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Thread: Carb Question

  1. #1
    ClawHammer is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Carb Question

    This is more of a diet question but thought it might be worthy in here since this seems to be where the GH gang hides out.... I can repost or have it moved to the diet section if needed.

    I am currently in the "cutting phase" pre gh use

    In Rambo's unofficial guide to cutting he states:

    2. Carbs- You are **** right, carbs. In a strict cutting diet the majority of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition, and the remainder in breakfast. Fibrous veggies are a staple, but keep in mind that they don’t count towards intake, as they have negligible impacts on blood sugar levels. (Exceptions: Carrots, Peas) All high glycemic carbs outside of PWO should be avoided. The best sources of low GI carbs can be found in oatmeal and brown rice, as well as yams.

    Does this rule still apply once on gh? I thought carbs were a no no or am I just misunderstanding the whole carb thing and gh?

  2. #2
    GH consumer is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    This advice is good whether on GH or not.

    Being on GH does not make bad carbs into good carbs.

    The only thing GH does is bend the rules (like Neo in Matrix) of dieting.

    The only thing to watch with GG and carbs is a 1 hour window prior and after your injection is best carb-free.

    Other then that is business as usual.

    When on GH people that follow above advice on carbs will always have best results but even people that eat lots of sugar and at the wrong times will have good results because the GH compensates for a lot of bad diet.

    The higher the GH the more basic rules of diet bend and the easier it is to eat more cheat foods and still be lean and hard. The pro's are the best example of this.
    Last edited by GH consumer; 01-16-2011 at 04:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    The 1 hour window before/after HGH shot is because HGH slows your glucose intake. If you eat right after/before you take HGH the sugars from your food won't be absorbed as well so it sits in your body. A few times is no big deal. Prolonged exposure to high sugar levels can turn you into a type II diabetic. Other then that, you have a good diet going. I'm terrible on my diet but still manage to stay lean with HGH and cardio.

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