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Thread: Cutting on Slin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida

    Cutting on Slin

    I know that its traditionally used in a big bulk, but has anyone ever tried this? Of course, still following the 10g of carbs per IU rule post injection. What were the results? Did it stop you from losing fat? Would it allow you to put on 5-10lbs of clean muscle and still shred fat at the same time (assuming diet and cardio is on point).


  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Apr 2005
    When it comes to slin you should start at 10 grams, then work your way as low as possible until your right near the point of going hypo. This should keep your bf very minimal.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Long as your under maintance calories. With cardio.

    Factoring the carbs you use after the slin into your macros.

    Losing fat is about being calorie deficent. All slin will do is speed up the glycogen replenishment after lifting.

    You can def cut on slin.

    Also look into getting some HCA... Its cheap so why not.

    Heres some info
    Getting straight to the point, unless you are a moron and are eating fat during insulin use, or you have crappy insulin sensitivity, HCA is the second most effective fat gain inhibitor next to clenbuterol (which is only more effective due to its' ridiculously long half life). Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) is the main ingredient in Citrimax, and is a bargain in terms of its': relative effectiveness (when using insulin), cost (cheap, cheap, cheap), and availability. It works by inhibiting an enzyme called ATP citrate ly(s)ase (ACL), which basically converts ingested carbs to fat (which insulin promptly stores). This is normally NOT a big deal since ACL levels are normally low in most humans. However, insulin drastically increases ACL levels (which should make sense based on what you now know about insulin) accounting for most of the, responsible use, fat gain associated with insulin use. This is the most exciting find since the discovery of insulin as an anabolic! Using insulin and not gaining fat while gaining muscle? What a concept! Although I don't like to go into the details of use directly, I believe it is warranted here. 500-750mgs HCA should be taken with or within half an hour after the insulin shot. The usually recommended 250mgs is ineffective in dealing with the drastic increase in ACL levels. The HCA is taken with the shot because both start to work on about one half hour, so the HCA can begin to be effective at the same time that insulin is trying to increase ACL levels. This regimen (only 3X500mgs HCA) prevented fat gain during a day when I used 3 separate insulin shots! To make things even better there is a mild glycogen storage property associated with HCA use. Since ingested carbs cannot be converted to, or stored as, fat, they are generally stored (due to insulin) as glycogen in muscle giving the user a mild but noticeable pump (similar to the first day of creatine use). To end this portion of the list, I give HCA my highest recommendation as the number 1 supplement to use with insulin!

    Theres another way of using SLin while dieting...
    I have two ways of doing insulin, dieting and growing. When i am dieting i of course do my morning cardio session, and find that using insulin after the cardio helps me keep anti-catabolic, especially as i dont eat before i do my cardio. A lot of people suggest doing a shot of insulin in the morning as your insulin sensitivity is low from not eating over night, I can see the logic in this and at least it has a sense of science that doesnt exsist behind a lot of other cycle theories. But for the most part I leave the morning shot for when I am dieting,

    So it can be done

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