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It's actually best stacked with some form of AAS and HGH. Usually a single shot once a day of a short-acting compound. Usually Humulin-R (unless you can get Humalog) IMO it's best used after a training session when the body already has a tendency to store more carbs and protein (although some people prefer other times of day) The standard protocol I believe is 1 IU per 20 pounds of BW, but you would do best to start out at a lower dose like say 2-4 IU and then work your way up a bit until you feel you are taking enough. As doses increase, so does the amount of sugar that is consumed with them. So again, a standard of 10g per IU is given, but I'd recommend a dose of 150g regardless of the amount as long as it is below 15 IU's. If it is higher then add 10g's for every IU. Since the compound stays active for like 6-8 hours, hypoglycemia can occur so it would be wise to have someone there just in case something goes wrong. So consuming carbs during this time should be advise, and at the very least keep a large amount of Dex handy, so you can act quickly. Dizziness, weakness and feeling sleepy are all pretty good indicators of the onset of hypoglycemia and a good sign that you should take another good dose of sugar.
I'd advise Dextrose as the carb source. It'll absorb the fastest, minimizing the risk as opposed to other complex carbs. Mix 150 grams in water and consume within 20 minutes of the pin and keep a glass with another 150 grams handy. If you finish the glass, immediately prepare another until the insulin has cleared the blood. I wouldn't take this stuff lightly dude. It can make you a life-long diabetic and in the worst case, it can kill you. If proper protocol is followed, this stuff is harmless. Educate yourself as much as you can before messing around with it though.