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  1. #1
    maverick_77 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2011

    Genotropin/HGH Help!

    Hi there,

    Complete and utter newbie to shooting up substances. Purchased a 12mg cartridge of Pharmacia/Pfizer Genotropin and the Genotropin 12 Pen. Used for the first time this morning and i'm somewhat concerned as to what i've got myself in to! I did 6 months pre-research and settled on the fact that the safest way of using this product is in small doses building up to an optimal dose.

    So this morning upon waking i started on a 0.2mg (0.6iU) dose and popped straight into the pinch of fat in my gut area. Prior i hadn't eaten anything and resisted eating for an hour after the shot (all of this was suggested on forums). Within 40 mins of it, i felt somewhat weak and light on my feet coupled with a serious dose of trembling. I saw out the 1hr and then had some oats with water and a green tea. This didn't solve my problem and for at least 3 hrs this uncomfortable feeling continued. It wasn't until my next meal (3hrs later) of baked potato, baked beans and cottage cheese that once ingested i started to feel somewhat normal again, still not 100% but way better than before.

    I'm now confused and somewhat concerned. One thing during research that i never got to grips with was the timing of meals around the shot, plus the overall effect carbs can have on HGH. I used such a small dose, why would these sides have even affected me? I'm confused and now somewhat reluctant to even continue using this which is a shame considering the cost!!

    Any advice/feedback from you pros would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    maybe just nerves since its ur first time pinning

  3. #3
    maverick_77 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    maybe just nerves since its ur first time pinning
    Don't say that!! Someone else said the same thing. I'm worried about Hypoglycemia. Should i be? and what's the real situation with carbs before, after pinning etc? Any solid advice would be greatly appreciated. Cost a fortune this stuff, not to mention the pen...

  4. #4
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    What's the deal lately with everybody saying they're going hypo after pinning GH? I would like to see some kind of medical theory or study as to how that would even be possible in a healthy individual with no blood glucose issues.

    The deal with carbs and GH is that GH suppresses the release of insulin and the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream which would cause hyperglycemia if large amounts of high GI carbs were consumed. The body doesn't release natural GH when high insulin levels are present for this same reason which is probably partially why the biggest pulse is released during sleep.

    You're definitely not the first to say this, especially here recently. You should check your blood glucose levels after pinning and see of you're really going hypo.

    You said you're using Genotropin but was it prescribed to you and if not did it come from a reliable source?

  5. #5
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    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 04-01-2011 at 12:50 PM. Reason: damn droid

  6. #6
    maverick_77 is offline New Member
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    Hey man,

    You're right, it does seem to be quite a common subject at present. Maybe it's paranoia but something odd defo happened to me today. Regarding the legitimacy of my product, I got it from a very reliable source who has excellent pharmaceutical connections. I will get myself a monitor before I do any more of it though. Can't have another day like today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    What's the deal lately with everybody saying they're going hypo after pinning GH? I would like to see some kind of medical theory or study as to how that would even be possible in a healthy individual with no blood glucose issues.

    The deal with carbs and GH is that GH suppresses the release of insulin and the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream which would cause hyperglycemia if large amounts of high GI carbs were consumed. The body doesn't release natural GH when high insulin levels are present for this same reason which is probably partially why the biggest pulse is released during sleep.

    You're definitely not the first to say this, especially here recently. You should check your blood glucose levels after pinning and see of you're really going hypo.

    You said you're using Genotropin but was it prescribed to you and if not did it come from a reliable source?

  7. #7
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    only reason i said this is because my first time pinning if this is your first time i felt the same way i just think i was nervous as hell and worried bout wtf ii was putting in my body and freaked out thats all

  8. #8
    maverick_77 is offline New Member
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    Exactly what others have told me. I'm not going to lie, after thinking i was a hero at the point of actually doing it i broke in to one hell of an almighty cold sweat and it took a proper effort for me to actually go through with it. Post pinning i felt shaky and naseus for a good while afterwards. Dunno what to make of it all really, but it does leave a sour taste in the mouth and stir a bit of paranoia with regards to doing it again....

    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    only reason i said this is because my first time pinning if this is your first time i felt the same way i just think i was nervous as hell and worried bout wtf ii was putting in my body and freaked out thats all

  9. #9
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i think you will be fine man everyone gets like taht first time pinning i no i did you will get used too it and it will get easier every time

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