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Thread: HGH Dosing questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hiking Trails

    HGH Dosing questions


    I've been reading a lot of the posts on HGH for a while and see dosing level quoted in IU's versus mg's.

    I'm not currently on HGH and the source I know has unconstituted powders. I've been helping him figure it out as he's not "in the know on it". Was selling it with sterile water only originally. Figure not many people need 6mg doses a day, except for AIDS wasting patients.

    Everyone quotes their doses in IU's and his HGH comes in 6mg vials of powder. Is everyone mixing w/ the same about of Bac Water and thus all IU doses listed are "similar"? Or would it make more sense to list doses off of mg's?

    I see some people taking as low as 2IU, which would be 50 injections of 6mg constituted w/ 100IU Bac Water. The supposed shelf-life is 2 weeks constituted so it would appear to "expire"... I'm confused, thus the questions.

    The doc I know advises 0.25-0.75mg for anti-aging and depending on IGF-1 levels. So, an appropriate IU dose would depend on the constituted mix, correct?

    It would appear a IU dose from 2.5IU -7.5IU w/ 6mg constituted w/ 100IU of Bac Water?

    Not a science major, thx for the help in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    No matter how much bac water you add you still have the same amount of iu's.

    1mg = 2.7iu

    so if you have 6mg vials you have 16.2iu's. It doesn't matter if you add 1ml or 10ml, you still have 16.2iu.

  3. #3
    GH mixed with sterile water is good for 2-3 days.

    GH mixed with Bac Water is good for 14 days.

    Use Bac water and you will have enough time to use even the smallest dose.

    Good Luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by GH consumer View Post
    GH mixed with sterile water is good for 2-3 days.

    GH mixed with Bac Water is good for 14 days.

    Use Bac water and you will have enough time to use even the smallest dose.

    Good Luck
    I think he was just confusing iu's of bac water with iu's of GH.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Out of my mind
    A mg of hgh is 3 iu's, so your 6mg vials = 18 iu's. If you added 1.8 ml of bac. water to it every 10 mark on the insulin syringe would be 1 iu, therefore you would have 18 shots per vial. I'm not trying to be too elementary, but obviously the math just continues. 20 = 2 iu's and so on.

  6. #6
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    Short of saying duh, thanks... I was confusing the IU's of the HGH w/ the total IU's on the constitution. I went to school for Finance

    Does the amount of bac water matter, we were assuming using the same amount of sterile water sent by the manufacturer would be appropriate?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redhawk View Post
    Short of saying duh, thanks... I was confusing the IU's of the HGH w/ the total IU's on the constitution. I went to school for Finance

    Does the amount of bac water matter, we were assuming using the same amount of sterile water sent by the manufacturer would be appropriate?
    The amount of bac water only matters in relationship to your calculating the iu's per shot.'ll obviously be able to figure out how many iu's you have in your slin pin if you use the water supplied by the manufacturer. Good Luck!

  8. #8
    For ease in measuring dosage amount I always mix 1ml bac water per 10iu of GH. In your case, I would mix 1.62ml of bac water to the 16.2iu of GH. That way whatever number you draw to on the slin pin when you do your injection will be how many iu of GH you are injecting.

  9. #9
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    I'm not sure where you guys are coming up with 6mg = 16.2 iu's? Hgh at least all the major brands I've used over the years are all dosed at 3iu's per mg. which is why serostim or any other brand that says 6mg on the label always = 18iu. All chines generics that I've ever seen also say 3.3mg per vial = 10 iu? Am I missing something?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by spicyer View Post
    I'm not sure where you guys are coming up with 6mg = 16.2 iu's? Hgh at least all the major brands I've used over the years are all dosed at 3iu's per mg. which is why serostim or any other brand that says 6mg on the label always = 18iu. All chines generics that I've ever seen also say 3.3mg per vial = 10 iu? Am I missing something?
    1mg of rHGH (somatropin) equals exactly 2.7iu. Most people and manufacturers round it off to 3iu for the sake of simplicity.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Out of my mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    1mg of rHGH (somatropin) equals exactly 2.7iu. Most people and manufacturers round it off to 3iu for the sake of simplicity.
    Thats interesting I googled somatropin and it does say 2.7 iu while virtually all others say 3 iu's per mg. If a manufacturer rounded up to 3 then that would mean a vial would be under by more than 10% and a 100iu kit would be closer to 90 iu. Obviously thats not the case so it is different by manufacturer which makes me wonder if its all 191 aa then should'nt the weight be the same?

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