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Thread: hgh, peptides, and height

  1. #1

    hgh, peptides, and height

    I'm 16 and strongly considering to increase my height via hgh. However, omnitrope cost way too much so I'm limited to taking cjc w/ or w/o DAC, igf lr3, ghrp-2, and sermorelin.
    I have already done extensive research on how exactly vertical growth happens, and if I am to take hgh it should be in the presence of an anti e that doesn't inhibit igf(like letro) so that I can transcend my predicted height by leaving my growth plates open.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to know which one of the aforesaid hgh/peptides/whateverthehell
    Will give me my desired results. Don't care about getting swole, just height. I'll leave bodybuilding to my hypertrophy split, the old fashioned way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    You need to see a doctor before you mess yourself up with taking hgh to get taller. If you need it so much then why not get pharma grade from a doctor and do it the right way. Remember you are still growing at 16 and with your growth plates still open you could very well create acromegaly which would not be something I think you would want.

    I met a lady who had acromegaly the other day and talked to her for a long time. She has fought her appearance and is trying her best to reverse it.

    Please do not take hgh at 16.

    Good luck. You will grow more. You will. Don't risk it. Not worth it.

    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 06-16-2011 at 07:52 PM.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    HGH does more then just make you taller. It's just one of the side benefits of growth hormones. There's a lot of information on google so I won't go into it here. You have about 100 different hormones in your body that's like a hormone soup. Testosterone and estrogen probably is your most noticeable hormones. The development of upper body strength and acne. Taking HGH, a synthetic, would mess with some of your 100 hormones. The side affects are not good. Stay away from HGH unless supervised by an endocrinologist. You could do more harm then good.

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