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Thread: HGH vs. AAS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    HGH vs. AAS

    I have been reading a bit about HGH today and I must say, I'm impressed. It seems as though there is a ton of hype out there however. Oral sprays that claim to work miracles for example. I also have read some testimony in regards to how HGH can reduce water retention when compared to AAS.

    I have also read a number of sources that discuss the cons for AAS, more specifically, lost gains post cycle. I understand that PCT will help keep some of the gains, but how much of the gains are truly lost?

    The last thing I want top have happen to me after my very first cycle is to lose a significant amount of my gains after spending a bunch of money.

    Anyone out there tried HGH as an alternative and have experienced better results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Welcome to the HGH forum. While waiting for some guys to chime in about the real differences between HGH and AAS, you might want to read this thread.

    As a note: Oral HGH is hype. HGH should be run for at least 6 months. It does create new muscle cells which is why you get such good lean mass. Bloat is a common side ( since you mentioned water retention) but it does subside eventually.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 12-18-2010 at 07:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Oral sprays do nothing. Any form of delivery other than injection is a a scam.

    HGH is likely to make some people retain water more than many forms of non/low aromatizing AAS. Water retention is noticeable in some only during the first few weeks of use, and it usually tapers off as your body acclimates. Like me, some people get puffy hands and feet during the first few weeks (water retention), but at the same time lose overall body fat. The ratio of lipolysis to water retention varies from person to person and also dose.

    AAS is better for muscle mass (hypertrophy) and is certainly most cost effective. HGH is good for rejuvenation (hyperplasia). A good AAS PCT will help you keep more gains than HGH could give you in the same time frame.

    HGH is good for healing faster, some fat loss, will aid in an AAS PCT due to it's anti-catabolic assistance, has other nice affects such as better skin, mood, sleep patterns, etc... AAS will will build mass faster and cheaper given a good PCT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Suka View Post
    I have been reading a bit about HGH today and I must say, I'm impressed. It seems as though there is a ton of hype out there however. Oral sprays that claim to work miracles for example. I also have read some testimony in regards to how HGH can reduce water retention when compared to AAS.

    I have also read a number of sources that discuss the cons for AAS, more specifically, lost gains post cycle. I understand that PCT will help keep some of the gains, but how much of the gains are truly lost?

    The last thing I want top have happen to me after my very first cycle is to lose a significant amount of my gains after spending a bunch of money.

    Anyone out there tried HGH as an alternative and have experienced better results?

  4. #4
    The oral HGH will get wiped out through your liver. Just a waste of money. BIG has a post that talks about AAS cycle and lost gains. He states studies and draws the conclusion that your body will only retain what it naturally is able to hold on to. In other words, if your body is being fed a 200lb diet and is genetically disposed to a 200lb body, you'll be 200lbs after PCT. The main variable in this is diet. You have to eat like a big man to maintain your size. What I've found with HGH use is that I'm able to keep more gains and still stay fairly lean. I like food so I'm probably not as lean as I can be. I'm lean enough for an old fart and I get to have my cake too. LOL

  5. #5
    Best thing - do both. Run HGH for 6-8 weeks so the bloat phase is over and by then you should have ramped up to your full dose. Then run a 10-12 week mass cycle of AAS along with the HGH. Finish with a good PCT and at least another 8-10 weeks so that your total HGH time is 6 months. You will retain most of your strength and pure muscle gains from the AAS cycle while eventually shedding all the water and a good deal of fat, regardless of how strict your diet (naturally better diet = better results, but its hard to PUT fat on while on GH)

    And yes, injectable HGH is the only way to go.

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