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  1. #1
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Talking HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise

    Hi ladies and gents,
    I am 5"11" 82 kgs with about 18-20% bf. I have been training naturally from last 1.5 years, but now little pissed with not getting my 6 pack clearly. although I have already lost around 13 Kgs in my last 5 months and body would't loose anymore, so I took a 2 month break.

    Now, I plan to use HGH/Deca /Anavar to achieve where I want to be, please keep in mind I only want to use roids for support my training not roids build by body so my cycle may look bit naive to you.

    8-10 Week cycle
    week1 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 100 mg deca/wk (Already gained 2 kgs in a wk)
    Week2 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 100 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD
    Week3 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 200 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD
    Week4 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 200 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD
    Week5 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 200 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD
    Week6 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 200 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD
    Week7 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 100 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD +PST
    Week8 - 20mg Anavar/Day, 100 mg Deca/wk + 4 I.U HGH EOD +PST

    as I mentioned I already gained 2 kgs in the first week. probably due to deca water retention and trained 7 times a week. I am eating more and even cheated during first week :-(
    Any good advise on how to achieve my targets will be highly appreciated.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Your BF may be an issue, and your proposed cycle isn't ideal by any means. You are going to be shut down bad and your recovery process may take much longer then anticipated.

    Regardless of your goals with this, you may want to re-think what you are doing here.

  3. #3
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    what would you recommend? add something to it or completely change deca ? I have access to T4
    Last edited by krahul3; 08-14-2010 at 01:53 PM.

  4. #4
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    i have access to clen too but it gives me shit side effects, I have access to unlimited PST , clomid proviron and nolvadex . I can use Sust too but again I just want to cut down.

  5. #5
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    To lose bodyfat and get that six pack you'll need to focus more on your diet and do cardio. Relying on drugs will disappoint. Getting ripped is all about diet, cardio, and training, it'll get you there much much quicker

    Head to the diet section then to the Q+A steroid section and start reading the newbie starter packs. We don't spoon feed too much info

  6. #6
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Cycling without Test is highly unwise for various reasons.
    Your Var dosage is insufficient, same with your Deca .
    HGH duration is insufficient.

    Drop the BF via proper diet & HIIT cardio. Hold off on all anabolics in the meantime.

  7. #7
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    I may not be 20% bf, I'll post a pic for you to decide, I agree with you guys with diet and cardio that's how I lost 13kgs, and my body almost gave up after 4 months, I would't loose anymore. and now after a break I feel tired and can't do much at all, that's why I planned to use light aas to kick start.
    I can increase HGH duration, but I want to keep it to minimum as again I don't want to use too much of these.
    Last edited by krahul3; 08-14-2010 at 01:57 PM.

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Either way, your cycle isn't ideal bro.

  9. #9
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Smile Current Pics

    Here are some current pics just before starting my first week with above mentioned cycle. I think I am not 20% BF but unsure.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0962.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0968.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0966.jpg  

  10. #10
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Not in the 20's that's for sure.

  11. #11
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    do you think adding sust 250/week is a good idea?

  12. #12
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I believe you should re-address your diet as I've stated before. If you've all of a sudden stopped loosing weight/BF, throwing Steroids in the mix isn't you last and only solution. To drop the fat between your skin and abdominal starts with what you eat, and how you train yourself.

    So again, I would consider HIIT cardiovascular training on top of a new diet regimen. The nutrition section will clean up your diet in no time.

  13. #13
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Natural before and after

    here is a sneek peek on what I have been able to acheive naturally, over the period of 5 months, but I have reached a barrier now and I am exhausted, that's why I planned to use this stuff.
    5-6 months dieting, and cardio of atleast 4 hours a week has taken its toll, I feel i need a bit of kick to keep going.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0220.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_1108.jpg  

  14. #14
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    That's good progress.

    So you initially stated in your OP that you wanted to run these compounds strictly to support your training...

    Can you elaborate a bit more on this?

  15. #15
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    My training consisting of 4 days/wk Weights (2 body parts /day) + 5-7 hours cardio/wk.
    Weights were mostly supersets as heavy as I can go. 4 sets each exercise.

    I almost lost 1 kg per wk for first 12 weeks and then slowly I would't loose anymore, but by that time I was dead exhausted. diet was harder than ever. but I kept going until I had an anxiety attack. I docs recommended me to stop training and take it easy. so I took 2 months of from training and strict diet. and have put on 3-4 kilos back again.
    so kind of pissed now. I need to get back up and achieve my goals. Naturally, I can't even do half of what I was doing earlier after the break. so I think taking a bit of risk with AAS and HGH can be good option to stop loosing my gains and move forward.
    I would appreciate you can guide me more on PST, I have access to unlimited stuff but I only want to use it to the minimum.
    i will soon post pics of my Deca and HGH

  16. #16
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Replaced my Anavar with Sustanon 250

    Hi Guys,
    On your recommendation, I have replaced my Anavar with Sustanon 250, hope it supports my HGH better, is there anything else I can do to better my cycle? increase it to 3 months?
    I will run two PST now, one during 1 month and 2nd at the end of my cycle.
    Any good advise is highly appriciated.

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good advise. Work more on diet as also stated by vets like Reed. Your base is not bad and you are not fat but your body fat is still clearly to high to show any abs. You cant expect to see your abs when you still have a small spare tire and look a little soft.

    The HGH is used properly may help you burn the fat quicker but many people end up retaining water more at least for a while.

    Running the Anvar may help. How abut updating your progress and letting us know. New pictures would be good also. Diet is still the key.

  18. #18
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys,
    I really appreciate all your feedback and advise.
    I have put on 3 kgs in last 4 weeks, and I am hoping its water cos of Sustanon , Deca and HGH. I will now slowly start to replace Sust and deca with non water steroids , like Winstrol , Anavar or test propionate ( if I spelled it correctly) to finish off my last 6 weeks of cycle.

    Training has picked up again, but somehow I feel I could push lot more when I was natural, although I am lifting more weight. did 110Kgs bench first time ever in my life. but this water retention is shitting me to tears.

    I think diet is 90% strict , not having anything fried or sweets. very few carbs after lunch.

    Will post some pics soon

  19. #19
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    I eat a carb cycling diet that I got from the diet section. It's a good diet to help drop fat. You're already into your cycle right? Sustanon has 4 Test esters and the Deca will shut you down harder than the Test. The first cycle is normally a long ester like Test E, 500mg/wk, 12wks, 3 weeks rest, PCT with clomid and nolvadex . Do you have a PCT planned?

  20. #20
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Smile Picture update 5th week into the cycle

    Hi Guys,
    As promised here is an update 5th week into the cycle, took anavar only for first 1 week. since then have been using Sustanon and deca , recently also did a nolva/proviron sub cycle for 10 days.
    let me know what are you thoughts on this, I am kind of surprised to see the results, will wonder how can i convince myself to stay natural now.
    the first two pics are "before" pics, pls keep in mind that in before pics I came back after a 2 month complete break.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0967_3.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_0966.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_1150.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_1151.jpg   HGH/DECA/ANAVAR Cycle, Pls Advise-img_1152.jpg  

  21. #21
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    did 4th set of my squats with 110Kg 6 reps ,2 days back, first time ever in life.

  22. #22
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I eat a carb cycling diet that I got from the diet section. It's a good diet to help drop fat. You're already into your cycle right? Sustanon has 4 Test esters and the Deca will shut you down harder than the Test. The first cycle is normally a long ester like Test E, 500mg/wk, 12wks, 3 weeks rest, PCT with clomid and nolvadex. Do you have a PCT planned?
    ya I have access to HCG , clomid, nolva, proviron and clen for my PCT

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Normally HCG is taken during the cycle 250iu twice a week. Clomid & Nolvadex should be enough. Proviron was used a while ago as anti-estrogen compound. But with the use of Clomid and Nolvadex the use of Proviron lost popularity. Clen doesn't need to be a part of your PCT unless you're looking to cut. I hate the way that Clen makes me feel.

  24. #24
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    hate taking clen too

    Hi hate taking clen too, but I may just include it in my PCT due to its anti-catabolic effect. I read it in how to come off steroids section on this website.

    BTW any comments on my progress - thx

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Your progress looks good. Keep sharp on your diet and you'll gain some nice lean muscles.

  26. #26
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Sex drive sky rocket

    Hi Guys i am in my last few weeks of my cycle, Just want to ask some experienced member about sex drive, mine skyrocketed since 3rd week in the cycle.
    Can someone tell me if one should restrain from sex while on gear to save test in your body or it does't matter, I know it may sound like bit off track question but sexdrive is becoming an issue and iam constantly been bothered by it. Unless i don't "do it" atleast once a day I am kind of frustrated and can't sleep, and want to shag any female that i see. ( sorry but thats true) Its becoming a little problem as my girl can't take it so much and i end of jerking off just to relive myself, as don't want to get caught looking at someone girl's rack in the gym.

    or maybe its just in my mind, I am 29 currently and would normally do it at least 3-4 times/week when off cycle.

    Guys & Girls its a serious question so please don't come up with funny answers , I am sure there will be others like me too that can make use of this information.
    Thx in advance

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