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Thread: Peptide cycle help!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Peptide cycle help!!

    Ive decided that i want to Run a cycle of peptides for fat loss and some muscle growth.
    Ive chosen mod grf1-29 and ghrp-2.
    Im curious to the amounts of each i should take a day.
    I was going to run 200mcg of each 2x ED (one inject when i first wake up and the other just after i finish gym making 400mcg of each peptide daily).
    Is it the right Ratio of ghrp and grf?
    Is this enough of each or should i do more per day?

    current stats:

    Cheers guys
    Last edited by DrSwole; 04-18-2011 at 04:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    the saturation dose is 100mcg for each, this can be adminstered 3 times per day (morning, pwo, and before bed are the optimal times). That being said I am about to start a similar cycle although I will be using ipamorelin instead of GHRP-2. I will be taking 100mcg of each first thing in the morn and right before bed. You need to be aware that it is suggested to not consume carbs within 30-45 mins before and after adminstration of the peptides. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    100mcg of each 3 times a day, morning, after workout and before bed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah wait atleast 20 mins before you eat any carbs or fats, protein is ok.

  5. #5
    Cheers guys. I knew bout the carbs thing but always good to hear more people follow this!
    If i finish workouts and basically go straight to bed, should i take 2nd inject preworkout and the pre bed one after training/right before bed?
    A mate does this cycle and said i should start at 1inject ed of 100mcg for a wk then up it to 2ed for a wk then 3ed or should i go straight to 3x100mcg of each ed?
    Thanks again guys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    How long after your workout do you go to bed?
    I pin after workout, wait 20mins have a shake (whey, dextrose, some mass gain) then cook dinner, eat that then wait about 2 hours and pin before bed. Sometimes i have a casein shake before bed also.
    I dont see the point at starting off at 1 pin ed.. just do the 3.

  7. #7
    Ahh ok, umm im usually finished gym at 8:30-9pm so only like an hr after that! I wouldnt be up long enough to do post workout and pre bed.
    So i will start 3x saturation a day. Can i maybe up the grf to 200mcg with 100mcg ghrp 3x a day in the near future?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by DrSwole View Post
    Ahh ok, umm im usually finished gym at 8:30-9pm so only like an hr after that! I wouldnt be up long enough to do post workout and pre bed.
    So i will start 3x saturation a day. Can i maybe up the grf to 200mcg with 100mcg ghrp 3x a day in the near future?
    Make sure you have 3 hours between shots.

    You can up the GHRH to 200mcg but it won't give you twice the effect of 100mcg since 100mcg is the saturation dose.

  9. #9
    So never bother upping dosages as it wont be effective?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSwole View Post
    So never bother upping dosages as it wont be effective?
    It is still effective but 200mcg won't be twice as effective as 100mcg.

    100mcg fully saturates the receptors and adding another 100mcg will only be 50% effective, another 100mcg will only be 25% effective and so on.

    You're better off waiting a few hours and doing another dose.

  11. #11
    Oh ok, so better off doin 4 or 5 100mcg injects!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by DrSwole View Post
    Oh ok, so better off doin 4 or 5 100mcg injects!
    Exactly, just keep them at least 3 hours apart.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    becareful about ghrp-2 because it messes with cortisol levels... stuff always made my stomach feel very badly bloated and straight hurt!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Wherever You Will Go
    you have to worry about desensitazation too, if you use ghrp-2.

  15. #15
    yeah i was worried about the desensitization, thats why i was thinking about taking less ghrp-2 than od grf1-29, but i like the fact that it doesnt make you hungry.

    quick question about injections.
    i did my first sub-q injection yesterday (using hcg). everything seemed to go fine.
    Im using 27guage 1/2inch needles. are these too long/thick?
    i went in front of stomach, pinched skin, whole needle at about 45degrees.

    an hour or so after the inject, it felt like a bruise (and still does) and is a bit lumpy. have i done something wrong?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    27g is a bit big, I use 30g

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    ^^^yeah 29 or 30 gauge would be better

  18. #18
    i could only get 27's at the time. im not so much worried about the thickness... i did hcg easy. its the length. do i need to go the whole 1/2 inch in or is half of that fine?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by DrSwole View Post
    i could only get 27's at the time. im not so much worried about the thickness... i did hcg easy. its the length. do i need to go the whole 1/2 inch in or is half of that fine?
    I wouldn't drop below 1/2" needles unless you are super lean (I'm talking 8% or below)

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    It depends on how lean you are. 1/2" isn't that long though.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    a 1/2" needle is small as hell. get a nice chunk of skin by pinching it, jab the SOB and boom your done.

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