Hi People,
I was hoping for some feedback on my proposed plan from some of you experienced Insulin users. I have laid out my plan, please comment where applicable.
My reasons for trying insulin is because I feel that no matter how much I eat, I don't utilise any where near the nutrients I should be. This is where I believe insulin will help me.
I will be starting next week at 2ius of fast acting insulin post w/o, increasing this by 1iu per day until I reach a maximum of 10ius.
I will be injecting only once per day post work out, as this is my first insulin cycle.
I will be consuming a carb drink consisting of 90 grams of carbs straight after injection, then chicken and rice 1 hour later.
I will carry glucose tablets with me at all times incase of hypo.
Cycle length will be 4 weeks on 4 weeks off.
I have been reading about this subject for some time now and feel as though my plan is pretty sound, but would like input if possible.
On one of the threads I read, it advised that you should not do post w/o injections as you already have a natural nutrient uptake window that was provided by your workout. It says you should use that window first, then use insulin after that window has closed, thus giving your body 2 nutrient uptake windows. Does this make sense? It also says that an advanced insulin user would inject 3 times per day, so as to be in an anabolic state all day.