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  1. #1
    TTLex is offline Junior Member
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    feet tingling and numbness on HGH???

    ok, i know one of the sides of HGH is your hands tingling/ numbing/ falling asleep. What about your feet?

    I've been on HGH for about 3.5 months, started low, went up .5 ius every week or so until I go to 4iu's a day. I dropped it back to 3, then back up to 3.5. Not so much due to sides, more so because I had to have rotator cuff surgery, so I had a break from the weights.

    Anyhow, I'm getting alot of that falling asleep feeling in my feet recently. The tingling, feeling kinda numb type feeling. Could that be from the HGH as well, is that normal while on?


  2. #2
    mighty1 is offline Marcus owns you!!
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    yes, its called CTS and its normal and you will have it as long as you are on hgh to some degree, mainly dose dependent. everybody reacts somewhat different to CTS so with you it may be more in the feet, some have it more pronounced in hands, some both.

  3. #3
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    When I do my dose at 4ius, I do 2 daily doses. That's 2ius i the morning and 2 ius in the afternoon. I do 2 ius/day for maintenance and 4 ius when I'm doing a cycle.

    I'm not sure if that will help your sides, but it might. HGH does its thing in a few hours and I'm hoping for more bang by getting two smaller daily squirts.

    I've been doing HGH for a couple of years now and for me the sides are not at all uncomfortable. I'm 51 years old and overall I feel much better when on HGH.

  4. #4
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    when i first started i felt it in my feet as well. mostly during cardio feels like im going to rip through my shoes. also anyone feel bloating or pressure in their eyes, between upper cheeks and mid forehead?

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