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  1. #1
    secureman40's Avatar
    secureman40 is offline New Member
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    New Orleans

    HGH NOT FOR SALE Just for those wanting to know what it looks like

    someone else had a post and I could not add a picture so I posted this one instead As Marcus has said many of times Generic HGH ( you better watch out).
    I have to get this for my son for the last 5 years so thats how I know of it being legit beside the hefty price it cost my family.
    the moderators on here are very knowlegable of what is good and what isnt. So take their word for it when they give advice it just may save you alot of money.
    Use this as only a guide. it comes in different forms this is just what he has to take for growth.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH NOT FOR SALE Just for those wanting to know what it looks like-hgh-003.jpg  

  2. #2
    juttsdm5's Avatar
    juttsdm5 is offline Associate Member
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    you lucky mother F............

    what are you trying to do man, i amlost passed out . def fell off my chair. come on man ! lol

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    whats your address and when will you not be home

  4. #4
    secureman40's Avatar
    secureman40 is offline New Member
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    I know what you mean Jutts. When I was younger and doing cycles and seeing the older guys using the HGH and talking about how much it cost I like to passed out also. I wish I could have had this stuff years back like in my younger days when I was using AAS . I never knew I would have this , it was just something my son needed but now he has finished using it and this is what is left over.. I only use 1.5 iu a day so I dont know what the hell I will do..

  5. #5
    secureman40's Avatar
    secureman40 is offline New Member
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    New Orleans
    Des I dont know if I can post it. But the cost is way way up there . I have the bill right here and man I can buy me a used car lol

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