Hi guys,
It's been like ages I haven't posted around.
To start with, here are my stats
28 yo
215 lbs
roughly 10% BF
Been lifting seriously for 7 years now
Gear already been on? EQ, Test enth, Anavar, Dbol, Win.....but quit a whole 2 years after deciding to stay out an clean my system....then It's now been 3 months i'm on GHRP6 alone, 600 mcg ED and was planning on throwing in some HGH, @ 6 IU ED for 6 months.
Here is the thing,
Since the age of 2, I'm epileptic and under medication for that (1 and 1/2 tabs depakine 500 chrono ED, which is valproic acid)
Also I've been thru lotta boards regarding taking or not T3 (some say t4 might be better) along with HGH
My major concerns here are:
1. Does anybody know if there is a link between thyroid and epilepsy (or interactions with my meds), is it safe or should stay as far as possible?
2. Is that a must have to use thyroid hormone such as T3 or T4 (and why one more than the other) when on HGH. Lotta peeps claims not to and that it worked fine for them, so I'm confused
3. If that's really necessary and fine for me to use, then do I need to use t3 or t4 throughout the 6 months of HGH?
Trust me when I say I've read LOTTA threads before posting.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.