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Thread: Safe way to use GH Pwo

  1. #1

    Safe way to use GH Pwo

    Was curious if this is a good idea because of the post-workout insulin levels raising with a protein shake, could I take 4IU an hour later to experience a larger than normal insulin surge, or could it even be less than a hr (maybe 45 min?)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Using post workout is usualy not advised, because you will have high natural levels post workout; however if your are older with lower natural levels anyway then I say it's better to use post workout. Just remember if you supply your body with hgh your body will not produce any naturaly for the next couple of hours.

  3. #3
    I understand I am in the younger range and want to blast my IGF-1 levels through the roof without using exogenous insulin if possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Ok, don't think insulin would help you with that anyway, not sure on that. I use my growth twice a day, first thing in the moring and late afternoon. I don't want it to effect my natural pulses, because I'm only 30; so it's crutial that I don't dose close to bed time. I have skipped in the past rather than dose too close to bed time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Ok, don't think insulin would help you with that anyway, not sure on that. I use my growth twice a day, first thing in the moring and late afternoon. I don't want it to effect my natural pulses, because I'm only 30; so it's crutial that I don't dose close to bed time. I have skipped in the past rather than dose too close to bed time.
    I'm about to be 31 and have been injecting my peptides (ipamorelin & mod Grf1-29) in the morning and before bed. Should I chose other times as I don't want to interupt my nightly GH pulse?

  6. #6
    I like HGH right in the morning when I wake up. HGH is an insulin agonist. In other works it slows down the secretion of insulin. That's why you don't want to eat carbs right before you shoot HGH. The HGH slows down the release of insulin so your blood level of sugar goes up. If you want your body to release insulin right after workout don't shoot HGH.

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