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Thread: HGH Patch?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada

    HGH Patch?

    What do you guys think about this? It says it has 25mg of hgh, that's equal to almost 70iu's!

    I didn't think hgh was small enough to be used transdermally.

  2. #2
    I totally wrote a full on research, conclusion, and recommendation but I pressed the wrong button and zapped it. Geez! I don't have the energy do rewrite the whole thing so I paraphrase.

    o All the research I read involved the forced induction of HGH through the dermal layer either by amplified radio frequency (RF) or micro needles.
    o The bioavailability (absorbrion) of HGH in rats was 75% and 35% on guinea pigs.
    o Maximum blood concentration of HGH occurred between 2hrs to 5hrs after the patch application.

    My questions:

    1. Human skin is tougher than a rat or guinea pig. Even with forced induction will the absorption be on the low end (guinea pig) 35% or high end (rat) 75%. I think it will be fairly low.
    2. If the bioavailability was 75% and 35% WITH forced induction. What would it be WITHOUT forced induction on a rat and a guinea pig? Now, what would it be on a human?
    3. The maximum blood concentration occurred between 2hrs and 5hrs after application. Assuming that our absorption rate was 50%, a 25mg (70iu) patch would transfer 35iu in 5 hours. I don't think even the pro's take that much in a day.
    4. If 35iu enters the blood stream in 5 hours what happens for the remaining month? I'm assuming 1 patch per month. If it's 2 patches per month the cost/iu is $0.50. If it's 3 patches per month the cost/iu is $0.33. Four patches per month, $0.25, etc. I'm going to assume that the listed price is for a single patch. That means that your body will absorb 35iu's over 30 days (month).

    The ad was well written and compelling. I hope a member of this forum will try the patch and log the results. I am very curious to see if my conclusions are off. Who know? It might be the next revolution in BB'ing.

    "Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 22, No. 4, April 2005 (© 2005) 10.1007/s11095-005-2490-1

    Purpose. To evaluate the bioavailability and bioactivity of human growth hormone (hGH) delivered
    transdermally through microchannels (MCs) in the skin created by radio-frequency (RF) ablation.
    Methods. The creation of MCs was observed in magnified rat and guinea pig skin after staining by
    methylene blue. Various doses of hGH in a dry form were applied on rat or guinea pig (GP) skin after
    the formation of MCs. The pharmacokinetic profile of systemic hGH in both animal models was
    monitored for 15 h post patch application. Bioactivity of the transdermally delivered hGH was verified
    by measuring IGF-I levels in hypophysectomized rats.
    Results. The ordered array of MCs was clearly visible in the magnified rat and guinea pig skin. The MCs
    were very uniform in diameter and of equal separation. Creation of MCs in the outer layers of the skin
    enabled efficient delivery of hGH, with a bioavailability of 75% (rats) or 33% (GPs) relative to subcutaneous (s.c.) injection with plasma profiles resembling that of s.c. injection. Elevated levels of systemic insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) were observed after transdermal delivery of hGH to hypophysectomized rats indicative of the bioactivity of the transdermally delivered hGH in vivo.
    Conclusions. Formation of RF-microchannels is a well-controlled process. These MCs permitted the
    transdermal delivery of bioactive hGH in rats and GPs with high bioavailability.

    Galit Levin,1,3Amikam Gershonowitz,1Hagit Sacks,1Meir Stern,1Amir Sherman,1Sergey Rudaev,1Inna Zivin,1and Moshe Phillip2"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    my gut tells me won't work
    think about it... if nasal sprays wont' work, with very thin skin, and the very large hgh molecule can't pass,
    then why would it work on a patch through very thick skin

    the only way is through injection

  4. #4
    GH is a delicate 191 amino acids molecule which cannot be administered any other way then direct injection.

    All other ways will destroy the molecules and will be useless.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    The same distributors that sell the HGH patch also sell the sprays, pills, etc. that all do not work. I would not trust a company that sells products that do not work to come up with a revolutionary new product that does.

    I may be wrong but would like to see a scientific study or at least some documented evidence that it is effective. It appears that they're selling another "snake oil" treatment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    That's what I figured. If it was possible I'm sure one of the big pharma companies would have done it already. It's crazy how companies can get away with selling stuff that has no chance of working.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    It's crazy how companies can get away with selling stuff that has no chance of working.
    People believe what they want to believe. Take religion and most of other things. No rational involved, just pure basic emotions.

    Take sigarettes for example: It has been proven that smoking increases cancer and thus death by a large portion and in USA it's nr.1 killer (almost 500.000 a year!) but people still keep on smoking and refuting the evidence.

    So a company (like most) that promises something and does not deliver fits right in todays society.

    Advertising + emotions=money

    Edward L. Bernays was Elvis of this and in big part responsible for todays shape of the economical society.

  8. #8
    Check this out the molecular weight has to be <500 Daltons to get through the skin via a dermal patch. According to Wikipedia, "The major isoform of the human growth hormone is a protein of 191 amino acids and a molecular weight of 22,124 Daltons." That's a lot larger than 500 Daltons. If this company's figured out a way to make HGH with smaller molecular weight I would be a scientific break through. I guess the reason that micro needle and RF pulses work to get HGH into the body is that it is literally forcing the molecules through the skin by "force".

    "2006, Vol. 13, No. 3 , Pages 175-187 : Marc B. Brown, Gary P. Martin, Stuart A. Jones and Franklin K. Akomeah : Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Division, King's College London and MedPharm Ltd., London, United Kingdom
    The protective function of human skin imposes physicochemical limitations to the type of permeant that can traverse the barrier. For a drug to be delivered passively via the skin it needs to have adequate lipophilicity and also a molecular weight <500 Da. These requirements have limited the number of commercially available products based on transdermal or dermal delivery."

  9. #9
    Good find and proves the point!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It's a scam.

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