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Thread: gh stack

  1. #1

    gh stack

    I am starting a new cycle wondering what y'all think
    8 weeks Npp 500 mg a week
    8 weeks sus 500 mg a week
    3 iu hgh 5 days 2 off for six months
    3 mg of igf 3x a week 4 weeks on and off until I'm through with gh

    What y'all think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Welcome to the HGH forum!

    stats please:


  3. #3
    6'3" 250
    14% bf
    24 age
    Workout 6x a week
    high protein diet
    wanting to lower body fat by half and stay around the same weight

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    first of all, at 24 you already have A LOT of growth hormone and the last thing you want to do is to create a negative feedback loop. This means that you could start relying on the synthetic GH and then your own growth pulse starts to shut down. It is really recommended to wait until after 30 once your own gh starts to lower a bit.

    Now is the time to take your edge with so many natural hormones. I bet if you went to the Diet Question forum the members there could help you tweak your diet to shed that BF.

    Glad you are here. Hope to see you around. Keep asking.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by insane85 View Post
    6'3" 250
    14% bf
    24 age
    Workout 6x a week
    high protein diet
    wanting to lower body fat by half and stay around the same weight
    At age 24 you should be able to get a quality lean physique with diet and training.

    Yes the GH would help but if you do not have any serious competition plans it is best to leave GH to an age after 30. Then it will serve you even more.

    Look into low-glycemic carbs and carb cycling.

    What kind of training do you do and cardio?

    Good Luck

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