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Thread: insulin?? Beginners

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    insulin?? Beginners

    I have read a little on insulin, but have not figured it all out. Can someone explain the simple facts the does and donts.

    Is it bennifical to take it while off cycle?

    How do you take it? everyday? if so how long untill I should give it a break and how long to break?

    I just came of a great 13 week cycle. Im still running hgh. I didnt want to mess wit hinsulin bc dangerouse. BUt would like to learn how to do so.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's actually best stacked with some form of AAS and HGH. Usually a single shot once a day of a short-acting compound. Usually Humulin-R (unless you can get Humalog) IMO it's best used after a training session when the body already has a tendency to store more carbs and protein (although some people prefer other times of day) The standard protocol I believe is 1 IU per 20 pounds of BW, but you would do best to start out at a lower dose like say 2-4 IU and then work your way up a bit until you feel you are taking enough. As doses increase, so does the amount of sugar that is consumed with them. So again, a standard of 10g per IU is given, but I'd recommend a dose of 150g regardless of the amount as long as it is below 15 IU's. If it is higher then add 10g's for every IU. Since the compound stays active for like 6-8 hours, hypoglycemia can occur so it would be wise to have someone there just in case something goes wrong. So consuming carbs during this time should be advise, and at the very least keep a large amount of Dex handy, so you can act quickly. Dizziness, weakness and feeling sleepy are all pretty good indicators of the onset of hypoglycemia and a good sign that you should take another good dose of sugar.

    I'd advise Dextrose as the carb source. It'll absorb the fastest, minimizing the risk as opposed to other complex carbs. Mix 150 grams in water and consume within 20 minutes of the pin and keep a glass with another 150 grams handy. If you finish the glass, immediately prepare another until the insulin has cleared the blood. I wouldn't take this stuff lightly dude. It can make you a life-long diabetic and in the worst case, it can kill you. If proper protocol is followed, this stuff is harmless. Educate yourself as much as you can before messing around with it though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The gym or the kitchen
    well said^^^

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Out of my mind
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    It's actually best stacked with some form of AAS and HGH. Usually a single shot once a day of a short-acting compound. Usually Humulin-R (unless you can get Humalog) IMO it's best used after a training session when the body already has a tendency to store more carbs and protein (although some people prefer other times of day) The standard protocol I believe is 1 IU per 20 pounds of BW, but you would do best to start out at a lower dose like say 2-4 IU and then work your way up a bit until you feel you are taking enough. As doses increase, so does the amount of sugar that is consumed with them. So again, a standard of 10g per IU is given, but I'd recommend a dose of 150g regardless of the amount as long as it is below 15 IU's. If it is higher then add 10g's for every IU. Since the compound stays active for like 6-8 hours, hypoglycemia can occur so it would be wise to have someone there just in case something goes wrong. So consuming carbs during this time should be advise, and at the very least keep a large amount of Dex handy, so you can act quickly. Dizziness, weakness and feeling sleepy are all pretty good indicators of the onset of hypoglycemia and a good sign that you should take another good dose of sugar.

    I'd advise Dextrose as the carb source. It'll absorb the fastest, minimizing the risk as opposed to other complex carbs. Mix 150 grams in water and consume within 20 minutes of the pin and keep a glass with another 150 grams handy. If you finish the glass, immediately prepare another until the insulin has cleared the blood. I wouldn't take this stuff lightly dude. It can make you a life-long diabetic and in the worst case, it can kill you. If proper protocol is followed, this stuff is harmless. Educate yourself as much as you can before messing around with it though.
    Biggest difference between insulin and most of the other products we use. Also the reason why it justifies a huge amount of research. If you are going to use it, make sure someone else is around you and knows what you are doing, they may be able to help keep you from going into shock or explain to the EMT's what you've taken.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    thanks that was helpful. If I folow those protocals is my chance of becoing diabetic 0% or close to it? With any gear I always do it the right way, not like most people. Is it bennifical ran off cycle? I just finished up PCT of my 13 week cycle. Im looking for something to bulk or cut ( dont care just ant gains) Im currently running hgh. So back to the insulin, If I do as you say im safe? and are the gains worth the risk?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    aswell should I drink Pure dextrose? or a heavy carb protien powder. Someone recomended n-large by prolabs. 85 g of carbs and 28g of suger 52 g of protien. IS this what I need? Is it the suger or the carbs? or both? Thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Yes it can be ran off an AAS cycle but as stated above it's better in conjunction with AAS or other Peps. Following proper protocols will likely eliminate any negative side effects Slin is reputable for. Stick with a good source of Dextrose.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    so follwoing a shot I should drink 150g of pure dextrose aswell as large amount of protien? NOW makes a pure dextrose

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    Dont mean to thread jack but I have been researching Slin for a while now.
    I notice there are quick a few different kinds as in the time they take to effect and how fast they effect as well as amounts.
    1)I would assume BBers would only want FAST slin only?
    2)I also seem to gather from my research ANY amount of slin in a non-diabetic athlete will promote growth. In other words you could do 1 IU a day and see gains (all be it very little)
    These both correct?

  10. #10
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    Feb 2008
    anything guys? im so close to understanding but not close enough. Still unclear on what I should be drinking right after shot. So farIf I shoot anywhere from 2-15 ius I should comsume 150g of (SOMTHING) not sure if dextrose or carbs, or if they are same. aswell as consume as much protien as possible at that time ,bc that is what makes the slin work. Also know that people shoot before or after workout. i guess safer to do so after. can someone clear up the gray areas for me?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    from what i understand normal protocol would be 10 grams carb and 5 grams of protein per iu of insulin taken and start out slow and gradual increase. i am also a beginner and would also like to know some infor. #1 u say its better taken with aas,would 250ml per week of test and 4 iu of gh be good #2 what will the benefit be will i be naturally stronger after cycling after 6 months, a year or not, when i say naturally i mean when im no longer doing anything and compareing that with never doing anything at all to begin with? #3from what ive read so far insulin takes the small muscle cells and matures them is this true?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    forgot #4 how long do you run the cycle of insulin and how long to stay off before you get back on it?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    anything guys? im so close to understanding but not close enough. Still unclear on what I should be drinking right after shot. So farIf I shoot anywhere from 2-15 ius I should comsume 150g of (SOMTHING) not sure if dextrose or carbs, or if they are same. aswell as consume as much protien as possible at that time ,bc that is what makes the slin work. Also know that people shoot before or after workout. i guess safer to do so after. can someone clear up the gray areas for me?
    he just said above that he recomends using dextrose, as it is fast absorbing and is easier to predict than complex carbs. USE DEXTROSE. In fact, you probably shouldnt use insulin, at this rate you will be dead not long after you use it.

    Complex carbs digest at different rates, if you shoot a bunch of slin, you will want carbohydrates ( sugars) that you can predict the digestion of. The onset of hypo from slin is fast. Hence the fast absorbing carbs. Using a mixed carb shake would make it difficult to predict how much of the total carbs from that shake will absorb when. Follow me?

    I shouldnt have to say this, but yes, dextrose is a carb. A carbohydrate is any sugar.

    he said 10 grams of sugars ( carbohydrates) per iu slin shot. So 2 iu slin used, is 20 grams of carbs, mininum.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by myturn View Post
    from what i understand normal protocol would be 10 grams carb and 5 grams of protein per iu of insulin taken and start out slow and gradual increase. i am also a beginner and would also like to know some infor. #1 u say its better taken with aas,would 250ml per week of test and 4 iu of gh be good #2 what will the benefit be will i be naturally stronger after cycling after 6 months, a year or not, when i say naturally i mean when im no longer doing anything and compareing that with never doing anything at all to begin with? #3from what ive read so far insulin takes the small muscle cells and matures them is this true?
    slin super saturates the muscles with glycogen. It makes them store more than they could other wise. Imagine instead of a gigantic PWO shake passing through your body, mostly unused, you get much more oif it into the muscle cells.

    GH affects insulin sensitivity. You should probably run slin without it a few times to know how you will react to it and then add hgh.

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