It HOT in China right now. The humidity was so high I sweated off almost 10lbs in one 90 minute workout in a non ac'd gym. When I wrung out my shirt the sweat just poured out. I was driven about 2.5 hours outside of a major city to a "small" city of 700,000 people. It was on a Saturday evening. I was told that they wanted to take me there when there were less people.
They told me that the Chinese authorities jailed people for 1 year if the crime involved $1,000. For a crime above a $1,000,000 it was death. Yeah, pretty serious. They told me that they we shipping between 2,000 to 3,000 vials a month. The legit labs were shipping about 30,000 to 50,000 vials a month.
We went to a pretty modern looking pharma facility. I've seen US pharma companies before in my previous life. If the US pharma companies are "A" companies, what I saw was about "B" it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The raw materials were stored in a temp/humidity controlled room. The working area was clean and sealed. The machines were clean. The workers wore clean white lab coats, had latex gloves, masks, hair nets, and shoe covers. The operation was pretty small it looked like. There was only two people running process. They wouldn't let me go inside the working area. I had to observe through an observation window.
I watch the process for about 30 minutes. The process was pretty steady and the two lab guys seemed to know what they were doing. There was a big 'ol chromed machine that sort of looked like a continuous feed dish washer. There was no water but there was sterilization going on. The vials came out of there capped an finished. They probably made 500 to 700 vials on that run. They told me it was generic HGH that was being made.
There was vials with different colored tops in different batches. I asked them why the different colored tops and they said that that's how they tracked the HGH, HCG, IGF-lr1, GHRP-2, etc. I asked them if there was a difference between blue tops and yellow tops, etc. They said no. All the generics are the same formulation. I took that with a grain of salt. I know that the concentration and purity of the HGH differs between US and China so there must be differences in the generics also. Hey, I'm not a chemist so it's just my guess.
I asked them how they were able to run such an operation without alerting the authorities. They said that this lab was for making medicines for cows and other large animals. They rent the lab two weekends a month to make HGH and related products.
They said that they could make it legally but the taxes and bribes required to get an export license and the money required to pass the FDA's strict guidelines made their margins non existent so they ship small quantities all over the world to stay under the custom's radar.
They told me the all of the HGH coming out of China nowdays is 191AA. He said about 3 to 5 years ago there was a lot of 192AA being made and sold as 191AA. But over time the process became perfected and the equipment got better so now almost everyone makes 191AA. I took this with a grain of salt also. I think there are still unscrupulous people in China that will pass 192AA or HCG off as HGH to make a buck. Again, I have no proof just my theory. I think the source you buy from is the key in getting the legit HGH out of China.
I've been searching for two years to find someone, ANYONE who could show me an HGH lab in China. Why did I go through such trouble to find a lab? From the first time I started using HGH two years ago I could tell that this was good stuff. I really wanted to verify that the source was legit. I've been traveling to China for the last 10 years and know a lot of people there. I met a friend of a friend of a friend who agreed to introduce me to someone that might be able to get me into a lab. I was really curious to see how the Chinese labs made HGH. I was pleasantly surprised at the process and care that was taken to make the HGH.
Overall, I'm more confident that the HGH I'm getting is legit. I'll probably be on HGH my whole life so it was worth it for me to make the investment to see the lab for myself. Please don't ask me for sources. 1) If the deal went bad I would feel terrible and feel personally responsible. I just don't want to go there. 2) I value my membership on this forum and I don't want to lose my membership privileges. Good luck with HGH it's the best compound for an old fart like me