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Thread: humilin R

  1. #1
    kau is offline New Member
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    humilin R

    my intro
    age 22
    height 5'11"(180cm)
    weight 77kg(170pounds)
    body fat 10%
    bmr 1687
    TDEE 2615
    training from 6 years
    goal to gain as much as possible

    ok guys I will not do cycle till June or July
    but I want to reach 200 pounds
    currently not using any supplement
    I was thinking to use insulin
    5iu Humilin R after workout

    10gm creatine after workout
    and zma tablets also

    anybody Experienced with that?
    what else can I add?
    what about igf-1

    my diet will be
    1 glass of milk
    8 whole eggs

    chicken breast 250gm

    brown bread 5-6 slices
    1 veggi
    8 whole eggs
    1 bowl rice

    1 bowl rice
    banana+penautbutter sandwich

    6:30pm(1 hour before workout)
    whey shake(50gm)+1 glass milk

    8:30pm(immediately after workout)
    whey shake(50gm)+1 glass milk
    20-30gm dextrose

    chicken breast 250gm
    brown bread 4-5 slices
    1 glass milk

    what is your opinion?
    Last edited by kau; 11-23-2010 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    22? way to early is another idea and this might be your lucky day: If your goal is to gain as much as possible first before cycling, then just yesterday,,,,,yes yesterday in the diet forum, there is a contest starting in January for 12 weeks. You only need to go to the thread and announce you want to enter. And then when the time comes, a moderator will secretly line you up with one of the competing trainers who will guide you thru the 12 weeks in hopes that your before and after photo will WIN! is the thread and I hope you do this because the trick to all of this is to use your TONS of natural hormones you have first to the max before cycling or humilin.....HOW ABOUT IT?

  3. #3
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Dude have you done any research?? I mean youre 170lbs and you want to do INSULIN ??? Plus do it TWICE a day?? PLUS 10iu post workout?? Are you stupid?? I can pretty much promise you the VERY first time you shoot slin youre gonna passout and possibly go into a coma. 20-30g of dextrose with 10iu will kill you. Period. You clearly havent done any research. Hope you have someone around you to call 911 when you passout.

  4. #4
    kau is offline New Member
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    vettereck I did researched not much
    I read an article on bulking up using insulin on this site and in chemical muscle enhancement book
    I have read your thread
    what's your opinion then
    I think I will cancel the pre workout 2 iu's
    and lower the post workout to 5 iu's
    how is that?
    but I workout only three days a week?
    should I use it thrice week only.
    I am taking 1 on+2 off months cycle with insulin also planning to use metformin (Glucophage)
    and how much dextrose
    you are experianced with this please reply

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    USA and many other places
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-24-2010 at 10:11 AM.

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