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Thread: Common HGH sides for a newb?

  1. #1

    Common HGH sides for a newb?

    I started HGH at 3 IU’s a day 5 on 2 off. Im taking it all at one time around mid-day. I have been on it for about 8 days now and i think I’m already having some sides. I was looking it all up and i can’t seem to just find info on some normal common sides of HGH. I found side effects but can’t find what is usually expected and if they go away or what stays while you’re on it. so anyways so far i don’t know if it’s from the hgh but I’ve definitely had the runs sense i started 8 days ago, i also feel fat as hell and my feet go numb allot easier then they use to. SO i looked up sides and i found all of these under HGH. Diarrhea, numbness is more common, and water retention is common. so do these go away? and what else should i be expecting and do they also go away? Thanks for the help guys.
    Last edited by Thediesel85; 08-07-2011 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Common sides at reasonable doses are: lethargy, joint pain (which means you should lower your dose a bit), tingling and numbness in extremeties, bloating.
    Most of these sides should become less prominent once your body becomes accustomed to the extra GH (should take a few weeks).
    IDK about the diarrhea.

    The scarier sides don't usually occur until you start mega-dosing. (i.e. acromegaly, insulin resistance, intestinal growth)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Why are you taking HGH at 25?

    What are your other stats and goals?

    And why are you injecting mid-day and not early AM?
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  4. #4
    healing injuries is why im taking it. the person i talk to most about my cycle suggested for me to take it mid day. said to late at night will suppress my natural gh, and my natural gh is at its peak in the morning, and at its lowest mid day without anything. so he suggested i take it at that point? im just going off of what he told me. im taking it for the reason of healing some injuries, and the benefits from it are all a plus that i wouldn't mind having. how would you brake it apart? im also going to go on test in a bit because i was told at a lower dose it would increase the benefits of the gh and also help with healing.

  5. #5
    anyone know about the diarrhea? it could just be a coincidence and im sick at this time but figured it came on the same time i started injecting.

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