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Thread: HGH to build surface cartilage in knee

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    HGH to build surface cartilage in knee

    I'm a college football player 23 yrs old and recently had an update on a injury....

    Last year I was diagnosed with tendonitis from runners knee it turns out this was from over pronation of the foot which I later fixed with orthotics and rest. However it turns out that I did do some long term damage...

    Just a couple of days ago I was diagnosed with Chondromalcia which is softening of the articular cartilage (surface cartilage that your knee cap glides on) in my knee. I have lots of pain when I squat and haven’t squatted to date. I can run but jumping causes some mild pain and I am often sore days after running, also my right knee cap seems to catch and grind when bending my knee.

    After being told by the doctor there is nothing I can do except inject a lubricant I did my own research and found a couple of articles suggesting that IAGH can build cartilage and strengthen your knee.

    Is somatropin classified under IAGH?

    Has anyone experienced this and used HGH to help cure the softening of hard cartilage?

    I have 150ius of HGH available I was wondering what the dosage would need to be and how long I'd have to run it for. Do you think that HGH could possible smooth out the cartilage in my knee?

    Also do i need to inject in into my knee?

    Any input is appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    As far as I know, IAGH therapy requires the hgh to be injected directly into the joint. This is probably something best left to a specialist. You'd also only want to use pharm grade hgh for this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thanks D Cannon I just got an appointment with a sports med Dr. that does this procedure however it is not until July.

    Do you think I would benefiet in running somatropin myself and injecting into my quad?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I'd wait till you see the doctor. 23 is pretty young to start HGH treatment on your own.

  5. #5
    It's been a while but how did the IAGH work for you? I have a similar knee situation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have chrondromalcia also. The lubicrant is useless IMO. I am curious to here about the procedure you are getting done.

    I have done everything to help but it just gets worse and worse as I get older. I do where a high quality brace and that has changed my life. I can squat, and play basketball, run on treadmill. You can never go heavy on legs and you can never over do it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    oh this is over a year and half old lol

  8. #8
    I've been on HGH, 5iu/ed for 5 years. I have had ACL knee construction 30+ years ago and my knee's been running bone on bone for that long. Between low doses of Test/Deca and HGH my knee feels a ton better. At age 23, I'd not recommend the HGH but I would recommend you look into the low dose Deca/Test cycle. It's not a permanent fix for the knee in my experience. When I run a cycle of Deca/Test my knee really feels good for about 6 to 9 months. So I run a Deca/Test cycle about once a year or twice in three years.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I highly recommend the lube job for the knee, aka hyaluronic acid. I've been getting annual injections in both knees and will recommend it to anyone that will listen.
    and as always, 5 grams of MSM every day, forever. It's slow acting, but usually by a month, you'll notice that the pain in the knees isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. btw... MSM is extremely cheap, PM me and I can send you a link.

    btw... you do not inject hgh into your knee

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I got synvisc (spelling) injected into my knee I was good for 6 weeks and after that it was back to normal

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The only thing you can do is inject the GH directly into the joint and take a long break, I do not know which doc you are about to do. But most experts of this field will inject you with GH (in the joint) and have you on crutches for weeks, so there is enough time to regrow cartilage and the best thing you can do is go on a passive motion machine that keeps bending and flexing your knee for houres.

    I am in the same boat as you, I have a appointment in 1 month with a expert on knee's in my country, prolly gonna go for the stam cell therapy.
    They take some mg's of cartilage from your knee then grow it in a lab and put it back on the damaged areas.
    Last edited by SaTyR; 05-26-2012 at 07:06 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Prolotherapy with cocktail of GH 2IU and testosterone suspension great results. Check out the caring medication website. By combining this with B1 B12 vitamine eating lots of protein, glutamine i was able to fix a lot of the laxed ligaments. I am sure that it can help a lot with the knees has well. Prolo will bring the blood supply restart the healing process GH and Test will do the reste.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SaTyR View Post
    The only thing you can do is inject the GH directly into the joint and take a long break, I do not know which doc you are about to do. But most experts of this field will inject you with GH (in the joint) and have you on crutches for weeks, so there is enough time to regrow cartilage and the best thing you can do is go on a passive motion machine that keeps bending and flexing your knee for houres.

    I am in the same boat as you, I have a appointment in 1 month with a expert on knee's in my country, prolly gonna go for the stam cell therapy.
    They take some mg's of cartilage from your knee then grow it in a lab and put it back on the damaged areas.
    I had no idea this was possible.

    What does something like this cost?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy2778 View Post
    I had no idea this was possible.

    What does something like this cost?
    Its called prolotherapy and it can be very expensive, for me i found an underground doctor who got is course in bresil, he is a prolo expert among other things, i am very lucky i bring the GH, also the testosterone suspension, dextrose and xylocaine, he mixes it and inject it. GH is 2IU, Testo is 150mg, the others are 1-1, there is also b1 and b12 added to the mix.

    Next month we are going to do it with cod liver oil sodium morrhuate. I have had PRP done on me but not stem cell which can cost has high at 1000$ is not garanteed and not coverd by any insurance i know.

    Normal prolotheapy is done with dextrose and xylocaine but i feel that its good its far from being the best, because it relies on the body to fix itself, when GH and testosterone are added it adds to the treatment a lot.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i meant the stem cell therapy

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    San Francisco
    gents, what about meniscal tears? i am about to go 2K out of pocket anyway for suregery to clean up these tears. if i can have stem cell at 1k instead?

    i'm also on hgh less than 1iu daily and 1mg test cream daily

  17. #17
    The problem with meniscus is that it doesn't heal. You can take HGH, feel terrific, but your meniscus will still be torn. Sorry for the bad news. You have to treat the meniscus directly. The stem cell treatment, if it works, would be best. 100% repaired meniscus seems far better than cutting out the torn area. I've had two knee surgeries in my left knee and one on my right. If I could have healed the meniscus rather than cut it out, I would have jumped at the chance. Your dosage of HGH and Test seems about right. Women are sensitive to HGH and really sensitive to Test. Good luck with your meniscus treatment. You should PM me and let me know if the stem cells work. I'd love to have mine done again.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    @ RWY2778 : I am from Belgium, we have good health insurance here, I think it will cost me around 200US +- prolly not even that.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    if you dont mind shot me a pm of your progress as you go through the motions. My knees are getting worse and worse and I would love to hear about other alternatives

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I had PRP not impressed not sure about stem cell either. For me its prolo GH and test suspension b1 b12 in the mixed injcted at the injury site

  21. #21
    hey polly 65, i have n idea for a treatment for you but the forum doesnt allow me to post big posts cause im new to the site, email me if you interested in my answer: denhod gmailcom

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