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Thread: Hgh Dosage help

  1. #1

    Hgh Dosage help

    I have about 200 IU now and I can get more if need be

    I just wanted to know if there is any difference in running gh

    6 IU for 33 days everyday or 6 IU
    6 IU 5 on 2 off for +6 weeks

    second scenario

    8 IU for 25 days everyday
    8 IU for 5 weeks 5 on 2 off

    I'm getting down to about 12% bodyfat which hopefully will be in about a month then running the gh to get sub 10% and help skin tightening along the way (which is a major part for why I'm using it)

    will I see the exact same results from all these scenarios, or is time an issue here, more time = better results regardless of the dosage ?
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    It depends on your goals and your expereince. What are your stats?
    Those are pretty high doses depending on your expereince with gh. You will see solid fat loss with 3-4 IU/day. I would also prefer dosing everyday if money permits. No need to take the weekend off. GH is a powerful cortisol counter measure. That is why it is typicly dosed when cortisol is at it's highest levels. In the early a.m. and early to mid-afternoon.

  3. #3
    5'8 192 lbs about 13-14% bf
    I'll probably be around 12% in about a month and I want to get down to 10% or a bit less in the next 8-12 weeks
    I've heard about ppl using 16 IU 3x a week for 4 weeks and getting insane results, but the keyword here is HEARD not seen
    so is time an issue ? or can faster results be required with higher dosages
    (FYI this is just a question, running that much gh would bankrupt anyone!!)

  4. #4
    ive done 10iu's a day before mon to fri and weekends off, for about 3 months worked great

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby_89 View Post
    ive done 10iu's a day before mon to fri and weekends off, for about 3 months worked great
    what were your results like ?
    fat loss and mass wise ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Detroit Suburbs
    I personally ease into any type of drug with the idea of optimal results from moderate doses while understanding how my body reacts. That being said 3-4 IUs of legit GH will get you to your goals stated. Gh needs to be looked at as more of a long- term ride 6 months minimum.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    I personally ease into any type of drug with the idea of optimal results from moderate doses while understanding how my body reacts. That being said 3-4 IUs of legit GH will get you to your goals stated. Gh needs to be looked at as more of a long- term ride 6 months minimum.
    I've used gh for 4 months before at 4 IU a day with good results
    I'm talking about higher dosage and less time
    will it get me the same results ?

  8. #8
    I've been on HGH for a couple of years now and tried all sorts of wacky things. I say wacky because I read about them in this forum and wanted to see if they work. I tried the 15iu 3 times a week and got terrible sides. I tried 6 on 1 off. I tried 5 on 2 off with slightly higher dosage. The thing I found that works the best is consistency. I take 5iu/ed. Pretty simple but works great.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've been on HGH for a couple of years now and tried all sorts of wacky things. I say wacky because I read about them in this forum and wanted to see if they work. I tried the 15iu 3 times a week and got terrible sides. I tried 6 on 1 off. I tried 5 on 2 off with slightly higher dosage. The thing I found that works the best is consistency. I take 5iu/ed. Pretty simple but works great.
    so 5 IU daily for 6 weeks will get me to sub 10% bodyfat

  10. #10
    The HGH will help in lowering the body fat content but it's not magic. You still have to do cardio and get on a good diet. It also depends on your age and genetics. I'm 50 and at my age I have a hard time (almost impossible because I don't want to give up eating tasty treats, lol) getting my bf below 10%. If your in your early 30's it's much easier. If you're in your 20's you should skip the HGH.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    The HGH will help in lowering the body fat content but it's not magic. You still have to do cardio and get on a good diet. It also depends on your age and genetics. I'm 50 and at my age I have a hard time (almost impossible because I don't want to give up eating tasty treats, lol) getting my bf below 10%. If your in your early 30's it's much easier. If you're in your 20's you should skip the HGH.
    I'm in my early 20's and I'm not looking for a quick fix, I've been training for over 7 years and one the most important reasons to use gh is for skin tightening properties whil losing fat

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Hey---and welcome
    I think the general consensus around here is that someone in their Early 20's is too early for HGH--I know you are anxious to do this---but....really do yourself a big health favor and think about it. You are more than likely already producing enough growth hormone now and do not want to jeopardize this. My 2 cents.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoGetIt View Post
    so 5 IU daily for 6 weeks will get me to sub 10% bodyfat
    6 weeks wont do anything bro.... 6 months.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Chev View Post
    6 weeks wont do anything bro.... 6 months.
    I've had pretty good results in about 2 months bro
    I'm not looking for a quick fix, but it seems I need to run gh for a longer period of time, lets say 6 months at 4 IU 5 on 2 off
    I've gotten down to about 10% before but I still have a "pouch" over my lower abs, I was once about 230 lbs of fat when I was younger and I didn't know much about diet and exercise and I lost it all way too fast, its not that bad but when u bust ur ass for years training for hours and giving up foods u love and still see those flaps that cover the abs it fuks with ur head

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Might want to look into ghrp-6 which will increase your bodies natural gh production, and not like the fake crap that is sold all over the enternet. It is a powder that is reconstituted just like gh. MUCH cheaper.

    Another prob with hgh is you don't even know if its real or under dosed. I'm dealing with this now.

    How can you be in your early 20s and been training for 7 years? Start at 15....
    If that is the case you really should just look into getting on a strict clean diet. It makes all the difference in the world.

    What is your current diet and cardio/training regement look like?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Might want to look into ghrp-6 which will increase your bodies natural gh production, and not like the fake crap that is sold all over the enternet. It is a powder that is reconstituted just like gh. MUCH cheaper.

    Another prob with hgh is you don't even know if its real or under dosed. I'm dealing with this now.

    How can you be in your early 20s and been training for 7 years? Start at 15....
    If that is the case you really should just look into getting on a strict clean diet. It makes all the difference in the world.

    What is your current diet and cardio/training regement look like?
    I "yo-yo" cardio, I play basketball or soccer once a week, do either LISS or HIIT 2-3 times a week
    4-5 days of lifting and time off when I feel my body needs it, and I sleep alot

    diet is usually low carbs for the most part, try to each as much chicken, tuna, egg whites, turkey and other meats and fish

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    Ok well, that looks good. I would go the the diet section and lay out your diet in detail. The hgh will be a wast of money if your diet isn't good enough.

    To answer your first question, most guys will tell you that 2ius per day will give you good fat loss results. I'm on 4 but have diff goals than you. If fat loss is your only objective then I would think that any more than 4ius would not be worth the money. Commit to no less that 3 months for best results.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Ok well, that looks good. I would go the the diet section and lay out your diet in detail. The hgh will be a wast of money if your diet isn't good enough.

    To answer your first question, most guys will tell you that 2ius per day will give you good fat loss results. I'm on 4 but have diff goals than you. If fat loss is your only objective then I would think that any more than 4ius would not be worth the money. Commit to no less that 3 months for best results.
    skin tightening properties too

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    I've heard of this for older people, don't know if it will help you.

    Hope so


  20. #20
    Before you go ahead with your HGH regiment you should read more about HGH and people under 30. Some of the more experienced users on this board frown on it. Once you have more info then you can make an informed decision to start or not.

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