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Thread: Diabetic off insulin needing some info

  1. #1

    Diabetic off insulin needing some info

    So im new to this site, actually just crossed it getting interested in gear, im currently in week 2 of a 6 week cycle of hdrol 100/150/150/150/150/150 and 11-oxo 1g/1g/1g/1g/1g/1g/1g, i am a diabetic and have been off insulin since i got back into lifting awhile back ago, im wondering if insulin would help or hurt my cycle, i have tons of vials and pens from when i was taking them that are far from exp. what is usual dosage and would it be ok to run on ph cycle, with as much food as i eat i probably need the insulin anyway just not checked glucose levels, and on another note i have Levemir Pens and vials, which is a extended release insulin, not fast acting, so any and all info will be well absorbed and i appreciate everything.

    PS stats 6'0" 190lbs 14%bf 25 years old

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    are you type 1 or type 2?

  3. #3
    type 2 off insulin and all medication, thing is ive done some research and see ext release insulin to be shit, so i was wondering which insulin would be the best bc i will get my dr to right a script of whatever i want

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you are correct that you do not want to use long acting insulin. Personly looking at your stats and cycle history i would not recommend you run any insulin

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