I am 27, 6' and 200 lbs. I am looking for a lean look without sacraficing any muscle. I am currently in the scene of AAS but my buddy back home got into HGH. I decided to look into it and found this forum very helpful, everyone seems to know what they are talking about.
I was wondering what a good HGH and AAS cycle would be. What is more beneficial to put on muscle and cut up? IM or subq? I would be getting on the HGH for a 6 month period and decide if i like it from there....by the sounds of things i wont want to stop.
Would 4iu/per day on a 5/2 be good or what is a good cycle? my body says he takes green tops, any advice on that?
Im not going to sit here and pretend i know anything about HGH, i plan on researching a lot more on this before i make up my mind. but this seems to be a good way to find out, by getting advice.