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Thread: Shift work and inj times?

  1. #1

    Shift work and inj times?

    Newbie question about morning injection times and if you are a rotating shift worker.

    Some times i work all night and sleep during the day, from what i understand this should not change when actual GH production happens in conjunction with circadian rhythms, but any one have actual experience with this?

    Morning should always be morning, or should it be when you wake up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    going to need a bit more info here pal,


  3. #3
    weight 177lbs
    height 5"8
    bf 20%
    2ui/day may go to 3ui

    Interested in injury recovery, maybe some BF loss....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    is that Growth hormone your using ? sorry dude im not qualified to talk about that, stick around someone will be along shortly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    If you are talking about gh, then simply when you wake up will be fine.
    And if you happen to wake up on a regular basis in the middle of your sleep, then pin then, and go back to sleep.

    I will also say this:at 43 , it might be okay to just go ahead and pin before bed and forget about the AM.

    Regardless, your biggest gh pulse is the strongest a couple hours after you fall asleep no matter what time of day.
    Is is better as in premium to follow mother natures' circadian rhythm? Probably. But very few people go to bed at 10 pm night after night. Yes, that would be ideal and a great way to boost gh production even without synthetic, but this is a busy world and sometimes it comes down to convenience and consistency which is more than fine.

    Doe this make sense?

  6. #6
    ^^^^ya i think so. It may be best for me to either:
    pin in morning on a day shift,
    pin on a wake up on a day sleep(night shift) then go back to bed for a bit,
    pin in morning on days off work.

    I agree it is a tricky balance between regular life, training, and a daily pinning regiment. Especially one as time, food, and long as HGH.

    Thanks for the input.

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