I've been reading a lot of the posts on HGH for a while and see dosing level quoted in IU's versus mg's.
I'm not currently on HGH and the source I know has unconstituted powders. I've been helping him figure it out as he's not "in the know on it". Was selling it with sterile water only originally. Figure not many people need 6mg doses a day, except for AIDS wasting patients.
Everyone quotes their doses in IU's and his HGH comes in 6mg vials of powder. Is everyone mixing w/ the same about of Bac Water and thus all IU doses listed are "similar"? Or would it make more sense to list doses off of mg's?
I see some people taking as low as 2IU, which would be 50 injections of 6mg constituted w/ 100IU Bac Water. The supposed shelf-life is 2 weeks constituted so it would appear to "expire"... I'm confused, thus the questions.
The doc I know advises 0.25-0.75mg for anti-aging and depending on IGF-1 levels. So, an appropriate IU dose would depend on the constituted mix, correct?
It would appear a IU dose from 2.5IU -7.5IU w/ 6mg constituted w/ 100IU of Bac Water?
Not a science major, thx for the help in advance.