Since I stated using AAS, I have used many compounds in my cycles for the past two years listed below:
Anabolic Steroids: test, tren, masteron, winstrol, dianabol
PCT/AI/Glycoprotein Hormones: nolvadex, toremifene citrate, aromasin, letro, hCG
Peptides/other: IGF-1 LR3, GHRP-6, GHRP-2, humulin R, humalog, clenbuterol, ketotifen
I am currently 25 at about 232lb at 6'1.5" 8%bf 9 weeks into my test/tren/mast cycle.
I am also looking to add HGH into my PCT/next cycle.. I have 3 100iu kits of Green Top Elitropin HGH and want to start running it at 3iu starting on the first day of my pct. (5 days on, 2 days off (weekends off))
Would starting it at 3ius per day (1.5iu upon waking at 8a.m. and 1.5iu before bed at midnight) be a good starting point? or should I just start at 1iu ED and go from there? to be honest, I have NEVER had any bad sides from taking any other compound (besides accutane when i was a bit younger) in my life..
I will also be taking GHRP-6(morning, PW, before bed) and IGF-1 LR3 (PW at 20mcg) in my PCT with clenbuterol (100mcg per day 2 on 2 off), humulin r (15iu PW), nolvadex(40/20/20/20/20), and toremifene(120/60/60/60/60)
Also, is bacteriostatic water alright to use with HGH? that is the solvent i prefer.