the GH effects, so if the levels are spiked then its really strong proof that the Chinese can do all this. I'm pretty sure the tests would show no spike in these levels because Kigs have already been tested and they didn't spike these levels, they just produced effects like GH.
As for getting an rx for GH, why bother? I've heard in US it's as easy as hanging around A I D S clinics and getting it from H I V patients. I heard in US they get pre scribed Sero and people get it off them cheaply.
why are people still buying into cheap gh from china? come on guys stop wasting your money.
I got first and i think last kit from this person, because of course i didn't do proper research, before buying it. I am still willing to buy one more kit to get it tested, because its extremely hard to believe that person selling it to me would risk to ruin his good reputation with this stuff. I live in Chicago area, so I guess I would try going to some local Quest Diagnostics or Med-stop location to get blood tested. You think I should do it couple hours after injection or it doesn't matter?……I think at the end i will end up walking around some AIDS clinic and stalking patients![]()
It's complete crap, but if you want to throw some more money away, go ahead. It doesn't matter about your source risking his rep. Usually they either know it is junk, say it's just not as good as pharm or blame it on their source when there customer discovers it's junk. JUNK-JUNK-JUNK end of conversation.
I agree it's complete junk. However a test isn't a waste of money, it will be beneficial in many ways. If his levels aren't increased which is more than likely going to be the case then it'd be proof that he can't argue with, so it will allow him to learn from his mistakes. If his levels are raised then it will be proof that the Chinese are very capable of spiking these levels as well as producing all the effects of HGH. Kigs have already been proved to be bunk, so if his levels are raised then it will show him just what the Chinese are capable of.
They use igf and other peps so blood work is pointless. Too many variables with blood tests.
Please read the whole thread its worth it to anyone considering taking Chinese junk
Please can you tell me which peps they use? I've seen this being stated many of times yet no one can say which peps it is that they use.
I've read the whole thread and although there's some good info here, there's not a lot of evidence. The first 20 pages of this thread was all opinions. As the thread progressed I haven't seen many opinions being backed up by evidence.
I did take your advice that you gave me earlier on and I went for pharma grade HGH. I managed to run Humatrope for a short period of time, it was great however I couldn't afford to keep it up, so I decided to use the Hyge that I bought but never used. I ran them at 4iu ED and although the effects weren't as good as Humatrope, there wasn't a massive difference like everyone was saying there'd be. I know my Humatrope wasn't bunk as it came from a friend with a script and it did work effectively, it just didn't seem that much better than Hyge.
If it's not HGH what could it actually be? Peps? Which peps? I see this question being asked a lot but it always gets avoided.
Yeah so thats what sucks, even if i pick up another kit and try to get my blood tested, I won't get really accurate results as I understand. I am trying to get some more info about thin Kin, because as I know it comes form Asia, but not from China. Would be hard to believe I'm using HGH, but maybe than peptides.
Your not going to see great results in such a short time it takes months. They put in igf and the other growth hormone releasing agents what you cab buy at any research lab.
Stay with pharn grade imho and if you read them thread you will see even the pharm grade gh fake the underground market. Do as you please but o advice pharn end of story
Its easy to say, stick with pharm grade HGH, its been two months I cannot find a contact where to get some. I know that in forum prices and sources cannot be discussed, so I won't ask for numbers, but does good grade pharm HGH cost a lot more than generic? I heard that for pharm grade HGH original prices quadruple for sale in market, right?
Don't get me wrong it felt good and I got results, it wasn't that short of a cycle.
Also this is why pharma grade HGH is still as risky as buying Chinese HGH as there's even more fakes with pharma grade, look at Norditropin for example or Serostim.
There's never any specific peps mentioned and again it seems like you and others don't like talking about it, I've seen someone ask this question before and someone always replies with something along the lines of; 'read the thread' or something like that as they don't want to further discuss this subject. Surely that's what this thread is about? Why would you say end of story when this is what this thread is about? It's not like this question has been answered with specifics, it's just answered with non specific answers.
I've just told you. You obviously don't know what growth hormone releasing agents are. They put in peps such as igf, cjc, GHRP etc to throw off blood tests. For me it's end of storyand common sense if you don't think so you carry on buying genetics. i also have repeated myself many times in this thread if you can't see the evidence then fine. Best of luck
Evidence? Right please point me to one piece of strong evidence posted in this thread? It's all opinions just like your other thread about Hyge containing no HGH, I made a post in that thread which you chose to ignore as it was the truth. It's always the same answers, you and others always complain that you've repeated yourselves many of times yet you never have done. There's no evidence in this thread, it's all opinions. so please let me know when strong evidence is posted in this thread, thanks and best of luck to you as well.
There is loads of evidence all the way through this thread if you can't see it I'm not going through it all and listing it. I think you may have missed it just like you did with the peps which you failed to see. I'm not arguing with you but it's very plain to see to me. I've used pharn grade and genetics for over 20yrs and I know and it's all over this thread from over people. Mounting complaints from various members does show evidence also helps weigh on the side of fakes.
I was frustrated like yourself when I first found out but all you can do is buy loads of generic and use it and see what you think in 18 months time.
Best of luck with that
Best of luck to everyone then![]()
I was burnt and explained my experiences more than once on this thread, glad you like what you have keep using it and keep buying more. As far as pharm grade i would not buy off the net myself, if it did not come from a script i would not buy it. Those companies stay in business selling to guys who believe it's good. You get what you pay for. Real HGH is just not affordable for most people.
I have no idea what the situation is like in the states. However, when my doc first wrote my script I went to the local pharmacy to obtain prices for what I needed. No need for me to say the that prices from the pharmacy were extortionate! I went back and discussed this with my doc and he put me in touch with the wholesaler that actually supplies the high street pharmacies in the UK and the prices were 50% less than what the high street pharmacies were charging for the same exact product.
You need to find the wholesalers that supply the high street pharmacies and build up a relationship there if possible.
Still it's not evidence it's opinions. Likewise, I got it from someone with a script, buying of the net is one way to get scammed. You do indeed get what you pay for, let's leave it at that.
Where did you doc get his licence from Toys R Us? Sounds like he shouldn't be advising anyone if he hands out HGH like candy, does he make a few pennies on the sideline for his sneaky referral?
I think members experience is all the evidence you need. I recently bought a kit of gh from china. I have used some generics in the past with good results. I used the same source me and my buddy have used before and this time was sent crap. GHRP-6Originally Posted by KRH
Luckily I only ordered one kit for a tester. China sends crap now.
I picked up some serostim last week and have never looked back.
By your Chinese gh and post your results here please.
False economy. Your better not taking anything than risking your health with those genetics. Or go and buy some peps because they do put in some kind of anti diuretic hormone which will send your bp sky high the longer your on it. Safe the money and put it towards pharm when you can afford it
Perfect example of why they keep making this crap that is not HGH. They know that real HGH is not affordable to most, yet they want it, so they make something else. As mp859 stated, after the junk with ghrp-6 in it, he bought Serostim and never looked back. Please i do not want to hear this hearsay shi... If you are taking real hgh, your blood sugar will not get out of whack within 20 minutes of injecting, bs whacked out to a point where your sweating and need to eat again even though you just ate 1/2 hour before. Nor the more you take the more water weight you will gain. i gained 10 plus pounds of water, i think it was actually 12lbs. It's not hear say it is what happened to me. Real hgh will improve skin, hair, wellness and keep bodyfat down. I have been off HGH for almost a year now (sero) and i can physically see the difference in my body. I am not as lean and keeping my waist down is much harder. I took 2iu's per day, sometimes bumping it up to 3.
I agree, not saying that this is right thing to do, but I want to risk it and try to run this for about 10-12 weeks and see what happens. I was talking about this with my source for hours, couple days ago, he has been using that himself for 12 months now, and told me that results will start showing up in 6-8 weeks from start date. So I decided not to do use anything else but only this Kin and regular supplements, to check if there is any noticeable improvements. I know that chances are slim, but I will keep everyone posted.
So because you and others have a crap source it means all of Chinese GH is fake? This is what I'm talking about, there's so many strong opinions in this thread backed up by no evidence. Do you know what evidence means? More to the point, do you know the difference between a fact and an opinion?
You said you have good results, so I take it you were on your fake GH for a while, surely you'd notice you were taking GHRP-6, if I remember correctly, it makes you really hungry, surely this might have made you question it? Secondly I like to make sure to get bloodwork done frequently, that way I can monitor my levels and watch for anything unusual, maybe you should have done the same.
Also serostim is one of the most faked brands of GH around, what makes you think that's not fake crap as well?
I do buy my Chinese GH and I monitor my bloodwork constantly, it does as it's supposed to, I'm happy and that's all that matters. I'm following the trend of this thread and posting my opinions rather than evidence as it seems like that's what this thread is all about.
Prove me wrong, tell me exactly what magical chemicals the Chinese are throwing in to mimic the exact effects and bloodwork of GH and then I'll believe you. You won't be able to do this as it's not possible, there's nothing that can mimic the identical effects of GH while giving bloodworks that match that of Humatrope.
I had good results from generics of the past. I don feel like china exports real gh at all anymore just buy some generics. I'm sorry you are very butthurt because you can't afford legit gh. Get over it and move on please this is not debatable
I told you already. Ghrp,igf-1,albumin for gh serum or hgh 192
You sound like an angry china man to me.
Last edited by Mp859; 11-19-2013 at 01:33 PM.
See can't have a sensible discussing? How old are you 12? I can afford Humatrope, it's just not very cost effective when the Chinese can also produce HGH, common sense is lacking for some people.
Let's just think about this for a second.
Chinese HGH gives; good results, the same effects as real HGH and the same bloodwork as HGH, so why the f*** would you spend triple the times more on something that has a pharmacy label on it. It sounds to me that you're angry that you've wasted money on something that can be bought a hell of a lot cheaper, haha you moron!
Oh right that's funny I've tried both igf-1 and ghrp as they were suggested as being the peps the Chinese use and guess what, it didn't give the same bloodwork neither did it give the same effects. So you're wrong there, just more conspiracy BS that has no evidence behind it. This thread proves nothing and member like you are angry about it and get overly defensive about anyone questioning your stupid flawed logic.
You sound like someone who was hired by pharmacy companies to ruin the reputation of all Chinese HGH, to increase the sales of pharmacy HGH.
Yes I'm 12.Originally Posted by KRH
And unfortunately you have been duped by china.
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