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Thread: T3 questions

  1. #1
    llrockyll's Avatar
    llrockyll is offline Member
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    Mar 2006

    T3 questions

    was considering running 50mcg of T3 while bulking to help stay lean. i wont be on any gear and was wondering even with being on hi cals would i still risk muscle loss? thanx

  2. #2
    llrockyll's Avatar
    llrockyll is offline Member
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    Mar 2006
    i no theres gotta be a knowledgeable bro out there thats knows this.

  3. #3
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Understanding an increase in metabolism could mean either; 1.- Better nutrient absorption and utilization or/and 2.- A more effective way to enter gluconeogenesis where muscle will be "burned" by transforming amino-acid chains into glucose when you're not eating (Or for any matter, when you're not eating properly)

    Just eat correctly. If you're trying to use T3 to get away with cheat meals in your "bulking" phase, better discard the idea.

    You can either "bulk" gaining 10lbs of fat and 5 of muscle or just gain the 5lbs of muscle, by EATING RIGHT.

    Don't BULK. Proceed to a plan for LEAN MASS gains.

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