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Thread: T4 - Never want to feel like this again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    T4 - Never want to feel like this again

    Been taking for about 2 months. Started off with 50mcg for a week then went to 100mcg. I should have ramped up slower or just stayed at 50mcg.

    About two weeks ago I occasionally started to feel an uncomfortable tightness in my chest followed by some weird palpitations. Basically, the symptoms of a heart attack. Over the last week it became constant never subsiding.

    I knew this was a possible side of T4 so a week ago I stopped taking it. Realizing the half-life is almost a week, I knew that I was in for a ride. It slowly subsided, and finally, yesterday, I was fine and back to normal.

    Worst experience with hormones ever. I'm going to the Dr for some blood work before using it again. Only using 2iu of HGH ED so not really sure if I need T4 due to TSH suppression.

    The T4 did nothing over the 2 months for me as far as body composition. It definitely gave me more energy though. Too much energy, I never want to feel like that again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Never experienced that once. I would go to the doctor. You might of had some pre existing problems.

  3. #3
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    Do some research. It is a very common side. I just had a physical and I'm in excellent health. EKG and everything.

    Too much or too little T4 can cause heart palpitations. Bottom line is I had too much in my system and my body rejected it.

    You also don't get any energy from it you say it makes you tired, which is contrary to what I've researched. Maybe you're taking fake.

    I'm 100% back to normal and feel great again.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    lol! for sure not man taking fake t4? hahaha. You do not understand how t4 works man.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2010
    Common Side Effects of T4

    Too much T4 can produce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as...palpitations.

    Serious Side Effects of T4

    mentions serious side effects of T4, describing a constellation of cardiac symptoms such as tachycardia, angina, palpitations, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Significant effects on cardiac function and left ventricle function have also been reported.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2010
    These amine hormones control multiple body functions including:

    Increase energy production from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

    There are multiple hormones related to thyroid function. These hormones stimulate each other in order to create a chain of events, ultimately leading to increased energy production in the body.

    1 minute google search and I found several articles stating that these hormones increase energy levels.

    Night sweats were very common for me as well.

    I highly suggest anyone using thyroid hormones get blood work done to ensure they do or do not need them.
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 06-13-2011 at 03:38 PM.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010
    From BBcom:

    Hyperthyroidism, also known as thyrotoxicosis, is a clinical condition caused by excess quantities of thyroid hormone in the body....

    The excess of hormones can cause heat intolerance, increased energy, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea and anxiety and other symptoms as listed in the table.

    I had difficulty sleeping as well as anxiety at times. These last two nights I have slept better than I've slept in the last 2 months.
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 06-13-2011 at 03:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    a 100mcg ed would only be a therapeutic dose that your body already makes naturally your body converts t4 to t3 if it needs it. I have never heard of anyone ever having your problems if it was t3 then i would understand.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    how old are you

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    How long you been taking HGH 2iu? How old are you ?

  11. #11
    I've been taking 100mcg of T4 for several months along with 5iu/ed of HGH. I don't feel any different but my belly fat sorta melted away.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    sorry to hear Scotch! I have been taking 100mcg of t4 w/ my peptides for a little over a week now and it has already started leaning me out. I am having good results and energy from it but none of the side effects that you mentioned. I'm glad you are feeling more normal now after discontinuing use. I will def be keeping a close look on myself.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    From BBcom:

    Hyperthyroidism, also known as thyrotoxicosis, is a clinical condition caused by excess quantities of thyroid hormone in the body....

    The excess of hormones can cause heat intolerance, increased energy, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea and anxiety and other symptoms as listed in the table.

    I had difficulty sleeping as well as anxiety at times. These last two nights I have slept better than I've slept in the last 2 months.

    Supplementing with 100mcg of T4 can hardly be considered hyperthyroidism. At 100mcg a day, you're only elevating your total T4 by roughly 15% - 25% depending on baseline levels. That is very minimal when considering that T4 is not even the active thyroid hormone and is only converted to T3 as needed.

    You inject a white lyophilized powder from an unlabeled vial of unknown quality/quantity/origin everyday, and you think it's the 100mcg of T4 causing these effects?

  14. #14
    hey scotch how is your diet with the t4 and gh?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Supplementing with 100mcg of T4 can hardly be considered hyperthyroidism. At 100mcg a day, you're only elevating your total T4 by roughly 15% - 25% depending on baseline levels. That is very minimal when considering that T4 is not even the active thyroid hormone and is only converted to T3 as needed.

    You inject a white lyophilized powder from an unlabeled vial of unknown quality/quantity/origin everyday, and you think it's the 100mcg of T4 causing these effects?


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Supplementing with 100mcg of T4 can hardly be considered hyperthyroidism. At 100mcg a day, you're only elevating your total T4 by roughly 15% - 25% depending on baseline levels. That is very minimal when considering that T4 is not even the active thyroid hormone and is only converted to T3 as needed.

    You inject a white lyophilized powder from an unlabeled vial of unknown quality/quantity/origin everyday, and you think it's the 100mcg of T4 causing these effects?
    thank you holy shit you understand. i kinda feel bad for this guy because he thinks he has t4.

  17. #17
    My diet on T4 and HGH is ok, not great. I still eat pizza once or twice a week. Eat a heavy lunch like burgers, ribs, steak, etc a couple of times a week. I got down to 205lbs 9% bf with clen/T4/keto but is up to 11% right now. With HGH and T4 and my current diet I'm a steady 11%. Not too bad. I could go lower on the bf but I want to maintain my quality of life.

  18. #18
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    scotch, I just finished taking the T4 at 100mcg per day on a two week run and it cut me up nicely w/ my clean diet. Going to give the T4 a rest during PCT but pick it back up after recovery. This dose of T4 did impress me and seems like the "money" dose for me.

  19. #19
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    just started with some T4. just a few questions. i get that results are not instant, but can anyone give a basic idea on when you noticed changes. also i take before i go to bed and wake up very hungry like i can get enought food in me. i am adjusting diet to get more in me during the day. just curios if hunger is common.

  20. #20
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    guys please read this carefully, i was on synthroid for elevated tsh and it made me feel worse with all the side effects that have been mentioned, so anyway i went to another doc for my low t not thinking anything of my thyroid, but he got a full blood panel of it anyways, well it came back with a lowered tsh, free t4 was good, free t3 was kinda low-normal, but something that alot of docs and people seem to not be familiar with is reverse t3, which mine came back over 100 over the top range, which is very bad, please look up reverse t3 and read about it because this may be the cause of your problems

  21. #21
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    just started with some T4. just a few questions. i get that results are not instant, but can anyone give a basic idea on when you noticed changes. also i take before i go to bed and wake up very hungry like i can get enought food in me. i am adjusting diet to get more in me during the day. just curios if hunger is common.
    Yes hunger is common! Think about it...anything that increases your BMR is going to make the body use more energy inturn making you more hungry. This is another reason I took my T4 in the morning (I know this time isn't ideal for you, just saying). I was already pretty lean when starting the T4 so I noticed changes within the 1st week...I might be an anamoly though.

    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    guys please read this carefully, i was on synthroid for elevated tsh and it made me feel worse with all the side effects that have been mentioned, so anyway i went to another doc for my low t not thinking anything of my thyroid, but he got a full blood panel of it anyways, well it came back with a lowered tsh, free t4 was good, free t3 was kinda low-normal, but something that alot of docs and people seem to not be familiar with is reverse t3, which mine came back over 100 over the top range, which is very bad, please look up reverse t3 and read about it because this may be the cause of your problems
    Thank you for the insight!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    guess i just have to suck it up. thanks

  23. #23
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    We have people posting and giving advice in this thread that don't even understand the common side affects of T4, they think it's normal for T4 to make you tired lol.

    Secondly, I hope some of you were just taking a cheap shot at generic HGH, because if you blame the HGH I've been using for 2yrs with great results, and the fact that I had classic/common symptoms of hyperthyroidism that started shortly after using T4 (which you didn't even recognize), and that went away completely after I discontinued use, then you are just dumb.

    One logical conclusion is that my baseline T3/T4 is borderline hyperthyroidism to begin with, and the 100mcg was enough to put me over the edge. Also, if you do just a little research, there are many body building boards/posts that say to ramp slowly up on T4 for the exact reason relating to the problem I had. But I followed the "Bro science" of this board and didn't ramp up slowly. Everyone on this board says it doesn't matter to ramp up, just start with 100mcg, which is conflicts with most Body Building sites.

    What is a small dose to someone with a lame/weak thyroid, could put someone who has an over productive thyroid into hyperthyroidism.

    I'm 6'0" 206lbs and very lean. As a teen and college student I always had problems keeping weight on. I graduated High School at 120lbs. I was always hyperactive. So it seems my thyroid has always been very productive.

    One interesting aspect of this is that I monitor my BP daily, and my BP and heart rate were always well within normal.

    You have said that you can't take T4 in the evening because it gives you so much energy that you can't sleep. This should not happen and you could be borderline hyperthyroidism. Please watch out for the other more dangerous symptoms. Good luck.

    Or, maybe my body converts a higher percentage of T4 to T3 than most people?

    This guy finally attributed it to NoXplode and continued T4, I wonder how it worked out for him.

    T4 made me feel like I just drank 10 cups of coffee, but it was constant, and it is something I don't want to experience again.

    Oh, and I would link to several other sites with similar stories, but for some reason the admin edits my posts and removes the links. They are so afraid someone might buy a product from a competitor that they squelch information exchange that may benefit people.
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 06-21-2011 at 11:15 AM.

  24. #24
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    Synthroid used to hyped me up sometimes if too much taken...that is why I now have the desiccated porcine thyroid t3/t4 mix.....
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 06-21-2011 at 10:47 AM.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    guys please read this carefully, i was on synthroid for elevated tsh and it made me feel worse with all the side effects that have been mentioned, so anyway i went to another doc for my low t not thinking anything of my thyroid, but he got a full blood panel of it anyways, well it came back with a lowered tsh, free t4 was good, free t3 was kinda low-normal, but something that alot of docs and people seem to not be familiar with is reverse t3, which mine came back over 100 over the top range, which is very bad, please look up reverse t3 and read about it because this may be the cause of your problems
    Great post...thanks I'll do some research. These thyroid hormones are nothing to take lightly.

  26. #26
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    I want to make one more comment about the thread I posted above:

    This guy concludes that it was the NoXplode, but here is how I can tell he was more than likely wrong. All we have to do is ask ourselves 3 questions:

    1) What is the half-life of the stimulant in NoXplode?
    2) What is the half-life of T4?
    3) When did his side affects subside?

    My point is the stimulant in NoXplode (caffine?) probably has a significantly shorter half-life than the T4. He said his side affects lasted several days after he discontinued use of everything, which most definitely points to the T4, not the NoXplode.

    My guess is that when he started back with T4 he had the same sides, discontinued the T4, and just didn't post and update the thread.

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