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Thread: Help with first peptide cycle

  1. #1

    Help with first peptide cycle

    Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place but here it goes.

    Age - 19
    Weight - 180lbs
    Training time - 8 months

    I just finished my first ever cut from being 240lbs obese to 180lbs. Very pleased to be an average weight after being so fat for so long.
    My ultimate long term goal is the ripped physique and I was originally planning on taking AAS in a year or 2, once my body had developed more.
    However, I have heard about the wonders of peptides and I hear that they are much safer for someone my age. Is it ok to use these even though my base isn't all that great.

    My cycle would be ghrp6 and cjc1295 together.

    This will be my first ever bulk, and yes my diet is in check as is my training.
    Last edited by JFree92; 09-11-2011 at 05:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    Peptides are like taking GH. Taking GH at 19 is a really really bad idea. Taking real CJC-1295 at your age is the kiss of death since it causes GH bleed. You really should wait until you are 25 to do any AAS or GH.

    While you are waiting for your 25th birthday, keep working out in the gym. You have accomplished so much already. If you are down to good fat %, work on keeping that fat % where it is and start adding muscle. It's hard to add muscle when you are dropping 60 lbs over 8 months. It's really impossible to add muscle and get ripped at the same time. And it takes time to add muscle. Even if you were doing AAS, it won't help you musch unless you also know how to eat to grow muscle and not add a bunch of fat. So take the next few years to learn that while you add muscle the natural way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Agreed with the above information.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    I would add a few more years to the hgh as in waiting until at least 30. Not worth it beforehand since you already produce a lot of gh much less risking a negative feedback loop.
    Meantime take advantage of your hormones and build a great foundation.

    Hope you enjoy the site~
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

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