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  1. #1
    ssperka10 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2009

    GH durning season, HELP

    hytropin is that real stuff, the blue tops? I wanna run a Gh cycle during my football season tohave quicker recovery time. I dont want to put on size or gain strength just maybe maintain what I already have throughout the season. i wouldnt mine getting those results but really not shotting for that. I will be running everyday and team will be liting twice a week during the season. Do you think 4IUS daily I could reach those goals Ilve talk about. Im 23 years old and weigh 230 pounds. At the level of FB i get urine testing by the ncca so of course GH needs to be real and undectable. I can get GH from anti aging clinic but they want three to four times as much money for as IF i ordered it if the net. I don't know what to do, so i am asking for your advice So i can order hyge tropin off the net or from antiagin clici get serano, omnitrope, and tevtrope? Looking around 4 IUs daily for 4 months? Which should i do and expect from something like this?Should I run it longer because 5 months I would see any results. Thank you for you help

  2. #2
    BloodyBM is offline New Member
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    A friend of mine did omnitrope after he tore a ligament and it healed fairly quickly. he was about 22 at the time. hyge wont do much for you unless you have been on it for a really long time...i suggest you maintain a great diet during the season and workout more than 2 days a week to maintain your body. You are 23 hgh is not going to do much for you at 4iu's a day unless you have been on it for a while already. I say dont do gh unless your gonna get that good stuff from the anti aging clinic.

  3. #3
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssperka10 View Post
    hytropin is that real stuff, the blue tops? I wanna run a Gh cycle during my football season tohave quicker recovery time. I dont want to put on size or gain strength just maybe maintain what I already have throughout the season. i wouldnt mine getting those results but really not shotting for that. I will be running everyday and team will be liting twice a week during the season. Do you think 4IUS daily I could reach those goals Ilve talk about. Im 23 years old and weigh 230 pounds. At the level of FB i get urine testing by the ncca so of course GH needs to be real and undectable. I can get GH from anti aging clinic but they want three to four times as much money for as IF i ordered it if the net. I don't know what to do, so i am asking for your advice So i can order hyge tropin off the net or from antiagin clici get serano, omnitrope, and tevtrope? Looking around 4 IUs daily for 4 months? Which should i do and expect from something like this?Should I run it longer because 5 months I would see any results. Thank you for you help
    The line in bold sounds like fishing for a source which is not allowed here.

    HGH at that dose, for that period of time, at your age is about a waste of money

    Are you recovering from an injury or something? What kind of recovery are you looking for?

  4. #4
    ssperka10 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2009
    The line in the bold wasn't insteaded for a source i do indeed have a few but need to clear up some questions first. I'm about to spend some money and Im scared 1. i wont be taking enough or two that it will be fake

    Sales man at a ANTI AGE clinic, this business is a legit spot, manifacture, producem and sell. was trying to tell me at my age 23, with there name brand serano, omnitropem and tevtrope at 1 IU I should see unreal results at 2 month and should run that to 6 to 12 months. 17 Iu seems like alot and 1 IU doesnt from what Im reading feel like enough but maybe there someone out there that could tell me that because of my age and how good this GH is that it is or isnt worth it.

    What Im looking for is a better sense of well being ( battle depression) stronger faster quickerm UNDECTABLE fo drug testing

    Recovery Im looking for is to feel fresh hav my legs feel fresg while i lift at night after pratice

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