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Thread: How long before HGH levels come down in the blood

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    How long before HGH levels come down in the blood

    Hello all,

    Im 31 and i started some pharma grade recently. Im going to be going through a clinic this month.

    My question is how long should i go with nothing before i take my blood test with them. I need to make sure my IGF 1 levels are low enough for them to perscribe. I know HGH is only active for a short time, i want to be sure seeing im spending a good anount on the test. I want to make sure its low for the test.

    anyone have any feedback ?

  2. #2
    not sure exactly how long but i would stay off for 2weeks then stay up for a day or two before the test(no sleep)and you should come back low.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    i was thinking 2 weeks as well .. anyone else have any ideas ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    bump it up ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    One thing to remember, is that doctors measure IGF-1 as an inferential measurement of HGH. HGH is out of your system in a matter of hours, while IGF-1 rises and falls more slowly. Going without sleep will knock down your natural production of HGH, but I cannot say how much impact that would have on your IGF-1 level in your bloodstream.

    I know that four days after starting HGH, my IGF-1 level increased about 20%, which was a relatively small increase. I waited 4 weeks for my final reading, which did give me a good idea of what the impact of taking HGH actually was.

    I think 2 weeks is good, but 4 weeks would be better. I believe that there are people with better knowledge of the issue than I. I hope that someone comes forward with more solid information as far as time to erase the impact of HGH treatment, so that you can make a more informed decision.

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