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  1. #1
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    HGH for 1 month?...


    I know hgh is supposed to work only at long term, like 6 months. But would it help if I take it for only 1 month to heal an injury?

  2. #2
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    yes, but don't buy Chinese stuff. You need pharma grade.

  3. #3
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    The thing is, will my natural production of GH will come back to normal after that?
    I mean if I only take it for 1 month

  4. #4
    snowman's Avatar
    snowman is offline Senior Member
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    I would not spend the money, and take HGH for 1 month, especially to heal and injury...injuries are best healed by doing some type of therapy, and by taking it easy for a while, until you start feeling taking HGH, or any other steroids to heal an injury, you might be making it worst; you might thing and feel better while on it, but once you come off, that injury might be worst, especially if we are talking about joints, knee injuries etc... just my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    of course you can and it will be usefull for sure, if it is real HGH.
    You have to look, because if it's bunk, you probably are wasting your money.

    I can't tell you which dose and how long to take the GH because you didn't write which injury it is. Severity does matter in the end.
    After 1 month of usage, you should be fine though with the GH levels coming back and no antibodys, making endogenous GH less effective, therefore causing symtomps of gh deficiency

  6. #6
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    of course you can and it will be usefull for sure, if it is real HGH.
    You have to look, because if it's bunk, you probably are wasting your money.

    I can't tell you which dose and how long to take the GH because you didn't write which injury it is. Severity does matter in the end.
    After 1 month of usage, you should be fine though with the GH levels coming back and no antibodys, making endogenous GH less effective, therefore causing symtomps of gh deficiency
    My injuries are groin tear and shoulder partial tear. (from a car accident)

  7. #7
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    what usual treatment did you get from the doctor and what's the prognosis on this to heal?

  8. #8
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    what usual treatment did you get from the doctor and what's the prognosis on this to heal?
    I had anti-inflamatory and the doctor said I had to rest a lot, for about 6 months. That's what I did, and I lost like 15-20 pounds. Now I'm starting rehabilitation and I'm weak as hell.

    There's never really been any treatement appart of rest.

    I'm slowly begening to do gentle stetch and exercises, but I don't really see any progress at all. That's been 3 weeks.
    That's why I thought about HGH

  9. #9
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    @mods: the thread is double, pls close one

    @boxingfan: so you rested for 6 months until today and now you are in a rehabilitation program, right?
    how long is that reha gonna take?

    look, HGH could help you with that reha program, but I hesitate to recommand it to you, because of the cost and your financial situation. Don't know if its the right desicion to borrow money for GH, when the result is not sure, that you will be able to work and pay the money back shortly.

    Also there is the issue of fake GH, where you would waste the money for sure. All in all it's difficult to give the right advice in your situation.
    Where would you get HGH and which one for what price?

    best wishes for a successfull rehab

  10. #10
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    Can I tell on wich website it is on the forum?

  11. #11
    boxingfan03 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    @mods: the thread is double, pls close one
    Sorry for that,

    That's because I did not have any answer for more than a week so I started a new one

  12. #12
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    I would not spend the money, and take HGH for 1 month, especially to heal and injury...injuries are best healed by doing some type of therapy, and by taking it easy for a while, until you start feeling taking HGH, or any other steroids to heal an injury, you might be making it worst; you might thing and feel better while on it, but once you come off, that injury might be worst, especially if we are talking about joints, knee injuries etc... just my 2 cents.
    I have to disagree,
    you can get increased healing from hgh but not for a month and yes it needs to be pharm grade. Don't wast money on generics.
    I would recomend you get 3-6 months worth and use 1-3ius per day. Stay out of gym for awhile and let it heal, hgh won't make you super man and heal over night but it will help.
    A friend of mine had a double knee replacement with hgh and had a realy fast recovery, his doc was blown away and he's not a young guy.

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