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  1. #1
    geardup is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004

    First hgh dosing question

    I am 28 years old, 5'10 225 at approx 15%bf.
    Been an advanced cycle stacker for last 8 years off and on

    My question is

    I am just starting my first cycle of HGH. I at my 2nd week at 2IU a day
    I am splitting the dose with 1iu early am and 1iu postworkout (5pm)

    From all the litereature i am reading it takes a substantial amount of time for HGH to actually get into your system and start producing results (8-10 weeks?)

    My plan was to stay on 2iu, week 1-4
    3iu 4-8
    4 iu from week 8 on

    But where it takes so long to start working would it be worth my while to stay at 2iu to let it get into my body for the first 8 weeks before i start ramping it up?

    Also at the moment i am just running 12.5 T3 ed and 40mg anavr ED

    I am waiting till i hit the 3 month mark and i will be stacking
    750mg test e wk 15wks
    100mg tren eod 6 weeks
    600mg eq wk for 15 weeks

    Like some feedback on what to do with the gh dosing thanks

  2. #2
    juttsdm5's Avatar
    juttsdm5 is offline Associate Member
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    i wouldnt worry about splitting 2IUs up. I would be more worried when you take the 2. I shoot first thing in the morning, then i wait an hour to eat. You body wont be able to process insulin the right way. Im usually at 94 in the morning for a sugar count, When im on HGH im at 108 or so in the morning while fasting all night.

    Take your 2 first thing, wait an hour then eat. If you start taking more than 3 you can start splitting doses.

  3. #3
    geardup is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004


    How long do u figure i should just stick to 2 ius? Theres not much point of ramping it up for a few months would there be? until it actually gets in my system and starts working?

  4. #4
    geardup is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    also i am having mixed reviews on using nolva while on hgh, some are saying it has an effect on the bodys igf-1 production, i was planning to run 20mg per day when i started my test, but considered running it before to block estrogen altogether any thoughts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I am guessing the reasoning for using 2iu is specifically fat loss, correct? No need to split them up. I take 5iu ED and don't even split that up

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by geardup View Post
    How long do u figure i should just stick to 2 ius? Theres not much point of ramping it up for a few months would there be? until it actually gets in my system and starts working?
    your not understanding the getting in your system and seeing effects.
    gh is is in your system the day you take it. But to see results it takes months. Its not like aas. is a slow steady process. So yes it does matter what dose you take in the begining. its not "wasted" because you are waiting for it. And in a few months you arent going to see magical results off of higher doses.

  7. #7
    geardup is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    yes im looking for health benefits, and some fat loss going to stick to 2iu per day, then goto 3 and stay there... As for nolvadex ? Should i avoid it while being on hgh

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