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Thread: HGH Grades....Pharma, china, euro

  1. #1
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    HGH Grades....Pharma, china, euro

    I've seen some post lately that say that pharma is key and more potent then the asain and euro knock offs. Is this correct?

    So if you had us pharma you would take 2iu ed and with the others would you bump that up to 3 or 4iu ed just to equal quality of us pharma products?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    im using euro genetropin and can safely say that its potent

  3. #3
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    Stick with pharma grade to insure you have quality.
    As far as dosage comparison? I am guessing and this is a guess:
    Pharma is probably about 2x's stronger. Now I am not sure. So wait for others to chime in on this.

  4. #4
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    I knew it wouldn't take you guys long. Thanks for the input!!

  5. #5
    Pharma's the best, if you can afford it. I've been taking generic for a while. I did take pharma and really liked it. I couldn't afford it at 5iu/ed.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    2ius of proper gh is 2 ius of proper gh,
    gh is gh unless your buying it form china then you have no real idea what it is.

  7. #7
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    is primatropin considered "pharmaceutical grade" hgh? or do u guys know if its any good. im asking bc theres to many brands out there these days and picking one and then finding it is hard. but my advice for clawhammer's Q is def stay away from chinese hgh. i bought a box of KeFei and they looked cheep and shady with no info on the box. so i backed out of using them, and my buddies started taking them but he's getting red lumps were he's injecting it. u never know whats in chinese hgh.

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Its easy to say pharm is better

    Of corse it is, u dont have a clue what ur getting from china

    But the thing is Pharm is so expensive it is not even on the same level as the chineese stuff

    People will continue to buy the cheap product

    an example

    You want to buy a new car, you have 2 options

    A. Pay for a well know branded car from a reputable dealer for £20,000

    B. Pay for an unknown brand from a guy on the internet that you have never seen for £2000

    Both cars state the same spec so which do u choose?

  9. #9
    The dilemma is pretty easy.

    If you have a lot of money for GH pharmgrade is the way to go.

    The reality is that most of the people who want to run decent doses have no choice but to turn to generic GH.

    With generic GH (as with all generic products) the buyer must know a lot to make a wise choice.

    All generics will claim to be on the same level as pharmgrade.

    Among generics there is a wide array of choices and some are much better then others.

    Yes pharm grade is better and yes you can have good/excellent results with some generics.

    The problem is in the choosing which generic to buy.

  10. #10
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    Hey Marcus I mean no direspect when I say this friend but have you used chinese gh before, because it is exactly like you said it could be anything really?? But I've used pharm grade and rips and I like the pharm grade I had a little better but I love rips, and just wondering if you haven't tried chinese gh would you even use it if someone gave it to you just wondering thanks for your time

  11. #11
    There is nothing wrong with good chinese GH.Anybody who says there is is just wrong it cant be beat for the price.

  12. #12
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    This Chinese HGH concerns thread might be of interest

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackbird55 View Post
    There is nothing wrong with good chinese GH.Anybody who says there is is just wrong it cant be beat for the price.
    Generic Chinese GH can have all kinds of garbage in it, can be counterfeited, underdosed, or be a completely different compound.

    Even if you trust your source, the source is not the one who fabricated the GH or put it in the vial and therefor cannot be sure of its contents or purity.

    I think people don't realize or sometimes forget what can happen when substances/chemicals are injected into the body that are not meant to be.

  14. #14
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    I have had an UG HGH (probably from China) sent to a certified USA lab with a reputable staff and the product came back perfect, just as advertised.
    At $4 an IU I am happy with the product and my lab results from blood work bear out the labs results as well.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    I have had an UG HGH (probably from China) sent to a certified USA lab with a reputable staff and the product came back perfect, just as advertised.
    At $4 an IU I am happy with the product and my lab results from blood work bear out the labs results as well.
    Can you please provide contact info for this lab.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Can you please provide contact info for this lab.
    X2 I love to know as well.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    I have had an UG HGH (probably from China) sent to a certified USA lab with a reputable staff and the product came back perfect, just as advertised.
    At $4 an IU I am happy with the product and my lab results from blood work bear out the labs results as well.
    I do not believe this...

    Do not ask me for a source check.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I do not believe this...

    How am I supposed to read your post when all I can do is stare at your avi

  19. #19
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    No offense, but I simply don't care who believes or not believes. I sent out several products to a lab because I wanted to know if I was putting crap in my body first and foremost, 2nd to me is the cash end of it.

    If you want to PM and ask me to email you a copy of the lab report, I have no issue with it at all. (to a few of you, as I don't spend any time on the boards at all.)
    I can't say if the owner will do tests for you, I came to him through a mutual friend.

    So Matt as a monitor of this board I'd think professionally you'd have private messaged me first and asked to see a copy of the report before publicly dismissing it.
    Either it was a simple mistake or there is another agenda, again I don't know or care, I don't live on these boards like others.
    I came to give personal first hand knowledge to help others.

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    No offense, but I simply don't care who believes or not believes. I sent out several products to a lab because I wanted to know if I was putting crap in my body first and foremost, 2nd to me is the cash end of it.

    If you want to PM and ask me to email you a copy of the lab report, I have no issue with it at all. (to a few of you, as I don't spend any time on the boards at all.)
    I can't say if the owner will do tests for you, I came to him through a mutual friend.

    So Matt as a monitor of this board I'd think professionally you'd have private messaged me first and asked to see a copy of the report before publicly dismissing it.
    Either it was a simple mistake or there is another agenda, again I don't know or care, I don't live on these boards like others.
    I came to give personal first hand knowledge to help others.
    The test you have had done isnt the correct one, you need to find out if the hormone is stable and active, this test cost thousands of $$'s thats why China lab's tell you to get it tested because you cant, please read the Chinese concerns thread and your eyes will be opened.

    Ive used Chinese gh for years and I would not use it again even if it was free, yes it mimics gh sides, yes it puts weight on you, yes it raises your bp and yes it can give you ct but is chemical constructed crap what is very dangerous. You dont respond to proper gh like that if you really think your getting 100% gh from Chinese then I am a China man.

  21. #21
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    Marcus - how would you know what I had done for test(s)? how would you know my ability to pay or not to pay for the test? I had it tested properly with the aide of my best friend who is a US based HRT Doctor. I don't pay for US Pharma HGH because I don't chose to waste $10 an IU (or more) when I can find a suitable substitute. Additionally my blood work from the labs can't be faked either.

    Look at the math -

    $6,500 for the test (discounted as I'm a friend of a friend)
    Divide that by $10 an IU in savings = 550 IU's
    I take HGH 260 days a year (5 days a week) at 2 IU's daily for replacement therapy dosage.
    That is 520 IU's, with a savings of $10 an IU = $5200 per year savings.

    Now I am not the only one in my professional circle that was interested in this test result.
    So dividing the costs out by3 of us and the return on investment is quick.

    Given I've taken HGH for 10 years and starting into my 11th, the cost of the lab work was chicken shit.
    Until you've taken the time and spent the $ to do the test I've done, your understanding of my lab test & results is speculation at best.

  22. #22
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    Because it cost's over £20,000 whats that in $ around $30,000 or so to perform the test and most labs dont have the equipment to test if its active because it cost so much, I have even been in touch with US lab aswell, like ive said before read the chinese concerns thread sand educcate yourself, i am not bothered what you think you know because I know whats happening. Best of luck to you

    And no offence but if you have been taking gh for over 10 years I would seriously consider changing it to some real stuff,

  23. #23
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    No worries Marcus, we don't all the same goals, I am content with HRT levels at this stage in life.
    Both shoulders rebuilt, knee redone and a hernia surgery called an end to my power lifting days back in '01.
    Not all of us want to be 250lbs on a 5'8 frame. For me I competed in the 165-181 weight and in the off season walked around at 200 - 205.

    Tests cost are down with the economy and its all in who you know sometimes.
    I've said my peace and I have nothing left to say about the lab results, they are what they are.

  24. #24
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Im sure everyone would like to see the lab test results you have recieved

    Not that they hold much weight on an online forum where anythinh could be made up and fabricated

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    No worries Marcus, we don't all the same goals, I am content with HRT levels at this stage in life.
    Both shoulders rebuilt, knee redone and a hernia surgery called an end to my power lifting days back in '01.
    Not all of us want to be 250lbs on a 5'8 frame. For me I competed in the 165-181 weight and in the off season walked around at 200 - 205.

    Tests cost are down with the economy and its all in who you know sometimes.
    I've said my peace and I have nothing left to say about the lab results, they are what they are.
    The test's havent come down in value, this is 3 months ago and i even have friends who still are trying to find a cheaper price but ist impossible, its way to expensive.

    If your happy buying it you carry on but for me i wouldnt have it if it was free,

  26. #26
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    As I said I have no dog in this fight - I am not marketing a product nor am I advocating for one over another.
    I stay out of these forums specifically because of these unintelligent pissing contests. People want to disregard a statement without knowing any of the facts and or they know everything.
    To disregard a statement such as mine without learning the specifics first and then intelligently having a healthy debate from a fact based point of view is simply of waste of time.

    I'd be curious to know how the experts viewed Jintropin from GeneScience. Real, fake, etc.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    As I said I have no dog in this fight - I am not marketing a product nor am I advocating for one over another.
    I stay out of these forums specifically because of these unintelligent pissing contests. People want to disregard a statement without knowing any of the facts and or they know everything.
    To disregard a statement such as mine without learning the specifics first and then intelligently having a healthy debate from a fact based point of view is simply of waste of time.

    I'd be curious to know how the experts viewed Jintropin from GeneScience. Real, fake, etc.
    You haven't had the correct test done on your hgh, I can guarantee this if you want to prove me wrong post your lab report, tell me the name and I will ring them up and find out what tests they did. Currently labs analyse for structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products but this isnt the full test. there are other areas what need to be tested to fully identify the product.

    Blood test's for igf-1 are very unstable, the blood needs to be tested within 5 hours because it degrades so fast, then many Chinese counterfeiters are actually putting igf-1 into their gh vials.

    A blood test for somatotropin will measure the growth hormone level but again this is just an indicator if gh is present, time of day and many other factors come into play, pre BW needs to be done at various times and then BW done at the same times when using the rhgh, this test is very unstable again and that's why the Olympic authorities are finding it nearly impossible to test for rhgh. Its very difficult to determine your HGH levels from IGF-1 or other HGH tests.

    Ive also spoken indepth to forensic and analytical laboratories who tell me normally a liquid chromatography test is done on rhgh which would reveal the contains and how much is within the vial, but this test would not tell you if the rhgh is biologically active. There is another test which is a full liquid chromatography mass spectometry which will reveal the contents,how much and if its an active hormone via the peptide sequencing.

    One huge problem is the conditions Chinese rhgh is produced in china, if you read this link

    "Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."

    The none licensed labs what are supplying the West with these so called rhgh would come into the above category, it cost's a huge amount of money to produce active rhgh and the hormone is so unstable is virtually impossible to produce it in these second rate labs and then send it the way they do half way across the world. To have a rhgh vial tested for quantity and if the hormone is active is extremely expensive if any lab indicates to you its not they are not analysing the hormones correctly, in addition to the full liquid chromatography mass spectometry test you need a full characterisation analysis done because some compounds could have the same molecular weight so finding out everything whats inside the vial is vital and is extremely expensive.

    You have to remember that your dealing with the biggest counterfeiters in the world, the Chinese scientists have produce some remarkable things, the chemically constructed baby powder and food what poisoned their own people, they have flooded the world with fake medications what contain poisons. The Government doesn't govern these trades but promote them, there is one thing China is interested in and that's money, do you really think your going to get proper rhgh from such country!!

    Before the Olympics I would say most of the rhgh was very good coming out of China but it all went underground, even if you email the companies who are licensed to sell rhgh they give you a email contact what is the same as the underground labs, this is because even the licensed companies are producing these chemically constructed rhgh because there is so much money in it but they cant be seen supplying it direct, its all a con.

    Ive recently had a friend who was on the legit hyges and he nearly died due to the increased BP this was giving him, he had to come off this crap before he had a stroke and I can honestly say ive used the most best sources around in china and I can state more or less its either total fake, an AI, igf, some chemically constructed crap or water retaining rubbish.

    You have also stated in previous threads and posts that you have been using hgh for 11 yrs and been in and out of the gym for 33 yrs and have done a few cycles but to be honest you really need to take a close look at what your doing because IMHO you dont look like you have that background. If you want to pm me the details of the lab and send me the report to show me the exact lab report you had I will be more than happy to see it, the correct lab test cost's thousands of $'s so that's why I doubt it very much you have the proper test done.

    I know I am battling against the wind here trying to convince people not to buy Chinese hgh but if people are happy with it carry on, but all i say is try pharm grade and see what real gh is suppose to do to you, best of luck to you

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You haven't had the correct test done on your hgh, I can guarantee this if you want to prove me wrong post your lab report, tell me the name and I will ring them up and find out what tests they did. Currently labs analyse for structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products but this isnt the full test. there are other areas what need to be tested to fully identify the product.

    Blood test's for igf-1 are very unstable, the blood needs to be tested within 5 hours because it degrades so fast, then many Chinese counterfeiters are actually putting igf-1 into their gh vials.

    A blood test for somatotropin will measure the growth hormone level but again this is just an indicator if gh is present, time of day and many other factors come into play, pre BW needs to be done at various times and then BW done at the same times when using the rhgh, this test is very unstable again and that's why the Olympic authorities are finding it nearly impossible to test for rhgh. Its very difficult to determine your HGH levels from IGF-1 or other HGH tests.

    Ive also spoken indepth to forensic and analytical laboratories who tell me normally a liquid chromatography test is done on rhgh which would reveal the contains and how much is within the vial, but this test would not tell you if the rhgh is biologically active. There is another test which is a full liquid chromatography mass spectometry which will reveal the contents,how much and if its an active hormone via the peptide sequencing.

    One huge problem is the conditions Chinese rhgh is produced in china, if you read this link

    "Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."

    The none licensed labs what are supplying the West with these so called rhgh would come into the above category, it cost's a huge amount of money to produce active rhgh and the hormone is so unstable is virtually impossible to produce it in these second rate labs and then send it the way they do half way across the world. To have a rhgh vial tested for quantity and if the hormone is active is extremely expensive if any lab indicates to you its not they are not analysing the hormones correctly, in addition to the full liquid chromatography mass spectometry test you need a full characterisation analysis done because some compounds could have the same molecular weight so finding out everything whats inside the vial is vital and is extremely expensive.

    You have to remember that your dealing with the biggest counterfeiters in the world, the Chinese scientists have produce some remarkable things, the chemically constructed baby powder and food what poisoned their own people, they have flooded the world with fake medications what contain poisons. The Government doesn't govern these trades but promote them, there is one thing China is interested in and that's money, do you really think your going to get proper rhgh from such country!!

    Before the Olympics I would say most of the rhgh was very good coming out of China but it all went underground, even if you email the companies who are licensed to sell rhgh they give you a email contact what is the same as the underground labs, this is because even the licensed companies are producing these chemically constructed rhgh because there is so much money in it but they cant be seen supplying it direct, its all a con.

    Ive recently had a friend who was on the legit hyges and he nearly died due to the increased BP this was giving him, he had to come off this crap before he had a stroke and I can honestly say ive used the most best sources around in china and I can state more or less its either total fake, an AI, igf, some chemically constructed crap or water retaining rubbish.

    You have also stated in previous threads and posts that you have been using hgh for 11 yrs and been in and out of the gym for 33 yrs and have done a few cycles but to be honest you really need to take a close look at what your doing because IMHO you dont look like you have that background. If you want to pm me the details of the lab and send me the report to show me the exact lab report you had I will be more than happy to see it, the correct lab test cost's thousands of $'s so that's why I doubt it very much you have the proper test done.

    I know I am battling against the wind here trying to convince people not to buy Chinese hgh but if people are happy with it carry on, but all i say is try pharm grade and see what real gh is suppose to do to you, best of luck to you

    Very informative post. Thanks for clarifying the lab testing procedure shortcomings.

    I had asked the question about IGF-1 degrading once blood had been taken and didn't get any educated answers until now. Could you elaborate on this or link me to more info?

  29. #29
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    Marcus - last post for me and I'm moving on.

    You were doing so well with your response but couldn't help with a back handed insult: "you dont look like you have that background"
    1. in the 165-181lb division my lifts were: 645lb squat, 655lb dead lift and a 375lb bench (weakest lift for me), so not the best out there but good enough to hold my head up in any meet. I've won several shows - pound for pound strongest award.

    2. Not all of us want to be built like you nor do we have the genetics or do we want to play russian roulette & juice 1500 to 2500mg a week of test. Along with slin, igf, etc. So because I'm smaller in size than you doesn't indicate my knowledge on the subject matter.

    3. I have taken US pharma HGH after being hit by a drunk driver and having it prescribed.

    4. I never had an interest in my hormone levels until I turned 40 and became friends with an HRT doctor who educated me about the subject. (now into my 11 year of research in the subject matter.) I just went to the gym & lifted. Does that make me any less qualified than someone else who does mega doses ? no

    5. I didn't post on here to blow up the lab, promote a product or waste the labs time with guys who want to probe them (at their expense) or argue with them.

    6. So what was/is your position on GeneScience/Jintropin ? today and pre-olympics
    Last edited by nicnitro; 01-19-2011 at 12:21 PM.

  30. #30
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    interestign stuff here!!

  31. #31
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    RIP Brother...
    OK boys how about we don't jump all over the guy straight away?

    If he has the information he says he has then this is huge - if not then no worries but shall we find out for sure before we chase him out of the village with burning torches?

  32. #32
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    I have been taking Chinese HGH for two years. I am very happy with the quality of the Chinese product I have seen.

    I don't believe any assertion that most or all Chinese HGH is "inactive" or diluted/adulterated to the point you have to take twice as much or more to equal American pharm products. My blood tests told me everything I needed to know.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    I have been taking Chinese HGH for two years. I am very happy with the quality of the Chinese product I have seen.

    I don't believe any assertion that most or all Chinese HGH is "inactive" or diluted/adulterated to the point you have to take twice as much or more to equal American pharm products. My blood tests told me everything I needed to know.
    Very well and balanced said.

    Nothing is black and white and even more something that concerns peoples bodies and how they react to it.

    Offcourse it is save to say that pharmgrade is better, but at what price.

    Until pharmgrade GH becomes 5x cheaper most people will go for generics (just like in clothes, cars and computers).

    I think it is over the top to assume that taking generic GH is like a shot in the dark where you might get GH or a powder that might kill you.

    Generics are being used by so many people that there are definite charts of which generic is good and which not.

    If the pharm GH was much cheaper there would be no discussion.

  34. #34
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    I am running green tops from China and they are as good as pharma from my HRT doc. I guess it depends on your source.

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