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Thread: Hgh WITH carbs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada

    Hgh WITH carbs?

    I've always read never to have carbs around your shot of gh, but the other day I read to gain mass, have a few grams of simple carbs to trigger an insulin release. This way it is the same as having your gh with a couple of iu's of insulin.

    I just dismissed this off as untrue when I read it but yesterday at the gym I was looking a new glutamine supplement they have by Strive and it said the same thing. It recomended to take the glutamine with 20g of simple carbs to elicit the maximum effect on gh levels.

    Here's the link to the Strive glutamine

    What are your guys thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    I've always read never to have carbs around your shot of gh, but the other day I read to gain mass, have a few grams of simple carbs to trigger an insulin release. This way it is the same as having your gh with a couple of iu's of insulin.

    I just dismissed this off as untrue when I read it but yesterday at the gym I was looking a new glutamine supplement they have by Strive and it said the same thing. It recomended to take the glutamine with 20g of simple carbs to elicit the maximum effect on gh levels.

    Here's the link to the Strive glutamine

    What are your guys thoughts on this?
    insulin and gh compete with each other so thats why you need to leave it an hour for carbs after your gh shot. i wouldnt believe any crap on a supp label.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    insulin and gh compete with each other .
    That was always my understanding but I know a lot of guys shoot their gh and slin together PWO. So what I'm getting at is, if it's beneficial to take gh with slin, why not a few grams of carbs to release some natty slin?

  4. #4
    It's not the insulin that's the problem. It's the sugar that's the problem. When you eat carbs with HGH the prevents the absorption of sugars. Slows down insulin secretion. Sugar and HGH is not good. Insulin and HGH is ok.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    It's not the insulin that's the problem. It's the sugar that's the problem. When you eat carbs with HGH the prevents the absorption of sugars. Slows down insulin secretion. Sugar and HGH is not good. Insulin and HGH is ok.
    Well said Scotch.

    I shoot the insulin and HGH at the same time. Usually waiting 35 - 45 minutes before consuming a 100g of carbs from shake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    That makes sense.

  7. #7
    Okay this may sound stupid, but besides synthetic insulin, is there any regular foods that act as insulin/carbs without the sugars messing it up?

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    diabetic and hgh

    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    It's not the insulin that's the problem. It's the sugar that's the problem. When you eat carbs with HGH the prevents the absorption of sugars. Slows down insulin secretion. Sugar and HGH is not good. Insulin and HGH is ok.
    If a person with high sugar levels (diabetic is above 100) is taking hgh, does this mean that they will not see the benefits of hgh? I sure hope someone has insight on this!!

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