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Thread: Can HGH heal this problem?

  1. #1

    Can HGH heal this problem?

    Hey guys,

    the thing is, I have been kinda injured from my left biceps tendon since I was a kid. I pay attention to this problem, I wasn't workingout at that age. But as soon as I start workingout at 15yo I start feeling my biceps tendon kinda "tense", it doesn't hurt, but when I flex I feel something that snap on that area, where the biceps meet the forearm.

    A simple example of what I feel..
    If I'm carrying a glass of water on each hand. I feel I'm carrying a huge rock with my left hand, I start feeling my biceps tendon kinda tense, and that happens immediately when lifting that glass. That the reason my left biceps does not develop at all compared with my right biceps. I can do 12rep of biceps DB curls with 45lbs with my right hand, but I can't do those 12 with my left, I'll be lucky to get 8reps. So I prevent using dumbbells, I prefer bars to help my other arm lift the weight.

    This is way annoying, this is driving me crazy.. I took a lot of studies of that area of my arm and got nothing of them. Doctors say I'm pretty fine, physical therapist say the same thing, that I have no problem. I tryout acupuncture and they say is a secondary effect of my intestine, seems it isn't working right.

    Maybe it is a small ligament because I feel the same when doing one arm DB extensions for tris. It is the same story.

    I hear that HGH can fix this, because it kinda reconstruct many parts of my body if they are damaged. Those are hormones, and they go to every part of the body, they even make bones grow as I know.

  2. #2
    hgh will take to long I think and cost to much for what you'll get, I have the same problem, only its les severe.
    If you're considering AAS you could use deca, primobolan, anavar or boldenone, they all give you extra collagen synthesis, thus stronger joints.
    I'm now doing some excentric exercises that the physiotherapist gave me.
    I'm now 8 days on, using Adequan, and it's already doing great work.. I have used Alflutop in the past but didn't do to much for my biceptendon and shoulder.
    I should try something like that first.. If this won't work for me I will be doing a cycle, something like this probably, be carefully with anavar since it is much faked these days, and its just stanozolol (winny) that you get, it is bad for your tendons.

    wk 1-12 test E 125mg EW
    wk 1-4 Anavar 40mg ed
    wk 1-10 Primo 100mg ew
    wk 1-10 deca 100mg ew

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    IMO if its a problem which needs reinforcement, then yes steroids and many other compounds, along with a good diet and gym workouts will reinforce the muscles around the area and give relief. If you have a problem where something is dislocated or not aloigned properly then no, its not going to help.

    I would advice going to a specialized doctor and have him really look into why this is occusring. If they stilll cant find anything, then i would try to ignore the pain and reinforce all the muslcles surrounding that area with a good gym workout routine and maybe a well put together cycle.

    Good luck.

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