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Thread: GH Progress has slowed down, am I doing anything wrong, or possibly bad batch?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    What dose are you running your clen at?

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    There is clearly something missing in my formula then. One thing I didnt mention is that until mid December I have also been taking clen with a regiment of 2weeks on, 2 off. If results really should be more drastic, either my diet is not right, or my body is deficient/non performing on something

    I posted my actual diet (workout days)
    Attachment 113617
    Looking at your diet you are getting more then enough protein from good sources like eggs, chicken and steak (+-340 grams), medium/low carbs which is also good for cutting and pretty low fat.

    I hope you are following a decent food program on off days too. If not this could hinder the progress significantly.

    I can't imagine you are training totally bad, especially when you are knowledgable and serious about your food. Even very bad training would not account for the situation.

    Have you had any medical check-ups to see if all key ingredients are in order (igf, test, thyroid etc)?

    If they all check out, like I assume they will, then the conclusion is getting near that the genetics are the limiting factor.

    Allthough I know some people with very bad genetics they still have developed and could look pretty dry even on a diet and training regiment much worse then yours.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    My diet for non WO days is identical, just remove the meal i have after the gym (ON 2scoops and Oats)
    As for the clen I was consistant at 160 but I would do 80, 120, 160 for 12 days (14days total), then off 14, then repeat

    I had a checkup done in August (results are at home, I can post) but I believe all was in line. This was the standard tests they do so if I need to get tested for something else let me know. I actually just signed up for the IGF1 test on Tuesday so ill just get it done then, if need be. Im growing more and more concerned

  4. #44
    Your diet seems solid enough to warrant much more dramatic results.

    The clen alone in those dosages should (combined with diet and training) produce good 'head turning' results.

    I have a friend who was healthy all did all the right things but could never develop the way he wanted or should.

    He then turned to AAS and all that did was blow him up in the same proportions he had before (not a good thing)

    Could you post some of your training routines?

    Good Luck

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Training looks like:
    Chest / Biceps
    -Incline (Dumbbell or Bar)
    -Decline (Dumbbell or Bar)
    -Straight (Dumbbell or Bar)
    -Flys (Dumbbell or Machine)
    -Dumbbell Curl
    -Dumbbell Hammers
    -Bar Curl
    -Forearm Bar 'behind' curl

    Shoulders / Traps
    -Dumbbell Press
    -Dumbbell Forward Raise
    -Dumbbell Side Raise
    -Shrugs (Dumbbell)
    -Shrugs Machine
    -Upright Row

    Back / Triceps
    -Cable Row (high)
    -Bent Over Row
    -Pull Ups
    -Closed Grip Press
    -Cable Rope/V Bar Pulldowns

    Legs / Abs
    -Leg Press Machine
    -Calf Machine
    -Squat Machine (yeh I know I want to get to bar eventually)
    -Leg Ext Machine
    -Roman Chair Crunches
    -Situp Crunch Machine
    -Side bends with 45lb weights in hands

    Thats pretty much it. I dont also do 100% of this list as it might be overkill so a little change up occurs but this is generally the idea. I am also usually doing 4 sets of 10. Also to note I generally have a preworkout drink (NO Xplode NT or Jack3d) before my gym sessions

    Hope maybe that helps some

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    What are your goals specifically.....thanks

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I actually have a cardio log too. Let me see here. I summed it to show the Week, ending date, the IU amt, and # of minutes of cardio.
    Week1 8/29/2010 2 125
    Week2 9/5/2010 2 146
    Week3 9/12/2010 2 162
    Week3 9/19/2010 3 152
    Week4 9/26/2010 3 95
    Week5 10/3/2010 3 90
    Week6 10/10/2010 4 0
    Week7 10/17/2010 4 95
    Week8 10/24/2010 4 96
    Week9 10/31/2010 5 79
    Week10 11/7/2010 5 90
    Week11 11/14/2010 5 125
    Week12 11/21/2010 6 100
    Week13 11/28/2010 6 100
    Week14 12/5/2010 5 102
    Week15 12/12/2010 5 90
    Week16 12/19/2010 5 215
    Week17 12/26/2010 5 195
    Week18 1/2/2011 6 30
    Week19 1/9/2011 6 100

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Goals are
    1. Fat loss
    2. Build muscle

    In that order

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    3 hours is best to see the peak of your IGF-1 levels. After 6 months of GH, your levels will be above normal no matter what time you get blood work drawn.
    Not meaning to hijack your thread OP, but I understand the reasoning behind pinning within 3 hrs before getting blood drawn, but I have also heard that IGF-1 levels can decline based on when the blood test is actually performed in relation to when the blood was taken. If this is true, do IGF levels drop once the blood exits the body or is this just a myth?

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    No this is good Sgt. I ordered a IGF1 and am hearing conflicting things on the timing. A post at PM is saying the 3hr thing is for GH Serum levels and that IGF1 is 24hrs to peak. In addition, do I need to worry about the time for the lab to test?

    Definitely want to show the max results I can so I dont test, show a low score due to bad timing, and think my stuff is bad when maybe its not bad in reality


  11. #51
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    I would not wait any longer than 3 hours after pinning and have heard sooner to pinning is you ARE confused!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    No matter what time you get blood work, your igf-1 levels should be above normal levels with the amount of gh you've beeb running. Even if it was 2 days later.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    ill stick with my plan of pinning everyday at 630 at 6iu/day. On Wednesday (day of labwork) I will pin around 8am and then have blood drawn around 9/930am. I think that should work

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Updated both nutrition infos
    Workout Days
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nutrition-workout.png 
Views:	119 
Size:	32.5 KB 
ID:	113623

    Non-Workout Days
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nutrition-nonworkout.png 
Views:	100 
Size:	28.0 KB 
ID:	113622

  15. #55
    Your diet seems to be very good. Eggs, chicken, greens, steak.

    If you are doing this way of eating for a long time it will yield very good results (many semi-pro's and pro's don't eat all those whole foods every day)

    The only problem I can see with you having problems developing is your genetics.

    There is little room for improvement on your diet and training as it is, is not that complicated to do.

    How long have you been training for?

    Do you have some pics from the beginning, middle and now?

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    My history looks something like this
    Age 12-17 Fairy chubby, never workout ever, ate mostly pasta and cherry coke
    Age 18 - Went on Aktins diet, lost over 50lbs, still no working out
    Age 20-22 - Gained some weight back on in college but not like when I was chubby, still not working out
    Age 23 - Began realizing the benefits of working out
    Age 25 - 13week cycle of Test-E, Deca, and Winny. Truthfully I wasnt a low enough BF before starting to see the real results I wanted but did still gain mass, and fat.
    Age 26 - Began trying to work on diet, but not to the degree I have posted above. Would have 4 or 5meals a day, still not too clean. Also started with clen cycling 2weeks on, 2 off to help cut
    Age 27 - Began GH regiment, changed diet to be much more strict (as noted in pictures). My cardio is still not as strict as it should be

    I could maybe get pics at each of these phases but would need to dig a bit

  17. #57
    So you have been working out for about 4 years, did a cycle and are eating clean the last year or two.

    All of the pics are not needed, perhaps one or two when you cycles and one from last year if you have

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    My goal is primarily fat loss however I am looking to gain muscle if possible. Without having all the proper stats for the nutrition, it looks like:
    730am 6egg beaters
    10am 2 scoops of Syntha 6
    1230 8oz of chicken/turkey/steak with 1cup of mixed veggies
    3pm 8oz of chicken/turkey/steak with 1cup of mixed veggies
    530pm 8oz of chicken/turkey/steak with 1cup of mixed veggies
    630 workout
    800 PWO Shake, 2 scoops of ON 100% whey + 1cup of Oats
    1030 2 scoops ON Casein

    Each meal is around 40-50g protein (except the eggs are slightly less) with a little carbs and fats. The timings change on days I dont work out as the 8pm meal doesnt happen.
    Judging by his stats, Id say atleast one issue lies in his diet. Dont think hes getting enough calories...IMO. Im 182lbs and eat almost twice what you eat. I know your idea is leaning out but you need more calories then this man.

    Also, try adding more whole foods and take out 1-2 shakes. My diet im on now is EXCELLENT for both adding muscle and leaning out...I drink 2 32oz liquid egg whites (roughly 220g protein) and consume 4-500 calories in complex carbs into 8 meals a day (plus olive oil in each for fat cals). It works, I see results and i LOVE it.

    Using the above diet, I easily stay at around 9%bf.

    Just my advice....

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    MY TDEE is around 3000, so my calorie intake is 2500, or 2000 depending if its a workout or non workout day. As for the eating clean, I didnt start this super structured eating until 4months ago when I began the GH. Before it was just more smaller meals but def not the best

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Okay maybe that is ur tdee, but if I only ate my tdee, id rapidly lose weight. Dont agree or believe everything u see/read.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Your not running any AAS with the GH (not that I read). AAS and HGH have a synergestic effect with each other. HGH really doesn't do much by itself but when you combine it with a good AAS cycle, you get results. Give it a try.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    youre right, I didnt. As stated earlier I started in September 2010 so thats 3months or so. My Chest and abs are probably my least defined areas on my body. I have my IGF1 blood test on Wednesday. So by Friday I will post some more pics other than just chest/abs and hopefully some good blood results!

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Here's my experience with IGF-1 testing.... I was about 50 at the time and was taking 2iu/day.

    My initial testing BEFORE taking any HGH: 158ng/ml.

    After 4 daily doses: about 190 ng/ml.

    After 30 days: 300+ ng/ml. (I pegged the highest reading for the test.)

    There is benefit to testing your baseline IGF-1 level before taking HGH, otherwise you are forced to estimate what your base level was. You should receive a boost to your IGF-1 level at roughly 100ng/ml per 1 iu/day dosage of HGH.

    I hope this is helpful. You might consider breaking up your 6 iu daily dose into two injections, although determining if you have genuine HGH is obviously of primary importance.

  24. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by egbuilder View Post
    Actually i don't believe u do what you wrote for 1 full year even there is no way you would do that plus doing an aas cycle plus hgh and have this poor progress
    natural progress in an endomorph should be much more significant don't mean to be rude but your diet is perfect and i dont believe the shakes are that bad only two is very good
    it all does not make sence to me but you might have gained some mass cause ur traps and forearms look thikker and u look like ur back and maybe legs grow faster than ur chest thats why ur front pose is not that impressive.
    I was going to mention something similar. I notice results weekly at the latest, however not necessarily where I want them lol. When my abs stop slimming and I think something is wrong a few days later I will notice new definition in my legs or back. I am by no means an expert or knowledgeable but that's my two cents.

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    got my results back, def lower than I would have hoped.

    Result was 464ng/mL
    This was done about 1.5hours after my pin in the morning.

    Also to note Ive been ramping up to 6iu/day (7days) with 3weeks per iu
    Week 1-3 1iu/day
    Week 4-6 2iu/day

    I am now at 6iu/day in a single shot in the morning

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