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Thread: Norditropin/Nordipens, Can Anyone Share Their Experiences

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Norditropin/Nordipens, Can Anyone Share Their Experiences

    I'm planning on doing a 6 month cycle which will include Norditropin 15mg. I wanted to get some reviews from people who have used it and also some dosing info as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    I'm planning on doing a 6 month cycle which will include Norditropin 15mg. I wanted to get some reviews from people who have used it and also some dosing info as well.

    Stats please..

    What are your goals? This will help re: dosing.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well real gh is very good, your doing a 6 month cycle at what dose

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011
    I'm 6'1 240lbs at around 14% BF.
    I live in Istanbul and can get it from the pharmacy. I'm sure its more expensive in the States. Let's just say I get it for about a third of what you guys pay. I don't wanna do any AS with my cycle. Just Norditropin 15mg and Bitron, T3/T4 mix. My goal is to lean out as much as possible. I was planning on starting at 2uis one at 6am, one at 6pm. Moving to 3 ius the second month, one at 6am, one at 12pm and one at 6pm, then 4uis months 3-5, with shots at 6am, 10am, 12pm and 6pm and then cuycling down the last month. Do you guys think its better to split the shots into 3-4 a day, keep the GH in blood levels steady and high as much and as long as possible?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    It would be helpful if you could post a picture of your nordi as in the UK there has been many fakes around selling very cheeply ! it would be good to see the cartridge of hopefully legit nordin hgh.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2001
    i would split it up into 2 injections at the most

  7. #7
    Norditropin is very high quality, make sure its real deal ofcourse. Made by Novo Nordisk Denmark. I used it and it was strong as hell!
    Made me very sleepy and lethargic though, of all the HGH this one made me the most lethargic which I attribute directly to its powerful hyperglycemia effects.
    Don't know why this brand has the highest hyperglycemia effects.
    So keep sugars and carbs down on it!

    Hope this helps...

  8. #8
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    IMO with this quality? you do not need more than 3 units a day for your goal of getting lean and IMO you could do well on 2-2.5 units if what you get is the real deal. Start lower and ramp up very slowly. And remember not to eat for an hour on each side of injection. And you could take just one time a day unless you are going over 5-6 units and since you do not need all of that, then no need to split it up unless you just want to do so. A premium time to inject would be in the wee hours of the morning which helps to blunt cortisol which is desired.

    AT 32 you do not need a lot anyway since you still produce a lot.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011
    @Turk1968 "selam abi" don't worry its the real deal. I'm picking it up in late September (probably 22-25). Starting on October 1st. Don't wanna pick it up earlier cause the pharmacist says it comes in a coolant package and must be refigirated. So the later I pick it up the less risk of killing the HGH.

    @Peter thanks, definately gonna make a note of keeping the carbs low.

    @slimmer so 4ius is too much? I'll start of slow and ramp up gradually, see how my body responds.

    @gixx I thought 3-4 injections would keep the HGH levels in my blood more steady, but if you say 2 is the way to go (judging from your profile and ranking you seem to know what your talkin about) then 2 is the way to go.

  10. #10
    i just started norditropin pen 10mg (30iu) pen... the last time i posted about getting it form a source was months ago, turns out i was scammed thus why i didn't feel anyhting... bastard gave me bac water.. i got ass raped... he is no longer a sponsor at the board i got it from...

    this time i got a personal source on hand thru a the box and everything totally gtg... i took 2ius yesterday and i felt like a god... my hands didn't tingle but def felt like i had "water" flowing thru my entire body, like a pump but no pressure... i slept well and i felt amazing...

    ive been on rips for 6 months, 5iu a day, never felt anything thought i did sleep well...i also took a kit of hyge right after, the new label from lin, still nothing spectacular...the source i have for rips/hyges is the TOP guy to get it from so whether they are good to go or not, is not the question... but even their best source isn't so great in my opinon...... but people i gave some rips to, felt the sides for their first time...and they enjoy getting them

    norditropin is very expensive even for what im getting it for... id need 2 pens a month to run only 2ius ed... but like they said, 2iu of pharm grade is prob more potent so it prob like 3-4ius of chinese crap... for you guys thinking to get norditropin and run 4-6iu as if your taking chinese shit then you might as well lease an audi s5 for the same monthly price..

    im gonna take 2ius and drop the $ on it to put this chinese vs pharm grade debate to an end, at least for me

  11. #11
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    Bottom line: start low and build up slowly. You might see for yourself you do not need a lot. Top grade doesn't require near as much.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  12. #12
    yea slim, im gonna just run 2iu for 3 months see what happens... gonna cost me a shit load, but ill put this china vs pharm debut to an end

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Slim and Julius, you two got me really excited about doing this Norditropin. Looks like its gonna be a good winter and an even better summer. If the world is gonna end in 2012 I'm gonna go out lookin ripped.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    Slim and Julius, you two got me really excited about doing this Norditropin. Looks like its gonna be a good winter and an even better summer. If the world is gonna end in 2012 I'm gonna go out lookin ripped.
    LOVE IT! I feel the same way.....Here's to 2012!
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

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