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Thread: IGF-1 Ec or IGF-1 Lr3.... HELP.

  1. #1

    IGF-1 Ec or IGF-1 Lr3.... HELP.

    hi guys very interested in finding out which IGF i should be looking at useing

    IGF-1 Ec or IGF-1 Lr3 ????

    it is for recovery and to help prevent injuries not interested in bulking up more trying to stay nice and lean.....also i understand i should take 20mg a day post workout but can someone tell me what that is in turms of units and can i inject like injecting HGH.

  2. #2
    Nice question

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    no answer?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I thick you mean 20,40,or 60 mcg a day split up. I also read some people use up to 100 mcg not mg.

  5. #5
    I ran igf-1 lr3 a couple of times. Man, that baby felt like a wasp sting the first time i pinned. Mixing with BW is a lot smoother than mixing with AA but with the BW the mixture doesn't last long. Honestly, I found I made little to no gains with igf-1 lr3. My personal opinion is that it's a waste of money. I take HGH 5iu/ed and THAT'S the real deal.

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