Hi all and thanks for reading my post.
I've been reading the guides put up on here by various members. I've just read Redbarrons guide to HGH for the 2nd time.
A couple of little questions I have.
The 1st, if I get a 10iu vial of hgh and mix with 1ml of BW or similar, this will give me 100iu's of mix right ??????
No, a 10iu vial will always be 10iu regardless of how much bac water you mix it with.So with 100iu's at 5iu per day 5 days a week then that would last me 20 days (4 weeks) Have I understood that correct?
No, a 10iu vial at 5iu per day will last 2 days. If you mix 1ml bac water with a 10iu vial whatever number you draw to on your insulin pin will be how many iu of GH you are injecting (minus the 0)
2nd another guide I read by a member who seems very knowledgable (can't remember his name sorry) suggested that taking T4 with HGH will increase its benefits considerably, so how much T4 would be best for me taking 5iu pd of HGH?
T4 optimizing the effects of GH is a theory, not backed up by studies or facts. GH can suppress thyroid function in some people, especially at higher doses, in which case supplementing with T4 would be necessary.
3rd on this dose would insulin be recommended? This worries me a lot as it can be very dangerous.
Insulin IMO is for very advanced bodybuilders only, ie. leave it alone - it can kill you
4th The IGF-1 lr3 sold by AR-R -
http://www.ar-r.com/peptides/1mg-lyo...-r3-igf-1.html when mixed the recommended way how many iu's does this provide.
I am doing a lot of reading of the guides etc oon here but getting a little confused with a few things. I'm also trying to calculate how much its all gonna cost me.
Nearly forgot my stats
I'm 37, 6'1, 211lbs, no idea of body fat at present, although i'm a 'little' out of shape and need to shed maybe 15-20lb of fat to be a more ideal body fat. I trained for several yrs and did several cycles of gear the last being around 10yrs ago. I know my way round a gym etc, but the gear I was sold back then I suspect was far from legit. A lot of it would be marked for veterinary use only. I was young and desperate to get big and would've taken anything if I thought it would help. I'm older and wiser now with a young lad etc so want to be much more carefull about what I use.
My goal is to gain some decent muscle and lose some body fat, and also for the other benefits that can be got from HGH.
I will also be doing some AAS.
I would run the GH by itself for a few months before cycling to see how your body reacts and to drop some BF. Especially if you're gonna run chinese GH.
Long post, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice, its very much appreciated.