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Thread: Is it ok to mix GHRP-6/CJC-1295 with AAS in a same pin?

  1. #1

    Question Is it ok to mix GHRP-6/CJC-1295 with AAS in a same pin?

    I'm on Prop/Ace/Masteron cycle. I'm mixing all three in a pin. Would it be ok to add GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 in the same pin?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I wouldn't, AAS is usually done with a 3ml syringe. It would be hard to measure the small amount needed for peptides on a 3ml syringe.

  3. #3
    Thank you for the response.

    So chemically there is no problem with mixing peptides with aas?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Not if you are injecting right away but I don't see how you could even measure your peptides in a syringe you use for AAS.

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