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Thread: Does the amount of water matter when mixing GH ?

  1. #1

    Does the amount of water matter when mixing GH ?

    Hi everyone!

    I was woundering If I am going to use my bottle of 10iu's all at once, do I really need 1ml of water for it to mix ? Im thinking of adding on.y 1/2ml to see if it mixes, but other then that, does the hormone realy need more ?

    Let me know what you guys think!


  2. #2
    The amount of water matters only for measuring the desired dosage.

    You could try to find out what the absolute minimum of needed water would be so that the powder solves, but there is no reason to try this.

    If you are worried or trying to inject as little of fluid as possible 1ml would be good.

    You will not feel any excess of fluid with 1ml.

    Some people mix 2ml of Bac Water as to make it easier to pinpoint the desired dose and to make sure all the GH powder is mixed with water and there is nothing left in the vial.

  3. #3
    the reason for me to use less water is that I can feel a little lump where I injected it (0.5ml). I always do sub-q shots.
    the lump dissapears after a while ofcourse, but If im going to inject 1ml at the same place this might be a little too much ?

  4. #4
    .5ml of water for 10iu vial is just fine. I've done it a lot of times. The powder dissolves completely and leave no residue when extracted into the pin.

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