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Thread: first time insulin use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    first time insulin use

    Im planning on taking insulin for first time. this is my program im only taking it twice a week tues and thurs. This is my program in taking it. Before training 12 units of humulin R then immediatly drink 10oz of fruit juice with 30gm glutamine, 20min after 80grm isolate protien with 120gr of carbs and one cup of oatmeal and 1t peanutbutter. After training 12units of humalog immediatly drink 8oz of juice with 30g of glutamine, 2 mins after 80g of isolate protein with 140g carbs. do you find it safe to take it this way? please give some advice and thank you

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Wait to hear from the pros about this since this is serious business and one with one wrong move;not good
    have you read Vettewrecks thread?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hold on a minute. I haven't used insulin yet my self bro but I can tell you that is way to much to start. You should start at like 2iu to see how you respond to it and I know that it is a little different taking it pre wo than pwo. Taking it pre you need to manage the carbs because you are burning them working out. I would wait if I were you and get some more advice first. That's a lot of insulin to just start with and a whole lot between pre and post. 24 iu in a matter of 2 hours your first time? Doesnt sound good. Don't take my word for it and hopefully someone with experience can help you but I can tell you without experience that's a bad idea to start.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    nice avatar. ready 2 die

  6. #6
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    mod and vets please some advise

  7. #7
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    BuMP! for OP......

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    I think thats a horrible plan man. Userat is right, 24iu of slin on your first run is rediculous. On top of that, Humulin R has like a 6 hour window by itself. THEN, within I assum 2hours, take 12 more iu?? PLUS on your first time using insulin pre workout AND post?? All wrong man. You need to start LOW iu, like 2 or 4, then work your way up. THEN possibly after your first run, try pre workout. But not using 2 different types and pre and post. I can promise you on your first time shooting 12 iu, then working out... you will probably passout DURING your workout. You wont even make it to your post workout shot. Your body uses glucose during workout, so 80g preworkout carbs, isnt the same as 80g post workout, but you wouldnt know that or how your body responds bc youve never done slin before. You really need to change your game plan man. Terrible on all levels.

  10. #10
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    i know a couple guys running this plan rt now and gettin mad gains and they r not passing out at all. Im not sure myself so that is why im asking.

  11. #11
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    Bigswang: I would listen to vettewreck. He is experienced and check out his post. No one is saying that wouldn't give you huge gains but saying it's dangerous. That could kill you or I guess not give you any problem. The thing is you don't know. And for the people you know doing that, did they start the way you planned or did they work up to that. It's not worth the risk IMO.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yeh sounds way to much, i just inject 1ml primoteston depot contains 250mg test- enathate oily solution.. First my cycle yesterday and thats for my body to get knewst to it for a couple of weeks and then hit it every thourghtnightly

  13. #13
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    I dont understand half of these people that start injects or dbol and all that stuff like on there first cycle some guy injected 500 and took a dbol and then started taking 2 dbol each week.... Unreal haha

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGswang View Post
    i know a couple guys running this plan rt now and gettin mad gains and they r not passing out at all. Im not sure myself so that is why im asking.
    That doesnt mean YOU wont. And im almost positive they didnt just jump straight into 24iu. They worked up to that. Plus, like I said, Humulin R has a 6 hour window by itself, so it just doesnt make sense to me and way too dangerous. So you asked, and now Im telling you.

  15. #15
    get insulin aspart. start with post workout shots, work your way up with the dosage. later on add the pre workout shot, again work your dosage up as you go on.
    this way you will get a feeling of what needs to be done, how much carbs you need and so on...
    example: if you do a shot of 8 units pre workout, and start feeling dizzy while working out, you either need to lower insulin dosage, or up the carbs. the moore insulin you inject, the moore carbs you need.

    anyway, what ever you do, make sure you never go to sleep when insulin is still active, unless you are 100% sure you will be fine, even then...
    ALWAYS carrry dexrose or some other suger when you inject your insulin. in case you start getting dizzy. eat it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Insulin is no joke man the levels you are talking is what the pros are taking after years and years of use not first time you should read all the insulin information available on the site it has all the answers its quite risking what your doing with limited knowledge..

  17. #17
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnoAU View Post
    Yeh sounds way to much, i just inject 1ml primoteston depot contains 250mg test- enathate oily solution.. First my cycle yesterday and thats for my body to get knewst to it for a couple of weeks and then hit it every thourghtnightly
    wtf? just wtf????

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