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Thread: HELP : GENOTROPIN Pfizer

  1. #1


    ok ive decided to switch to this hgh after using norditropin for so long , i got the 5.3 mg "16iu" catridges but without the pen so i have to use standard insulin syringe. can you please help me understand how it works like how can i measure 3 iu's , 4 iu. i tried reading all the guides i found even the sticky one on this one but its all different !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kazlow View Post
    ok ive decided to switch to this hgh after using norditropin for so long , i got the 5.3 mg "16iu" catridges but without the pen so i have to use standard insulin syringe. can you please help me understand how it works like how can i measure 3 iu's , 4 iu. i tried reading all the guides i found even the sticky one on this one but its all different !!!
    is it a 1.5 ml cartridge? why the switch ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    depends on how many ml's are in the pen. then its just math 16iu/ml

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    depends on how many ml's are in the pen. then its just math 16iu/ml
    Exactly !

  5. #5
    5.3 mg + 1ml so so 16 iu in 1 ml cartridge . but how would that measure on an standard 100 isnulin syringe. how would i get 1 iu , 2 , 3 , 4.

    thank you in advance for this help as i am confused as hell !

  6. #6
    The 25 mark on your slin pin will equal 4ius.

    8 = 3ius
    12.5 = 2ius
    6= 1iu

  7. #7
    when its mixed it adds up to 1.15ml in d cartridge so 16 iu in 1.15ml.

    can someone please give me the mathematical formula to do this ? how can i fully understand it on a u100 syringe ,

    please help i need to know how to shoot 3 , 4 iu's

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kazlow View Post
    i got the 5.3 mg "16iu" catridges
    OK, I am new to these forums, so pardon me if I am not responding in proper fashion.

    Does it say 16iu or 16mL (or both)? Is it already mixed?
    You have 5.3 mg of rHGH in the cartridge

    1 mg rHGH= 3iu

    So you have a total of 15.9 iu rHGH. In a 16mL cartridge that is about 1iu/mL, so actually in that case, it would work out 1:1.

    Please don't take my word for that, I'd be happy for others to verify my units/conversions; but this is what I've figured out for my own dose, I think it is correct.

    How do you use the cartridge without the pen it goes in? (my pen is already pre-assembled and has a "dial" on the side where i just dial the dose in mg- is that what you have?)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm confused on this as well. I just mixed the solution today, and there is no way that there is 36iu in it. Trying to figure out how much I need to take for 2iu/day. It says 12mg 36iu on the pen. Does this mean that every mg is equal to 3iu? How many milligrams are in a 10iu bottle of Hyges?
    Last edited by Relax007; 08-23-2014 at 06:24 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007
    I'm confused on this as well. I just mixed the solution today, and there is no way that there is 36iu in it. Trying to figure out how much I need to take for 2iu/day. It says 12mg 36iu on the pen.
    the pen has 36iu per ml and yeah it's all in one ml.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007
    I'm confused on this as well. I just mixed the solution today, and there is no way that there is 36iu in it. Trying to figure out how much I need to take for 2iu/day. It says 12mg 36iu on the pen.
    .1 on a ml slin pin is 3.6 ius

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hou much would that be in insulin pins, b/c they didn't send me the needle tops for them, so I have withdraw with the insulin pins.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007
    Hou much would that be in insulin pins, b/c they didn't send me the needle tops for them, so I have withdraw with the insulin pins.
    that's what I'm saying. On a 100 unit syringe 10 will be 3.6 I us

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I think every 1iu in the insulin pen is equal to what normally is 3iu.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Too much confusion, What is wrong with everyone on here its basic maths... If its 16iu in that cartridge and its a total of 1ml of liquid thats is 16iu/ml....

    If you want to take 8iu thats .5ml(count and work it out on your insulin needle)

    Now we also have other concentration that they can come in like 36iu(12mg) and its in a 1.5ml liquid cartridge. Again do the maths 36iu/1.5ml....

    .33mg(HGH) = 1iu
    1mg(HGH) = 3iu

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thank you! That's what I thought.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hephens
    Too much confusion, What is wrong with everyone on here its basic maths... If its 16iu in that cartridge and its a total of 1ml of liquid thats is 16iu/ml.... If you want to take 8iu thats .5ml(count and work it out on your insulin needle) Now we also have other concentration that they can come in like 36iu(12mg) and its in a 1.5ml liquid cartridge. Again do the maths 36iu/1.5ml.... .33mg(HGH) = 1iu 1mg(HGH) = 3iu
    The 36iu pen is 1ml liquid.

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