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Thread: Pathetic HGH (IGF-1) results after 6 months

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    thats cool slim that your a chick and ur the one that usually responds to all my posts. nice to see u have questions too.

  2. #42
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    I am no expert but have read that at 1 - 2 iu per day is what women use for anti-aging. For fat loss, women need 4 - 5 iu daily on 5 on/2 off schedule for generic blue tops. Need to ramp up to the higher dosages. This is what I have read on sites. I have no experience...just lurking and gathering info.

  3. #43
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    Oct 2008
    I take 2iu/day HGH and have taken IGF-1 blood tests to verify that I have a genuine product. The rule of thumb that I go by, and this is verified through blood testing, is that each daily dose of 1iu, roughly increase your IGF-1 level around 100 ng/ml per unit.

    Your tests would indicate to me that your HGH is either old, damaged or bogus... or perhaps the test was not accurate. Something is very wrong. I'd be looking for an alternative source for HGH and would be sure to have my blood tested independently... not by the same person/doctor/organization that is selling the product.

  4. #44

    Hello All - New Here, Eager for New Opinoins!

    Hello all,

    I have had the hardest time locating this thread!

    I have been talking to SlimmerMe in another thread, and would like to introduce myself as a peptide and hormone enthusiast hehe. I have 10+ years experience, and years worth of research behind me.

    If anyone is interested in studies, and interpretations of data for HGH or peptides I would be glad to share what I have found in my research.

    Back on track though - Regarding SlimmerMe, I think it is almost certain that something has gone terrible wrong here. We have discussed, and I think we may have located the key issue with her bloodwork. The issue simply being: timing.

    If you will all please look at my Attachment #1, you will see SlimmerMe's dosing protocol (which was 1am) and blood-work was drawn at 10:30am = the HGH pulse would have been minimal by this time. Thus meaning IGF-1 scores would be subsequently low as well.

    Initially I was concerned that she was being provided with underdosed or faked products from her AA-doctor, which is criminal. Although, now I'm thinking it was a simple testing issue. I believe that when she re-tests and injects the HGH much closer to the blood-test she will see much much more stimulation of the liver, and an increased release of IGF-1...

    One thing is certain, at 1 - 1.5iu for a women, they SHOULD be seeing the same results as a man would from 5 - 6iu. That's what my experience dictates. Unfortunately I have no scientific data to confirm this...

    Good discussion thus far..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	111734  

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    This makes sense. I bet you are right. I should have taken my BW closer to injection as suggested by another member here too...Hope this is the case since the last thing I want to do is accuse anyone of any tricky business!


  6. #46
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    Oct 2008
    There's information out there that claims that: "IGF-1 mirrors GH excesses and deficiencies, but its level is stable throughout the day, making it a useful indicator of average GH levels." If this is true, then there shouldn't be a huge issue over the time of day that the blood sample was taken.

    This is the position of AACC, the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. Their description of the IGF-1 test is at:

    From my experience taking HGH and IGF-1 tests... I did the first test before starting HGH and established my baseline. I started taking 2iu/day. Three days later, I took the test and my HGH was elevated about 20%. I took the third IGF-1 test 30 days after starting HGH and my IGF-1 level more than doubled. What that demonstrated to me is that IGF-1 level rises and falls slowly...

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    There's information out there that claims that: "IGF-1 mirrors GH excesses and deficiencies, but its level is stable throughout the day, making it a useful indicator of average GH levels." If this is true, then there shouldn't be a huge issue over the time of day that the blood sample was taken.

    This is the position of AACC, the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. Their description of the IGF-1 test is at:

    From my experience taking HGH and IGF-1 tests... I did the first test before starting HGH and established my baseline. I started taking 2iu/day. Three days later, I took the test and my HGH was elevated about 20%. I took the third IGF-1 test 30 days after starting HGH and my IGF-1 level more than doubled. What that demonstrated to me is that IGF-1 level rises and falls slowly...
    IGF-1 baseline was taken. So now I have MORE to think about..Thanks JimInAK

  8. #48
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    Just an off the cuff question - if one's 'normal' GH levels were at par or higher and one was to supplement with a synthtic hgh regimine, would your levels read higher? Or, would we see the same outcome that Slimmer experienced - little to no movement.

    I had a buddy 'who claimed' that his test levels were in th 800 range before starting a test/deca cycle and md-way through, he was about 50pts higher.

    I don't truly understand the science behind it and am obviusly not an expert....merely curious.

  9. #49
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    I have my blood drawn between 45 minutes to an hour after injection. Anything much longer than that and levels will fall off. Try dosing a higher dose the day of the test. Maybe 2.5-3 iu's. You'll at least know if it's fake or not.

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